
The Ultimate Evolution

I traverse along the pathway of darkness and imagination… Entering the realm born by human imaginations… Challenging Harry Potter’s magic, commanding the great Pirates of the Caribbean Terminating the Terminator’s strength, tearing apart the Matrix’s Hallucination Virus is my slave Endurance my inheritance Growing and hunting in the boundless universe Breaking through boundaries in a mysterious space Desiring evil, conspiracy and betrayer. Who can redeem what was already lost In a battle of demons who can leave an immortal legacy A declining Trump card, Ultimate evolution! I’m… on a journey! We are one!

Rolling Up Soils · SF
1460 Chs

Foreshadowing against foreshadowing

編集者: chuchutrain

Meanwhile, the other 5 contestants had by now, recognized that battling against Stalo inside this halo was unwise; as they all fled in rapid successions.

Yet while they ran, the chances of frostbite became increasingly potent, with icicles condensing over their feet in succession; not a single one could escape the field of Stalo’s halo. Finally after being getting struck and frozen by Stalo’s ‘Ice Lance’; when all seven were engulfed by the ice-snow cyclones, the cyclones had already combined 5 times. Ultimately in the end, 9 miniature ice-snow cyclones had brazenly evolved into a titanic blizzard tornado of deadliness!!