
The Travelers legacy

After being summoned to a world filled with magic and mysteries , Max finds himself with a mysterious bracelet on his wrist. The bracelet, which only he can see, appears to be made of a strange, glowing metal and is adorned with intricate designs and symbols. Max quickly discovers that the bracelet has magical properties that allow him to grow plants and train in secret, giving him a unique advantage in the world of magic. As he explores this new world, he also realizes that he possesses ancient magic powers that resemble those from the popular Hogwarts Legacy game he had played before being summoned. With the help of familiar characters from the Harry Potter books, Max sets out to uncover the truth behind his bracelet and its connection to the ancient magic of Hogwarts. As he faces unexpected challenges and makes new friends, Max finds himself in the midst of a battle between good and evil, where he must use his powers to protect the ones he loves and stand up against dark forces that threaten the wizarding world. As Max learns to harness his powers and control the mysterious bracelet on his wrist, he must also keep his identity and magical abilities hidden from both friends and foes. In a world of magic and mystery, Max must find his place and use his unique skills to save the wizarding world from danger.

DaNepz · 映画
6 Chs


Max stumbled as he regained his balance, trying to shake off the dizziness that still lingered from the apparition. Professor Sprout steadied him with a firm grip on his shoulder, a reassuring smile on her face. "Welcome to Hogsmeade, Max," she said, gesturing around the village.

Max looked around in wonder, taking in the sights and sounds of the wizarding village. As they walked, he noticed that the village seemed quieter than he expected. The usual hustle and bustle of students and tourists were absent, and the few locals he saw seemed to be going about their business in a quiet manner.

Professor Sprout noticed Max's curious gaze and explained, "As it is summer, most of the Hogwarts students are back home. The village is much quieter than it is during the school year."

"There's the Three Broomsticks," she said, gesturing to a cozy tavern with a thatched roof. "It's a popular spot for Hogwarts students during the school year. They have the best butterbeer in town."

Max looked around in awe as they walked. Honeydukes was next, with its colorful window displays showcasing various sweets and chocolates. Even though it was closed for the summer, he couldn't help but imagine the sugary aroma that must fill the air during the school year.

On the other side of the street was Zonko's Joke Shop, with its bright pink sign and loud music playing from within. Max couldn't help but smile as he imagined the kinds of pranks and gag items that students must have used during the school year.

As they walked further down the street, they came across Dervish and Banges, a shop that sold magical instruments and equipment.

Max listened attentively as Professor Sprout described each of the shops and their unique offerings. He felt a sense of excitement at the thought of exploring this magical village more thoroughly, and he made a mental note to visit each of these shops later.

As they made their way out of the village, Professor Sprout led him down a footpath that wound its way through the countryside. The path was surrounded by lush greenery, and the air was filled with the sweet scent of wildflowers.

As they walked along the footpath, Max stopped in his track, staring at something in the distance. A dark, dense forest lay before him. The forest seemed to stretch on for miles, and its thick canopy obscured much of the sunlight. The air was thick with a sense of foreboding, and Max couldn't help but feel a sense of apprehension as he gazed upon it.

Professor Sprout must have noticed the direction of his gaze because she spoke up, "Ah, that's The Forbidden Forest, it's a dangerous place, Max," she said sternly. "It's best to stay away from it ."

As he stood there, he remembered the stories he had read in the books, tales of students getting lost in the forest or encountering dangerous creatures like centaurs, unicorns, and Acromantulas. He knew that it was forbidden to enter without permission, and that the forest was closely guarded by the Hogwarts Gamekeeper Hagrid.

Despite his reservations, Max couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity and wonder about the forest. He wondered what secrets it held within its ancient trees, and what creatures lurked within its depths. He made a mental note to explore it someday, but only with caution and the utmost respect. He knew that he would need to be prepared for anything if he was to venture into the Forbidden Forest, and that he would need to be careful not to disturb the delicate balance of nature that existed within its borders.

"Look over there that's Hogwarts." Pointed Professor Sprout. Taking his attention away from the forest. Max looked over to where she pointed and saw a giant Castle in the distance. "Quite impressive, isn't it?"

Max's eyes widened as he took in the sight. "It's amazing," he said, his voice filled with awe. "I can't believe I'm finally here."

"As we get closer, you'll see that it's even more impressive up close," said Professor Sprout, leading the way.

As they drew closer to the castle, Max could feel his excitement building. He had always dreamed of attending Hogwarts, like every person who has seen the movies, and now that he was finally here.

As he was walking, he suddenly felt a strange shaking sensation on his arm. Startled, he looked down and noticed that the bracelet he was wearing was the source of the vibration. Perplexed, he stopped in his tracks, wondering what could be causing it.

"You alright there Max." Questioned Professor Sprout, looking at him worryingly.

"Can you see this?" Asked Max.

"See what, you arm?" Said Professor Sprout, staring at him confused.

<She can't see me, Max, remember only you can.> Hearing a voice in his head, Max jumped in surprise.

"Are you sure your alright Max?" said professor Sprout.

"It's nothing Professor, just the dizziness from appearation hasn't gone away." whirly smiled Max. He had forgotten all about his magical bracelet. He had been so caught up with getting ready for Hogwarts that he forgotten about it. Promising himself that he will explore it further once he was settled down.

"If you say so, but if you feel any worse just let me know and we can go get you looked at by Madam Pomfrey. She's the school's nurse by the way and she is responsible for caring for the physical health of Hogwarts' students and staff." Said, professor Sprout.

As they approached the castle, Max could see the details of its intricate design. The stonework was elaborate and ornate, with intricate carvings and intricate patterns etched into the walls. The windows were tall and narrow, with colorful stained glass that shimmered in the sunlight.

As they entered the castle, Max could feel the weight of its history and tradition all around him. The stone walls were cool to the touch, and he could smell the faint scent of old books and parchment. He knew that he was walking in the footsteps of generations of witches and wizards who had come before him, each one leaving their mark on the castle and its legacy.

The interior of the castle was just as impressive as the exterior. The halls were lined with suits of armor that gleamed in the dim light, and Max caught a glimpse of his reflection in their polished surfaces. Paintings hung on the walls, their subjects watching them with curious eyes, and Max couldn't help but wonder what stories they held.

As Max and Professor Sprout made their way through the winding corridors of Hogwarts, Max was amazed by the grandeur of the castle. Every corner seemed to hold a secret, and the castle seemed to stretch out in all directions, revealing new rooms and passages at every turn.

As they climbed a spiral staircase, Max noticed a large statue of a gargoyle blocking their path. Professor Sprout walked up to the statue and spoke a password, causing the gargoyle to spring to life and leap aside, revealing a hidden staircase.

Max followed Professor Sprout up the staircase, his curiosity piqued by the voices coming from behind the large wooden door at the top. As they reached the landing, Professor Sprout knocked twice, causing the voices inside to abruptly fall silent. A moment passed before a voice from within called out, "Enter."