
Discovering the Changes

Gadon looked around and realized he was in Kul Tiras. "What does this mean?" he asked the player. But the player just looked at him.

Player 1: We can help you. But keep in mind that much of the history that will and is happening has to be changed. I remember the story of the Infinite Dragonflight. 

Player 2: I guess, but can we really change it? Can we get rid of that fatalistic future?

Ponpota: Well, think about it, we can't force him. But we can live our own adventures.

Lopan: And besides, we have to pay 100 gold for three hours. Doesn't seem too bad, but doesn't seem good either. And I feel like the price will go up.

Jol: I suppose, but remember, we can change it. The problem is Gadon is the only one who knows we're players, and the bad thing is the game itself prevents us from attacking him.

Ponpota: Maybe this is a good thing. If he dies, we go back to our world and this place will cease to exist. I remember the Infinite Dragonflights themselves mentioned that.

Jol: It's possible, but reviewing the history that will happen, they tried to change it many times, and even succeeded. The problem was what came after - time inconsistency problems, paradoxes appearing. You all remember the event?

Lopan: Which one? I remember several events. I only played from Cataclysm and didn't even like the deathwing event.

Gimir: I remember the Legion one well.

Gadon just watched them converse as Kul Tiras guards approached.

Ponpota: Anyway, let's help the goblin. After all, he's the portal that can bring us back and the only one who can do it. If he falls, we disappear. Honestly, I like this realm, this server, better.

Gimir: True, we can change events here. The problem is that we're enemies of the bronze dragons now. I don't know if we're the bad guys now. 

Lopan: Remember that the bronze dragons become allies of the Infinite Dragonflight.

Jol: But it will take a long time for that.

Ponpota: We can speed up that future, can't we?

Gimir: Let's try to help him in whatever we can, and when the time comes to talk to the bronze dragons, we'll summon the Infinite Dragonflight.

Gadon thought about what they were saying and realized they were right - he can't just treat them like characters. They know this is an alternate reality, so if they try to view it like the game itself, they're only misleading themselves more. "Well players, I should apologize, as you said, you can live your adventures. The problem is if you change things you shouldn't, I'll be in trouble. You saw a bronze dragon, and it wasn't just any dragon - if you noticed, it was Chromie, someone who accompanies us throughout WoW."

The players just looked at Gadon.

Gimir: "I knew it, you're a reincarnated one."

Gadon looked at them but said nothing. 

Ponpota: "If so, then we can talk better. I'm getting a bit tired of having to speak so arrogantly, especially being a paladin."

Jol: "Come on Gadon. After all, I want to recover what was once the land of the elves."

Gimir: "I want to recover what was the land of the trolls."

Gadon looked at them and smiled. "Everything can be done, gentlemen, but it has a price. Remember that."

As they talked, the guards were already watching and listening to them, but couldn't understand the words since they were speaking another language. When the players noticed the guards, they looked at the goblin. Gadon had no choice but to look at the guards and smile. "This must be a misunderstanding. Let me compensate you for being a good host." Gadon gave each of them 50 gold. The guards looked at each other and prepared to grab the goblin. The players realized that when someone posed a threat to Gadon, the character's name appeared in yellow, so they could attack him. One player explained this to Gadon, leaving everyone in the chat impressed because the players would be Gadon's weapons, giving him tremendous help. Gadon quickly told them it was a misunderstanding and asked the players not to attack yet. They could still attack the guards, but realized they were somewhere else when they drew their weapons. The guards drew theirs as well, ready to fight. Suddenly an explosion rocked everyone - some fell and others remained standing. Before they could ask what was happening, the guards quickly ran toward a church-like structure. The players watched as the guards left Gadon, who just looked at them and said, "Well, let's go on an adventure..."

When everyone ran to that church-like structure that was already partially destroyed, they realized they were on a coast and that a ship was bombarding the place. Before they could think, the ship attacked again. All the players didn't know what to do until Gadon told the mage to create a portal to the ship to attack it. The mage didn't know this was possible, but realized his in-game abilities had changed - they had new abilities that no longer existed in the game and some that never existed, like what Gadon said about creating a portal to somewhere you could see. He quickly created the portal onto the ship and all the players entered. Gadon entered too since he was commanding them. 

