
The Travelers legacy

After being summoned to a world filled with magic and mysteries , Max finds himself with a mysterious bracelet on his wrist. The bracelet, which only he can see, appears to be made of a strange, glowing metal and is adorned with intricate designs and symbols. Max quickly discovers that the bracelet has magical properties that allow him to grow plants and train in secret, giving him a unique advantage in the world of magic. As he explores this new world, he also realizes that he possesses ancient magic powers that resemble those from the popular Hogwarts Legacy game he had played before being summoned. With the help of familiar characters from the Harry Potter books, Max sets out to uncover the truth behind his bracelet and its connection to the ancient magic of Hogwarts. As he faces unexpected challenges and makes new friends, Max finds himself in the midst of a battle between good and evil, where he must use his powers to protect the ones he loves and stand up against dark forces that threaten the wizarding world. As Max learns to harness his powers and control the mysterious bracelet on his wrist, he must also keep his identity and magical abilities hidden from both friends and foes. In a world of magic and mystery, Max must find his place and use his unique skills to save the wizarding world from danger.

DaNepz · 映画
6 Chs

:Night bus and the Leaky Cauldron.

Max stepped out of the park and onto the street, taking a moment to orient himself. He needed to get to Diagon Alley, but he wasn't sure how to get there. As he looked around, he suddenly heard a loud noise, and he turned to see a bright purple triple-decker bus emerge from the darkness. It was the Night Bus from the Harry Potter films, but Max never expected to see it in real life. As it came to a stop in front of him, the doors opened with a hiss, and Max stepped inside.

The interior of the bus was just as Max had imagined, with narrow beds lining the walls, a chandelier hanging from the ceiling, and an assortment of luggage and trunks scattered around. The dim light inside the bus added to the otherworldly feel, and Max felt a shiver run down his spine as he tried to take everything in.

Standing in the narrow aisle, Max looked for a seat, but before he could make a move, the bus conductor approached him, holding a ticket machine in his hand. "Where are you headed?" he asked, barely looking up from his task.

"To the Leaky Cauldron," Max replied. The conductor knocked on the window of the sleeping bus driver and said, "Take it away, Ernie." Max didn't have time to look for a seat before the bus lurched forward, and he had to grab onto a nearby pole to avoid falling over.

As the bus moved through the city, Max's eyes darted from one side of the bus to the other, trying to make sense of the dizzying movements. He saw buildings and streetlights flying by, and the loud honking of cars filled his ears. It was like nothing he had ever experienced before.

The bus took sharp turns and sudden stops, and Max had to grip onto a pole to keep himself from falling. He could feel the cool metal pressing against his palm as he held on tightly, his knuckles turning white. Glancing around the bus, Max hoped to catch a glimpse of the driver, but all he saw was the conductor walking up and down the aisle, checking on the sleeping passengers.

The conductor approached Max and asked, "First time on the bus?" Max nodded, feeling a mix of fear and exhilaration. The conductor smiled and said, "Don't worry, Ernie's been driving the Night Bus for years. He's never hit anything, not even a lamppost."

Max let out a nervous chuckle, wondering how it was possible for anyone to drive like that without causing a disaster. He could feel his heart racing in his chest as the bus swerved again, barely avoiding a collision with a large truck.

Finally, the bus came to a screeching halt in front of the Leaky Cauldron, and Max stepped off onto the cobblestone street. The pub, a dingy-looking establishment with a crooked sign, stood before him. Max felt a thrill of anticipation mixed with anxiety as he realized that this was his first real step into the wizarding world.

As he entered the pub, the musty smell of old wood and stale ale hit his nostrils, and Max tried not to wrinkle his nose. The place was dimly lit, with flickering candles casting a warm glow over the room. The walls were lined with dusty bookshelves, and the few patrons scattered around were deep in conversation or enjoying a drink.

Max made his way up to the bar, feeling the weight of the long day beginning to catch up with him. As he approached the bar, the bartender, Tom, looked up from cleaning a mug and offered a friendly smile. "What can I get you."

Max hesitated for a moment, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the array of drinks on the menu. "Just water, please," he replied, feeling a bit self-conscious about his lack of knowledge of the wizarding world.

Tom nodded and poured a glass of water for Max, and as he took a sip, Max mustered up the courage to ask about Diagon Alley.

Tom listened intently as Max asked about how to find the wizarding shopping district, nodding along as Max spoke. Max may have seen the films but he didn't know the specific layout of the alley and where to find the shops to buy what was needed in the Hogwarts letter.

"Ah, Diagon Alley," Tom said. "You'll need to go through the back courtyard and tap 6 specific bricks on the wall to gain entry." But as Tom glanced at the clock on the wall, his expression darkened. "It's 1 am," he said. "Most shops in Diagon Alley will be closed by now."

Max realized that it was late outside and mentally face-slapped himself. But he didn't have a place to go to stay the night. Looking back at Tom, he explained his situation, telling him that he had no money and nowhere to stay the night.

Tom stroked his beard thoughtfully before offering Max a deal. "If you help me serve breakfast in the morning, I'll let you stay the night in one of the rooms upstairs," he said.

Max was grateful for the offer and eagerly agreed. Tom led him to his small but cozy room, complete with a comfortable bed, a desk, and a small window overlooking the street.

"Thanks," said Max.

"I'll wake you up for breakfast service, best get yourself some rest now it can get busy in the morning so you'll need the energy kid," Tom said with a kind smile as he made his way back down to the pub.

After Max closed the door to his room, he let out a deep sigh and took a moment to appreciate the peace and quiet. He then made his way over to his bed and, with a playful grin on his face, he bellyflopped onto the soft blankets and pillows. As he sank into the mattress, he felt a sense of comfort and security wash over him. The events of the day had been surreal, and Max couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and wonder about the adventures that awaited him in the wizarding world. With these thoughts in his mind, Max drifted off to sleep feeling grateful and excited for what the future held.