
The Thronos

Two kingdoms are given the chance to change their world, one fueled by disgust and hatred, the other guided by love and understanding. In the fight to be the new queen of their soon-to-be blood-filled kingdom.

Elise_Escobedo · ファンタジー
10 Chs

The Thronos

A long time ago there were two kingdoms one to the angels and one to the fairies, they lived in peace and harmony. One day the queen of the fairies Daitya gave birth to two girls one with dark red hair and bright green eyes, and the second pale with snow white hair and unique golden blue eyes.

Daitya "what should we name our first daughter?" She spoke

Titan "with her dark red hair I would say, Rivera."

Daitya "I love it my oldest Rivera."

Daitya "I think for our second dendrite for the snowflakes in her eyes."

Titan "My love you know we have to choose one, having two girls is forbidden you know what has happened to the last kingdom that had two girls."

Daitya "I know I will care for Dendrite, and you will care for Rivera, my love in 16 years we will see who is fit to be queen."

Titian "In 16 years, I will see you again."

On the same day, the queen of the angels Hiisi gave birth to two boys, one with bright blonde hair and dark brown eyes, the other child had dark black hair with light hazel eyes

Hiisi "Both of my boys are so beautiful; I could not ask for anything more."

Sango "our blonde boy should be named after my father since he looks like the only picture, I have of him."

Hiisi "Tennin, it fits perfectly"

Hiisi "Rian"

Sango "How about Assyria"

Hiisi "It's beautiful, my boys Tennin and Assyria"

now everyone knows how this story might turn out, but reader that's where you are wrong this is not about your regular boy get girl, or how sides can be united it's…. well, you will find out soon enough.

5 years

10 years

12 years

16 years

Rivera "father the town is so beautiful, why can't I go with you."

Titan "Oh my dear Rivera you're 16 it's the day you meet your mother and sister I can't have you running around."

Rivera "I won't run I will fly, father please, I promise nothing will happen."

(She kisses him on the cheek, and flies away, he sighs and laughed under his breath.)

Dendrite: "Mother, mother, I can't wait I will be queen and this town will be so full of happiness."

Daitya "Dendrite! Enough I have had it, you are a lady, not a peasant. You want to be the queen you should start acting like one, do I make myself clear."

(Daitya has a stern face)

Guard "my queen it's time."

(The room is filled on one side with dark orange, greens, blues, red, and purples the fairies, on the other side light blues, white, pink, yellow, and gray the angels.)

Now, this day was not just for Rivera, and Dendrite it was also for Tennin and Assyria crowning of both angels and fairies.

Sango and Titan "silence"

Sango "ladies and gentlemen"

Titan "the crowning for both angels and fairies begins."

(Guards with decorative axes with cross patterns moved one by one. The Coronation has begun.)

(Rivera is wearing a white formal dress with a green sash wrapped around her torso and flows to the front, and Dendrite is wearing a royal blue dress with a white sash that flows to the back in an x form and lace on the top with snowflakes, Tennin is wearing a black tuxedo with a black cumber bun, and Assyria is wearing a red tuxedo with a white cumber bun.)

Titan "Rivera and Dendrite please step forward"

Daitya" you will go through a series of tests to tell who is the best fit to be queen."

Titan "you will use the skills that I or your mother taught you to get passed each test."

Daitya "your first test is that you have to respect your people,"

(But little did they know that to respect your people you have to feel what your people feel even if that means living like them.)

Dendrite "I have to leave the life of a peasant, why what is the point in that I am queen, not a peasant."

Rivera "you say that like it is a bad thing."

Dendrite "I meant it in a bad way, and you are saying that like you don't care that we have to leave like this for 2 weeks."

(Titan laughed and looked at Daitya, she looked back with an angered face.)

Sango "Tennin and Assyria please step forward."

Hiisi "My boys you will still be brothers no matter what, do I make myself clear."

Tennin and Assyria "yes mother we understand."

(They laughed and patted each other on the back.)

Hissi (she smiled) Now you know only one of you can be king, Tennin you are considered my oldest."

Sango "My dear boy Tennin I give my crown to you."

(Sango stepped down and puts the crown on Tennin's head, Tennin kneeled before his father)

Tennin "thank you, father."

(Now on the same day, once the coronation was over, deep into the forest there was a tree, said to hold unknown powers. As Rivera walked through the forest, she saw this tree light up, as she got closer, the tree started to come apart, the leaves, branches, roots, and trunk all became small floating Nymphs.)

(Rivera falls to the ground.)

Rivera "How did you! Who are you!"

Chrysanthe "We are your tree spirit."

Blossom "And we are here to help."

Rivera "Help with what?"

Coral "with you becoming queen."

Rivera "I do not care if I become queen."

Aspen "why you can make the kingdom better."

Rivera "make the kingdom better I think my sister can do that she is the one who wants the crown, and I won't take that from her."

Chrysanthe "that is why you deserve the crown not her you think of others more than you think of yourself."

Rivera "there is more to being a queen than thinking of others."

Coral "yes, but in you, there's more than just thinking of others, you're adventurous, you're brave, smart, and determined that make's a queen."

