
The Ultimate Superman System

ChiseldPotato · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

A Secret Title

With one eye brow raised Tony said "I don't know any S.H.I.E.L.D? J.A.R.V.I.S, would you see them out"

And without looking back, Tony moved onto analyzing David's data, and said: "Hey old man, are you sure your really human? Your indicators have far exceeded that of any human"

David just smiled, and took in a sip of wine, whilst a puff of his cigar followed soon after.

At this time, J.A.R.V.I.S suddenly said ~Sir, I would like to notify you that I am unable to stop him, because he has already bypassed the system and is heading in now~

"What? What was the point in creating you if you can even stop some random intruder! The best my ass... At least tell me how he do it?"

At this point, a figure in a black suit walked in through the front entrance, holding a tablet in one hand and a briefcase in the other, looking like an ordinary office worker.

And whoever it was seemed to be in quite the hurry as he made his way up the stairs, and into where Tony and David where relaxing.

David looked at Tony's face and smirked seeing him play off the fact he had no idea what was going on.

The door soon pushed open and in walked, a man showing off his happy go lucky signature smile: "Nice to meet you, Mr Stark, I'm agent Phil Coulson from S.H.I.E.L.D" he said whilst spotting David out the corner of his eye, with a hint of vague excitement.

David smiled knowing that Coulson played it off very well, that getting into Tony's house was just a simple trick.

On the other hand Tony was not so happy as he thought about how Coulson completely broke through the defense system which J.A.R.V.I.S was supposed to monitor.

"Why are you so happy... I'll definitely sue you... S.H.I.E.L.D? I don't know who you are, but you just wait you'll for sure be fired" Tony was livid with the way this man acted nonchalant about everything.

But Tony hid it very well because he realized that right beside him, was the old man who was the human equivalent of a god.

"So what brought you into my house? Was it for some weapons? because if that is so I can sell my new Jericho missile to you for a special deal... of double the price" Tony grunted.

Coulson gave a big smile: "Sorry Mr Stark, but I'm not here for you, in fact I'm here for David"

After speaking you could see Tony had been shot by Invisible lightning.

Coulson soon opened up the briefcase in his arms and took out a well-sealed bottle of red wine, plus a box of cigars, and handed them over to David.

During this process Coulson couldn't help but trembled in excitement.

"Sir, this is 1982 Lafiten wine. I know you just came back, but I bet you would thoroughly enjoy this and I also procured these Dominican cigars, a classic brand, if the information is correct, your favorite"

Phil Coulson pointed out the names of each and when he was finished he put the briefcase to the side and stood at attention.

Coulson being an agent and a good one allowed no one to see the excitement he had boiling in his heart.

"Oh thank you, but I don't like knowing any agent of S.H.I.E.L.D can just read up on my hobbies"

David said opening the humidor and took in the scent of the cigar, whilst nodding in admiration.

Coulson smiled: "About your information, not every agent gets to know, I only know because I am a seventh-level agent."

David listened and understood: "Who is in charge of S.H.I.E.L.D now?"

No matter how trivial this conversation was Coulson was more than happy to talk: "Nick Fury is the current director"

"What about the last director?" David said wondering out of curiosity.

"Sir, Mr. Pierce, stepped down many years ago" Coulson said with some tension in his voice.

David waved his hand: "No need to be so nervous, I no longer have a public office anymore. I'm also no longer your boss, so please just call me David."

Tony frowned, as he listened in on their conversation.

With the livelier atmosphere Coulson took the opportunity to ask "So, D-David, may I take the liberty in asking, where you've been for the past 63 years? Myself and Director Fury are both interested in finding an answer to that odd question?"

"I was stuck in the North Pole" He said meaningfully

After all he could never just say that he willingly went to sleep in a Kryptonian cryo capsule given to him by the system.

Phil Coulson's expression changed "What about Captain Steve..."

David said waving his hand "He's not dead either. I've assessed the situation in the Arctic the only probably is his still frozen"

Hearing that Coulson still wanted to speak.

But David cut in: "Listen, I will personally retrieve him from the North Pole in the near future but your engineering team needs to prepare for his arrival in advance"

Coulson nodded solemnly, and immediately turned to leave.

Tony finally regained his sanity and said "He just left? what an ass of a guy" he hummed, as he went to upgrade J.A.R.V.I.S's system immediately.

"Good luck, Tony he's a smart guy" David said thinking about all the time Phil bypassed Tony's security.


Tony had spent most of that day and the following night working on whatever he had the attention span to do.

When dawn finally arrived he looked like a zombie but was startled awake by the sound of a window breaking.

"What are you going!" Tony said angrily looking at David, who flew out of the broken window.

"Going to meet the rising sun" He said making his way up to the roof of the building with a bang. Reaching the top and floated there with his legs crossed, looking at the slowly rising sun.

However what he had just done caused the crowed below to jump in fright under the sound of the bang.

As they all looked over the image of a man soaring thought the sky shifted the previously frightening situation in to one of cheers...

"Look, it's Superman!!"

"It really him"

"OMG, I can't wait to tell people"

David accidentally became the hope of the people through his display of power and his almighty presence.

Some people have already secretly given him an exclusive title among the forums.
