

Written on the road of life are all the stories to which I was the main creator. Oh, my loves, there were so many moments that I get emotional just to remember! All those passionate smiles, all those eyes shining intensely as the feeling that grew inside each other's chests. Fast-paced hearts, colors and promises, the time simply for, giving you the chance to admire beauty in all that it is.

Who am I? Well, I am that feeling or emotion that leads one to want only the welfare of the other. I am that overwhelming feeling that makes you see only the bright side of things. But unfortunately I am also the one who makes many suffer, who makes many cry. You still don't know who I am? But now they will know. I am Love. And now I will tell you all my secrets, I will reveal all my truths.

I emerged from an act of kindness thousands of years ago, when a young woman helped a poor deserted man, giving him his hand to stand up, patiently treating each of his wounds. She encouraged and supported him, and when people asked why she did that, she replied, "Everything I did was for love."

I am a strong and very intense feeling, and like Life, I am present in every corner of the universe. But contrary to what many people think, I am not something "easy to happen", it may even appear in a spontaneous moment, but Love - in my case - must be learned. Instead of being a mere feeling that happens, I am a faculty that must be studied in order to develop. Yes, I am like an art, just like Life itself. If you want to learn how to love yourself, you must do the same as you would if you wanted to learn any other art, be it music, painting, carpentry, the art of mechanics or engineering. I'm not saying no one's born in love. For from the moment a being is generated he already acquires the power to love, but that love evolves as he walks, because there are different types of love and although they all have the same essence, both have their differences.

There is maternal and paternal love, which is that pure love, full of affection and security that parents transmit to their children. There is brotherly love, which is that brother's love, but it does not necessarily have to be blood, but it is love that fills your chest with happiness. There is the love of a friend, which is that love that is fun and full of spontaneity. There is also that physical or platonic love, where to a tender and burning feeling, where the absolute dedication of one being to another. There is love of life, love of nature, love of animals, selfless love, platonic love, unconditional love and self-love. There is also forbidden love, which happens when two people cannot be together. The best known forbidden love affair is that of Romeo and Juliet. And in spite of forbidden loves being the most desired, they are also the most painful and often tragic.

Love is usually known as the summit, that is, it is unconditional, unique and impossible to describe accurately. Love is such a pure and clear feeling that it has been the inspiration for many artists for centuries. Love is beautiful, it is worthy, it is simple, it is courageous, charming, capable of hurting and healing at the same time. Yes, love, despite being one of the most beautiful feelings in the universe, also hurts, bruise and destroys.

I never wanted to hurt anyone, I never wanted to be a cause for tears, but it was inevitable. I didn't pay attention, I didn't realize it and by the time I realized it was too late. One of my greatest qualities has always been to love one another unconditionally, it has always been to love everything and to everyone who made up the universe, but what I did not know was that love was also one of my greatest defects. Precisely because I loved too much was that I started the Jealousy, then the Anger and soon after the Hatred, which although it did not seem, one day already loved me too much. But if you're thinking that the consequences of me loving too much end up out there, you're sorely mistaken. It was almost unbearable to see so many people suffering for love, and it was right there, in that mixture of feelings, that Fear arose. People who had their hearts hurt because of love began to feel fear. Fear of getting hurt again, fear of having their souls injured once again, and it was because of this fear that many spent the rest of their lives in the company of Solitude.

And since then, everyone, at some point, has suffered for love and if not, believe me, they will still suffer. Everyone will still know this chest pain, which spreads like a plague through your body. It's inevitable. Everyone will one day feel ignored, lonely, broken. Some will go through this at times, others, their whole lives. And everyone will make someone feel that way, purposely or not. You will also love those special people, whether you're boyfriends, colleagues or friends. Those people who make you, or have done you good. They will participate in important moments in their lives. And you will always carry those memories in your hearts. Like it or not. They can wear out over time, they can break, even hurt you in the end. Love will be 50% of the time the reason for your crying, your pain. He makes you bleed, suffocates you, kills you little by little. But it will also be 50% of your smiles, of your joys. It will leave you ecstatic and make your look on life change, making it much more intense, much more colorful.

As I already said; you're still going to hurt a lot of people, but it doesn't necessarily mean you're doing it on purpose. No, absolutely not. The point is that while human beings love unconditionally, they also hurt each other. This is inevitable. Human beings destroy, kill. They are no different, even with the species itself. They were created that way. Flawed and defective. At some points in your life, you must have already spoken ill of someone. They must have left someone aside without realizing it. You may have seen someone being mistreated, but just didn't care, or if they did, it wasn't enough and didn't do anything to change that.

That's one of the lessons I want to pass on to you. When you love, there's also the risk of hating. It's inevitable, because love is like that. That's who I am. But... What if it wasn't the love? If it wasn't for love there would be no plans, no wills, no jealousy, no hurt hearts. But there would also be no ideality, no desires, no joys. Living without love is like being dead. People who live without love, without friends, without anyone, are dead people. They don't live, they survive. Everyone's had a fight with friends and family. Over time you will lose or have already lost people you considered important or meaningful in your lives. They're going to lose loved ones, they're going to distance themselves from their family. But what will make them strong in difficult times are the good memories of the love they have already experienced.

There are those people who grow up without love, without family or friends, but one day they learn to love. There are those people who are born with everything, but for not taking care properly they end up losing. There are also those who conquer, either with a simple act of kindness, or with a smile. All of these people have one thing in common. They are all looking for something to heal them. They all seek something. They all look for the same thing. Love. Such a beautiful thing and at the same time so destructive. So desired and yet so feared. A feeling that makes people kill and love at the same time.

And what does all this mean? Well, living isn't easy and love isn't easy either. Bad feelings can torment many hearts, but I love each one equally, because that is my essence, that is my fate. Love without looking at who. So don't be afraid my friends. Love without caring about the consequences. Because loving is not only looking at the qualities, but also the defects. To love is not to see only with the eyes, but also with the heart. Loving is not just feeling. To love is to live. And it is better to live loving in the shadow of pain, than to live without loving in the shadow of grudge.

And those were all my secrets, all my truths. This is me, simply Love.

“If one day you have to choose between the world and love remember: if you choose the world you will be without love, but if you choose love, with it you will conquer the world.” – Albert Einstein

deboraduartebcreators' thoughts