
The Two or The Many

What is the meaning of being a race? What is the meaning of pursuing knowledge? Why should you be inquisitive toward the dark sky? These are not the questions to be answered here but to be asked. Come along! A universe with countless consciousness awaits you... *** A/Note: The art(picture) is not mine but all other art is...

Sci_Z · SF
1 Chs





As usual, I slowly opened my eyes.

The moving glass in front of me smoothed my 'heart'.

I slowly lifted my leg and placed it to the ground. Positioning my direction and I continued walking. The silence could creep away even the creepiest of those yet it couldn't puzzle the likeness of all 'those' walking through the 'hallway'.


The door slowly opened and I walked inside.

As expected, Perseu was standing in front of me in a welcoming manner. Ignoring it, I walked through and immediately went inside the washroom.

Closing the door, I moved towards the bath tub-looking-capsule. Slowly and habitually, I entered and laid my back.

Suddenly, a holographic 3D screen appeared in front of me. The contents of the screen changed simultaneously for some time and with that, I subtly closed my eyes.

Feeling as if I had just smoked a huge load of pot, I stood still in front of a mirror, a mirror that lay on the empty space with no support. But rather than being physical, the space was inclined to virtual.

'Huh…It's truly worthy of all those credits.'

The red bottom near the mirror was slowly touched. Without giving the surroundings any more attention, I exited the washroom. Taking a seat at the sofa, I focused my attention on the small icon symbolizing the newspaper in front of my eyes. Sure of what I was doing, I moved my finger to the holographic screen.

'It still feels quite odd to use fingers…'

Standing below my knees, Perseu looked at me in an expectant gaze. I moved my hands and gently started patting him. The patting seemed to make him somewhat immobilized. I smiled at the cute expression he had on him.

Since I had already relaxed and replenished enough, I gently carried the cat in my arm and moved towards my room. The room was not that luxurious. A table, a chair and a capsule, normal and as per my need. The table and the chair stood just in front of the door while the capsule was at the far end.

The capsule started automatically, and waiting no longer, I immediately connected myself and my cat to it.

Ohhh… the flux… It feels universal!...

Immediately, my consciousness faded away…

[A/N : Heavenly -Universal]



Taking a seat at the sofa, I focused my attention on the small icon symbolizing the newspaper in front of my eyes. Sure of what I was doing, I moved my finger to the holographic screen.

'It still feels quite odd to use fingers…'

Standing below my knees, Pers– 'What?!...'

My shuddering body struggled to rest. The rush went through and throughout. The thing I always wanted has directly arrived at my doorsteps.

The dread blew away, the sand watered and the heat melted. I could feel the magma boiling all over me. Currently, someone could even look at a star with pity.

'I can't believe it!! Nah! Na! Na! I always wanted to believe it!! Yes! Yes!! Yes!!!'

I have rarely been as excited as this before. Immediately, my pupils contracted and a virtual screen visible to only me appeared in front of me. The options in the screen auto-selected themselves continuously for a few seconds and it closed itself.

I quickly moved my legs with jerky movements but was immediately stopped! I noticed that I had hid the cat. No matter… I ignored it, positioned myself and continued moving towards the exit…