
Changing Destiny

In a room, a blond elf observed Gadon while he just watched the chat, but it seemed he was observing the elf. In the chat, everyone was talking about how he was Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider, whose destiny many considered most unjust because he fought against the Plague and even served the Burning Legion out of desperation as his people were dying. But here, that destiny could be changed, so many advised him to forge a friendship with the Sun Prince. Kael'thas introduced himself to the elf before him, "I am Kael'thas, Prince of Quel'Thalas." Everyone in the chat was surprised but remembered the Sun Prince had an aristocratic temperament. 

As the Sun Prince waited for the elf to introduce himself, the door opened for a guard and the Sun King, who asked them to leave as he wanted to speak alone with his son and Gadon. Everyone in the chat was excited, thinking a new mission would be given. When the Sun King sat down, he told his son that thanks to the brave warriors following this elf, they were able to defeat the Amani tribe. This left the Sun Prince confused. He then looked at the elf before him, not understanding why so many warriors would fight for him. 

The Sun King explained why he had called his son - he would stay for a week and wanted him to be guided by Gadon in what was once Zul'Aman, to which Gadon agreed but first asked where his son had been. The Sun King only said that since the nobles did not like the idea of helping the crown, and because of their corruption, many royal guards died, so he sent his son to Dalaran, the seat of the Kirin Tor, but his son would explain that while he hoped Gadon could guide him on some matters he had.

The Sun King allowed his son to stay so he could learn and listen. The Sun Prince just observed and listened attentively to the conversation. The Sun King asked Gadon to send 10 of his warriors to Kul Tiras, as the orcs have taken control of the dragons. This did not surprise Gadon or those watching the stream, as in history the orcs managed to control the dragons by possessing the Dragon Soul artifact to control Alexstrasza. This allowed everyone in the chat to remember they were now in the Second War, so many events would occur unless they changed them. Many recalled the death of Derek Proudmoore, son of the King of Kul Tiras - a sad ending for a brave warrior.

Recalling this, the Sun King turned his gaze to his son, who did not understand until Gadon coughed a little. "Well, if that is all, your majesty, I will retire. You will have the 10 warriors ready to depart tomorrow morning." This satisfied the Sun King, and he watched as Gadon left the room. Looking at his son, the Sun King only told him to be careful with this elf, as it was not normal for thousands of warriors to fight for him. The Sun Prince just observed Gadon's back.

At his home, Gadon prepared 10 players to go help and another 10 to fight, which he would command. When he summoned the 20 players, they just observed him. He asked Ponpota to open a portal to where the red dragons were located. Ponpota recalled the place, as he had searched for where the orcs controlling the red dragon queen were - the Highlands. When he opened the portal, all the players wanted to enter, but Gadon told them only ten and himself would go in. The other 10 would meet the elves to go to Kul Tiras. This confused many, since they only had three hours of playtime, to which Gadon said they could keep paying to keep playing. Many players put ellipses, as it seemed absurd to have to do that when they already paid to play - it was the same as what the developer did to them. Gadon turned into a goblin and told them, "Time is money, colleagues, and you'll have to pay to play." Saying this, he went through the portal, leaving the players astonished and those in the chat laughing, as it wasn't much different from what they really thought of a goblin. Many forgot Gadon was a goblin.

In that place, the 10 players pointed out where the dragon riders, better known as Dragonmaw, were located. They watched as these riders flew with the dragons, leaving many players envious, wanting to go and finish them off. But first they had to rescue the red dragon queen. Ponpota gave Gadon the map, and as their commander he ordered them to first destroy the defenses, leaving everyone in confused thoughts, but there was no time to think. He quickly ordered the attack, thinking they had unlimited lives. Many players got excited and prepared their abilities, while others observed the map to know which bosses to go for first.

Upon arriving, they were received by several red dragons fighting to the death. The players died but since they revived, they didn't let the dragons rest, as it wasn't like in the game where once you died they recovered their life - here it was different since once you died, they couldn't recover. This encouraged many and they began attacking all the dragon riders and dragons. Once their defenses were destroyed, it was easier to enter and see the whole place. In the game, this place was never developed in detail, so it seemed new to them. 