On the ship, everyone was orcs. Seeing that humans were on board, they prepared to fight. The players didn't give them time to prepare and pounced on them. A fierce battle ensued - even Gadon was attacked, but with the new strength he gained from absorbing the Dragon Soul artifact, he grabbed a sword and started fighting. The fight ceased but with the fall of 20 players, who then resurrected since even the paladin could mass resurrect by having the game charge 500 gold to resurrect - which is why many players choose to just buy gold on the black market or in the real world instead. Gadon didn't care where the players got the gold since all the gold the WoW game system charged players went to him, as this was essentially his server, or so a notification told him. Of course, the players still had to pay the monthly subscription fee, which made Gadon laugh since the players had to lose money one way or another.

Before they could claim victory, another ship appeared, also carrying orcs, but this one was different - it was as if it had been in battle. When the mage opened the portal to board it, everyone realized they had prisoners on board. There they saw Derek, the Prince of Kul Tiras. Seeing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief since it meant he wasn't dead, just a prisoner. Before they could fight, several orcs had already killed several players. The paladin tried to use Divine Force but an orc warlock silenced him, leaving everyone stunned since they didn't think he could be silenced. Before they could think how to attack, Gadon quickly ordered them to take out the spellcasters first. The players focused more on the warlocks and left the others alone. Whenever they saw someone healing a player, the orcs quickly pounced on that player to take them out.

Gimir: "This orc is fierce and has too much health."

Ponpota: "Seems like a boss, luckily it's not."

Jol: "I can't go on, I'm out of mana. Let them kill me and I'll res."

Lopan: "Luckily I'm a hunter so I don't need mana. Although I do need something else."

Gimir: "Gadon, give us orders!"

Gadon quickly ordered everyone to focus on one target to eliminate it. This worked until the orcs went on the defensive.

Gimir: "This is weird, I have a passive preventing me from casting spells."

Lopan: "I can't use my bow either, it's like I'm debuffed."

Ponpota: "Look at the sea!"

Looking at the sea, they realized they were close to something strange - it seemed like a Kraken.

Gimir: "It must be a joke, there are no krakens in the game."

Ponpota: "Yes there are, but only mini-boss ones, but I see there's one here too."

Gadon asked the mage to portal them anywhere else but there. The mage quickly summoned a portal without knowing where it led. All the players grabbed the prisoners and some players stayed behind to let them escape. All the orcs watched and started fighting more ferociously. "Damn humans, we won't let you escape, and if you do, more blood will be spilled!" When everyone entered the portal, the Kraken destroyed the ship, eliminating the orcs.

When Gadon and the players exited the portal, they realized this place was different. Looking at the map, the players' system told them they had discovered the land of the trolls, which left everyone stunned and some excited. Gadon just asked to return to Kul Tiras, saying they could have adventures in the lands of the Zandalari trolls later. The mage summoned another portal back to Kul Tiras. A troll saw them - the players just waved and entered the portal, leaving the troll confused, but he quickly left when he realized several of them had weapons.

When everyone came out of the portal, they finally realized they were where they should be in Kul Tiras. Some guards saw them and quickly surrounded them when they saw they had prisoners. The players just raised their hands and some started dancing, leaving the guards confused until Gadon told them they were mercenaries who had rescued these prisoners. One of the guards realized the Prince of Kul Tiras, Derek, was among the prisoners. Several guards quickly helped the prince and took him away. The players just watched this like it was a cutscene to prevent them from moving. Other guards helped the former prisoners. A chubby guard greeted the "mercenaries."

Chubby Guard: "You're helping us at a good time. We're at war, and if you hadn't recovered the prince, our king would have been very angry, especially with us."

Gadon: "Don't worry, we work for money. An old high elf friend hired us."

The players just watched the conversation and started typing.

Gimir: "Excuse me, I'd like to learn how the druids of Kul Tiras do it."

The guard just looked at him and said there were no such druids, leaving Gimir stunned. But then he remembered the Kul Tiran druids would appear later, but that there was still a powerful druid in the forests of Kul Tiras. Gadon asked for a place for them to rest. The guard just told him there was no such place at the moment but he'd see what he could do. Gadon thanked him and asked the mage to create a portal to Silvermoon. Before entering, Gadon changed his appearance to the elf Kaldenar. Of course, he hid from the chubby guard first, who was surprised to see an elf here but said nothing. Everyone entered the portal and it closed, leaving the guard staring at where the portal had been.

Already in Silvermoon, Gadon asked to speak with the Prince Sunstriker but was told he wasn't there. He just left with the players, until a player told them, "Didn't we have to go 10 players to fight?" Gadon realized this and also saw that he could summon more players, and that 10 players were online but it said they were in an event and couldn't send messages for now, leaving their whereabouts a mystery.