
The Ultimate Evolution

I traverse along the pathway of darkness and imagination… Entering the realm born by human imaginations… Challenging Harry Potter’s magic, commanding the great Pirates of the Caribbean Terminating the Terminator’s strength, tearing apart the Matrix’s Hallucination Virus is my slave Endurance my inheritance Growing and hunting in the boundless universe Breaking through boundaries in a mysterious space Desiring evil, conspiracy and betrayer. Who can redeem what was already lost In a battle of demons who can leave an immortal legacy A declining Trump card, Ultimate evolution! I’m… on a journey! We are one!

Rolling Up Soils · SF
1460 Chs

Rooting out the nest

編集者: chuchutrain

Under the incessant hurricane like gunfires of the ‘AMP Suit’, even a thick 3 metres wide tree couldn’t provide coverage for long; blistering into splinters after withstanding the bombardment for few seconds.

After the fanatical rain of fire subsided, several mysterious blue figures jolted out with surreptitious movements as they dispersed into the forest. It felt like fishes abruptly leaping out, graceful in that instance, before splashing down lightheartedly into the depths of the river.

At this moment, Sheyan suddenly darted out from a tree; half-kneeling as he raised a gun. Squinting his eyes, he pasted it against the scoping lens as he raised that ‘Nail gun’ of his. A red suspicious dot swiftly scanned past the trees; naturally, it was the infrared laser, an accuracy target device add-on.