
The Ultimate Superman System

ChiseldPotato · アニメ·コミックス
24 Chs

Trying It Out

....The scene of David opening his arms to embrace the sun was noticed by many people and soon word spread about him.

David being lost in his own world didn't pay them much attention.

Many people from many walks of life noticed him floating, when one suddenly questioned "Why does he look like David the war hero from history class?"

Everyone soon put two and two together, and again his fame soared becoming an instant sensation.

"No way they look exactly the same!"

"That has to be a lookalike there's no way David is back"

Countless people were left shocked and loads more where left absolutely denying the rumour.

It could be said that the citizens where only guessing but many high-level executives clearly realized the similarities.


"Yes, he is back!"

Fury threw a file in front of the world's top leaders, making sure to hold a stern face, whilst his sporadic emotions surged on internally.

And the only credible source for Davids come back was Coulson who reported what he had been told by David himself.

"Ok, Fury, I don't really care if that is David or some random individual, I just want to know how somebody can be that strong"

"His strength... To be able to easily play around with Ross's rogue experiment, which we all here know, was far to strong for even our artillery to faze it, on top of that he has the ability to fly at a speed that can easily break the sound barrier... And on top, whatever he did with his eye"

"According to the information we have, David was originally classed as a powerful human who had better stats than Captain America, and was still in the category of being a human being but now..."

The upper echelons of the world continue to discuss the issue whilst ordering missions to Fury making sure he completes them at a later date.

Fury took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Everyone has their secrets... Besides do you really think David would tell as about it? Although he is an easy guy to talk to I doubt he would say anything if you just brought it up. And do you think he would talk to you when he has the ability to oppose you"


After the meeting, Fury squinted as he looked out of a window, whilst he slowly put down a document:

"Why is the world changing faster than we can keep up. Disasters around the world keep increasing year by year, and the number of Mutant awakenings are also a problem waiting to happen... It seems using out dated strategies to deal with it, is itself also a problem. I guess it's time to enact the superhuman protocol"

And David's appearance is simply perfect, him being brave and tenacious, makes him perfect if Fury was to add him into his plan.

"If I add in Captain America and have the two of them leading a team, it's would bring me all the peace of mind"

Fury rested on his chin.

He had this idea for a long time, S.H.I.E.L.D's secret list has a lot of records about David and his new abilities, plus some interesting people with similarly strange abilities, that they been observing for quite some time.

But the production of superhuman squad's is indeed an indisputable fact for the safety of the masses.

With a sigh Fury finished off: "Hope it all goes well, David, I hope you're still the same as you used to be..."

"Sir, we have monitored that David has flown to Malay Island, purpose still unknown, and his energy index has become stronger yet again" Hill said hurriedly giving over her report.

Fury raised his brow: "How has he gotten stronger again?"

"According to our scientists' calculations, he should still be in his abilities awakening period, so their waiting for him to only get stronger until it stabilizes"

"His already so powerful and it's still awakening... Fortunately, it's David. If it were someone else, we would have be in big trouble" Fury said in a low voice.


At the moment, over the Pacific Ocean.

David displayed his terrifying speed. He slowly increased the speed, reaching mach 5 and it was still climbing. Every second he absorbed the sun, he became stronger than before.

David said through a headset "J.A.R.V.I.S, mobilize the satellites to pay close attention for any anomaly that appears in outer space, I want you to give me any relevant information as soon as possible"

~Getting on it right away, sir~

"David, I really don't understand, there's only a few research ships out there, worthy of no one's attention?" Tony's voice come through the headset.

"I just need my own armor, Tony, with my strength, a regular suit can't handle a high-intensity fight" David laughed.

Tony chuckled "Old man my armor will do just fine it's made of the best carbon fiber out there"

David shook his head: "Nephew, we'll have to see if it stands up to the task"

David however had his mind set on the most suitable type of armor out there which was a symbiote...

If his memory serves him right he was heading right for where the plot of "Venom" began.

With a bang David accelerated off again, reaching mach 7 whilst he teared a ravine through the ocean.

Soon, arriving over the Malay Islands, he quickly looked it over, he chose a jungle like area to land in, to wait patiently.

"I think it's about time whilst I have nothing to do so I might as well give my Cyborg branch abilities a test run..." David said with a smile as he was going to use the new lineage.

Shortly after a mysterious feeling came over him, as his suddenly gained the ability to perceive electronic signals, of all wave lengths, giving him the strange feeling of hearing all the countless networks of information, that could be grasped...

He could even use his connection to these networks to break through there said firewalls and directly control the mechinary behind it.

Cyborg Superman's, abilities where definitely an amazing power to have in this modern day world.

~Sir I have found something~

David however had already raised his head way before J.A.R.V.I.S needed to say anything, seeing as with the Cyborg Superman's powers he caught a faint single and when he went to look with his Super Vision.

He find a ship that seemed to be in a terrible condition as it headed towards the earth.

David was able to pick up the faint signal that it was transmitting and heard:

"Mayday, mayday, our craft is going down I repeat our craft is going down!"

David continued to listen in on the command center "Somebody figure out anything right now before they parish in the impact!..."

On the ground inside the command center, a huge riot was unfolding within the complex as they scurried around racking their brains.

Although David didn't know what went wrong, but the way it was entertaining Earth's atmosphere at that angle and speed, the people inside where most likely going to die as it burns up.

And seeing this David kicked off the ground, rushing over at a speed so fast he had the air following behind him distorting it's self trying to keep up with him.

Someone inside the command center suddenly pointed at the screen in shock as they screamed: "Look... What is that!"

He pointed, seeing the trail in the air.

This trail shot straight towards the spaceship and stopped right Infront of it showing a figure floating and stretching it's hands out.

With a loud crunch the spaceship suddenly stopped.

And to David's delight...

Notifications sounded out...

[Shock from Dr. Drake, +2 RP]

[Shock from Nick Fury, +3 RP]