Gadon was also surprised by everything that could be observed. Even those watching the stream sent messages to the chat saying they should develop this as a dungeon, but Gadon didn't pay attention to the chat and observed the dragon eggs, thinking if he could take them. Many players even approached them, thinking baby dragons would appear like in the game. But this wasn't the case, leaving the players a bit confused, but they assumed it was to protect the player.

In that place, several orcs attacked them but were defeated since without the red dragons they couldn't do much, and no longer had their dragons because they had been defeated by the players. Almost at the end of the cave they were in, they observed a shining disc - they all knew this was the Dragon Soul artifact. They could also see the red dragon queen, chained and sleeping in dragon form. The players quickly tried to grab the artifact, but just before that, several orcs and dragons appeared to stop them. 

Gadon just observed from afar, as did everyone in the stream, surprised by the level of detail of the chains and even the artifact. Several players were surprised because the orcs kept appearing, as if it were now the game, since in the game many enemies can appear. But they realized here it was not the same. After having finished off more than 200 enemies, only about 10 came out last, ending this battle.

When the battle ended, they realized the red dragon queen was observing them, as she had awoken from the noise of the battle. When she saw this, Gadon quickly bowed before the red dragon queen and greeted her cordially. "Greetings, my queen, we have come to rescue you." The red dragon queen just observed them and pointed at the Dragon Soul artifact. 

Gadon didn't understand this but assumed she wanted the artifact. When he went for it, a notification window appeared: "Dragon Soul artifact - Consume power." This surprised Gadon, as he didn't think he could consume this artifact. But then he realized it only said "Consume power," not "Consume artifact," so he could consume only the power of the Dragon Soul, leaving it as a useless artifact so it wouldn't affect the dragons.

Many in the chat explained this to him. Gadon just replied "Yes," feeling his body become lighter and a strength he hadn't had before. The red dragon queen looked at the artifact and wanted to destroy it, but thought it would be impossible. When she grabbed the Dragon Soul, she no longer felt its power, surprising her. She looked at the goblin beside her and asked in a trembling voice, "What did you do?"

Gadon thought they had discovered him. "A nice artifact, your majesty. But I don't understand why to fear it." The queen was suspicious but decided it was better that the Dragon Soul no longer had power over the dragons. She just thanked him, turned into a dragon, and left the place with the Dragon Soul artifact. Gadon thought she would give him a reward, but she gave nothing.

Many players expected rewards but didn't know what the boss was until they saw an orc next to a larger dragon, the orc wearing a strange helmet. When they looked up that orc, they found a dragon egg in the description saying they had to wait a week for the egg to hatch and thus obtain a red dragon mount. Many players tried to get the dragon egg until Ponpota was given it, delighting him but angering the others since he was the only player with a flying mount.

When they wanted to leave, several players noticed the Raid Finder had something new - the raid to recover the red dragon queen, meaning they could also obtain a flying mount. Gadon didn't pay attention to this, he was thinking about the power he had absorbed. He assumed it was like taking something away, but he didn't know that when they left the place, there were dwarf riders there. When they saw them land and get off their mounts, the players and Gadon asked the dwarves what happened. They just said they had defeated the orcs who were there. All the dwarves looked at each other, thinking it was a joke, so the players and Gadon left since they didn't want to explain anything. 

With the end of the orcish dragonriders, the fate of Derek Proudmoore would no longer occur, or so Gadon hoped. As he headed to the portal to return home, a bronze dragon appeared before him. It just looked at him and murmured, "So this is the anomaly. Well, let me correct it." The dragon lunged, determined to attack Gadon. All the players protected Gadon, badly wounding the bronze dragon. The dragon transformed - they realized it was Chromie, the bronze dragon who helps players. Finding herself surrounded, she just closed her eyes and awaited her end. But no one moved, they just observed her. Gadon asked her why she attacked him. Chromie told him he should not exist. 

All the players awaited Gadon's response, but the goblin just headed to the portal, telling the bronze dragon, "Many things should not exist. But they still do. Maybe you don't understand now, but ask those who were once bronze dragons." Chromie watched as they all headed into the portal. Until the last one entered, and the portal disappeared, leaving the dragoness thinking but not understanding the goblin's words.