Chrysanthe "we would know because we are Dendrite's tree spirit too and, out of the both of you, you are more fit to be the queen than she is, and I can't tell you everything but even if you do or don't become queen you will change the kingdom forever."

(Now 50 years ago when Rivera and Dendrite's parents were little, dragons lived in the kingdom, everyone had one, the dragon choose the person and the person choose the dragon, the dragons were turned against their master, and everyone thought that the dragons were wiped off this planet but 4 were still in existence.)

(Now Rivera was still trying to figure out what just happened, but little did she know that she was just getting started with this adventure?)

Rivera "I have no clue as to what happened, why did that happen I'm just tired."

(She fell over a rock)

Rivera "ow"

(She hears a crack)

Rivera "don't move."

(The next thing she knows she sees a baby dragon on her.)

Rivera "Ouch!"

(She gets up and starts running.)

(She stops to see if it was gone but then she turns around and the dragon was on the side of the tree.)

Rivera "AH! What are you."

Suoh "My name is Suoh and I'm your dragon."

Rivera "You're my what?!"

Rivera "Why are you mine?"

Suoh "50 years ago all the dragons were killed, but 4 dragons had left 4 eggs behind to continue the dragons onward. The only thing that can hatch a dragon egg is the owner that was meant for the dragon. And that's why."

Rivera "That is why you said you were my dragon."

Suoh "Exactly look at you are catching on and I thought humans were all stupid"

Rivera "Sass for a dragon who would have thought, so now what are you going to help me with becoming queen?"

Suoh "I can help, yes! But if I am the first dragon back into the world you best make sure you are ready for a fight because I don't think your sister is going to be too fond of the fact that you have more of an advantage."

Rivera "I have no time to worry about her, she will do as she pleases, but I have no idea if I want to be queen."

In the middle of the town stands Dendrite.

Dendrite "Two weeks I have to be among peasants, this is horrible, and then there is my sister who has to run her month saying it wasn't a big deal, who does she think she is?"

Priscilla "I agree, but you are the most beautiful and talented, you shouldn't be worrying about her, she is going to be nothing more than a peasant soon enough."

Dendrite "You are right! Thank you, therefore I keep you around."

Dendrite "Now it's time to figure out where I am staying."

In the middle of town, there was a beautiful flower shop above them was a little room they were renting out, once dendrite heard of this place and saw how many towns folk visited there she thought it was the best place to get an advantage on the town for them to vote the first task in her favor.

Dendrite "Hello, I see that you have a room for rent above your beautiful shop, and I was wondering if I were to be able to rent it for two weeks?"

Lotus "Hello, princess Dendrite, yes that room is for rent and I am the shopkeeper. I would be happy to let you rent it for 40 gold a week."

Dendrite "40 GOLD! Are you mad!?"

Lotus "You are the princess, aren't you? You should be able to afford it no problem."

Dendrite "How dare you! I am the princess, but I am on a task to become queen! How am I supposed to afford 40 gold a week that is 80 pieces."

Lotus "Oh, so the princess Dendrite can't afford the 80 pieces, then how about I offer you a proposition, you work here for me for free and help me bring in more customers. In return, you will be able to stay here in the room upstairs and if you do a good job maybe get my vote on the first task."

Dendrite "You little conniving old woman! You think you can get away with treating me like this!?"

Lotus "Well do we have a deal or not!?"

Dendrite "I will agree, only if you keep your mouth shut on this deal, and you tell people it was my idea to stay here and help you of my own free will."

Lotus "Deal!"

They shook hands and made the deal. Priscilla started grabbing Dendrites' things and moving them upstairs. In the meantime, Rivera is just coming back into town to find her place to stay and already has a place in mind.

Rivera "Suoh this is the town, now please behave I must have these people trust me.

Suoh "I will stay by your side where are you going to be staying since you have to get the first task done?"

Rivera "We will be staying with an old friend of mine."

Suoh "Oh good! At least it is someone you know."

Rivera and Suoh come to the middle of the town and stopped at a little blacksmith shop, where a gentleman by the name of Sam was making a new blade.

Rivera "Hello Sam, how are you today?"

Sam "Rivera, you finally made it! I am great to see your smiling face, I have your room all set up and ready for your stay."

Rivera "Great! I just have one favor to ask?"

Sam "Name it, anything for you!"

Rivera "Well Sam, I would like you to meet Suoh, he is my dragon."

Sam "Holy Hell! You have a dragon! Why didn't you tell me?"

Rivera "Well I just got him today actually, I was hoping you would let him stay here with me?"

Sam "Of course! Imagine the customers once they find out that I not only have princess Rivera staying with me, but she also has her very own dragon!"

Rivera says laughing "Well I don't know if anyone knows yet but I am sure by tomorrow my sister will hear about this and then the real fight will begin."

Sam "Well get some rest you have a busy day ahead of you tomorrow."

Rivera "Thank you Sam I will. Come on Suoh."

Rivera and Suoh had up to their room to sleep. Now that Rivera and Dendrite have their places to stay for the next two weeks. Tomorrow will surely bring them the worst.

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