
Life (Bonus)

I'm the beginning of everything; I'm the beginning of creation. I am present in heaven, on earth and in water; I am the questioning of so many and the answer of others. I'm with you from your birth to your death, watching you grow up, watching you face every obstacle I put in your way. I'm the most beautiful being you've ever seen or ever met. I'm the only thing no human being has ever been able to explain. I am the Life. One of the most magical things that ever existed.

And it is precisely because I am the Life, that everyone questions my "why", or else: why are they born, why do they die, and the most frequent question asked by all humanity: What is the meaning of life?

Yes, I will answer each of these questions, because, although humanity is flawed and full of defects, it is still one of the most beautiful creations made by God. So come on, let's go find the answers to your questions.

Each living being in the universe is born for a purpose, some to love unconditionally, others to bring hope to those in need. Each has a mission to be accomplished and when that mission comes to an end, Death comes to meet them. In other words, Life - in my case - is like a clock. Put your hand on your chest and feel your heart beat. Yes, this is the clock of your life ticking the countdown of the time you have left. One day he will stop. This is one hundred percent guaranteed and there is nothing you can do about it. So you can't miss a single precious second. Because yes, death will one day arrive for you as well as for everyone. That is the only answer or certainty about the life that humanity has. The Death. And now comes the answer to the second question: "Why do they die?" Well, every living being dies because that's simply the cycle of life. Just like that. The stars die, people die, plants die, animals, insects, in short, absolutely everything. This is how God created the world, everything that once began; one day will also have its end. But contrary to what many think, Death and I are not opposites, who will say rivals. We're actually sisters, we're almost the same. We walk around holding hands, one completing the other. I'm the beginning and she's the end. But before I answer the last question, I'm going to give you some advice.

Go after your dreams with energy and passion, or else step back and watch it run down the drain. If you spend all your time sitting on the fence, you will end up going nowhere in the little time you have left. It takes courage and determination to live your dreams. Of course, it is also necessary to remember where courage ends and stupidity begins. The truth is that you are all born with the potential for greatness, blessed with the opportunity to reach new and stunning heights. But sadly, many of you are too lazy, too concerned with what others might think, too afraid of change, to spread your wings and use all your talents.

It is very important to do what makes them happy and in the best possible way. It doesn't matter whether it's making snowballs, dancing in the rain, singing, or achieving dramatic effects with a hairdryer. All that matters is that you feel good about what you are doing. Always keep in mind that, whatever you do, mistakes are part of life and do not waste time punishing yourself for past mistakes. Do not mull over whether or not you are doing the right thing. You will always have the answers in your hearts. Instead of being discouraged, always remember that rejection and resistance are inevitable when you do something very important or special.

When you set out to make your dreams come true, many will try to stop you, including those who love you. What are not lacking in this world are regrettable pessimists, who give up on their dreams to say to them: "don't waste your time, you'll never get it". You may very well find yourself surrounded by people who secretly want to see you do less, or fail completely, so as not to feel diminished. So it is important to understand that following your own path can be incredibly rewarding, but it is not easy. You will have better days than others, from time to time everything will seem like a big danger zone. Certain people will look at you strangely when they know what you are trying to achieve and you will begin to listen to your detractors and to have doubts. Remember that everyone has difficulties. It is incredibly tiring to spend days doing things that don't please or interest you. But, if you pursue your dreams and goals, at least you will tire of doing what you like best. You may think that none of this means much, but believe me, it does. When you take everything you can out of your life, savoring every drop, it will change everything around you, from ordinary to extraordinary. When you are doing what you love, you will get up in the morning full of excitement to face the beginning of each day and you will be filled with a sincere, highly contagious joy.

In the same way that, when having a good laugh, it makes another start laughing, and another one, until they are all laughing so much that they start to water, to have stomach pain and difficulties in breathing. But, best of all, doing things that inspire others to pursue their dreams; and that's how my friends, that the world is transformed, that's how to live life! You know what? Even if you make mistakes and are wrong about almost everything, your lives will still be a fantastic and fun adventure; you will sleep each night knowing that you have done what you can and that has made a difference and you will wake up each day anticipating the future as beautiful and exciting as you can imagine.

I hope that these counsels will help you follow this journey with more conviction and determination, because let's agree, I may even be thousands of years old, but I know exactly what will happen to you in every year of your lives, until the moment that I will have to pass the responsibility for my sister, the Death.

Well, and the answer to the last question, the one that most surrounds people's minds: "What is the meaning of life?" Oh, my dear ones, so many answer for that simple question. But let's go. The great meaning of life, or secret if you prefer to call it that, is to love your neighbor as you love yourself, it is to always keep your head up in the face of your problems, it is never to give up something simply because it is difficult, it is to live the today, because tomorrow you will not know what it will be ... Although it is a long way, life passes very quickly, resembling the wind, resembling a leaf on the tree branch, which with a simple breath go. But above all, the great secret of Life is simply to live.

Yes, this is me, the Life. The one that brings you love, happiness, passion, anger, fear, hatred and also hope. I am like a book, which in each hand varies the number of pages, but in the last one, of absolutely everyone, is written the same and with a single word. "End".

"Life is a play that does not allow rehearsals. So sing, cry, dance, laugh and live intensely, before the curtain closes and the play ends without applause." – Charlie Chaplin

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