
The Thronos

Two kingdoms are given the chance to change their world, one fueled by disgust and hatred, the other guided by love and understanding. In the fight to be the new queen of their soon-to-be blood-filled kingdom.

Elise_Escobedo · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The First Task Begins

Both Rivera and Dendrite wake up to a few of the town's folk fighting and yelling. Rivera runs outside as fast as she can to figure out what is happening when she sees 4 men fight and a crowd of people surrounding them.

Rivera "What is going on! Why are you fighting!" she yells

Man 1 "leave it to the men pretty girl, this isn't a place for you!"

Man 2 "What are you going to do about it anyways!"

Just as she was about to say something she heard another woman's voice she recognized.

Dendrite "Well, I see all men around here know how to do it fight and drink!" She says loudly and clearly for the whole group of men to stare at her.

Man 3 who was fighting "You got some mouth for a Princess, shouldn't a woman of your stator know her place by now?"

Dendrite "MY PLACE!" she takes a few steps forward. "You of all people should know your place and how dare you speak to me like that as your future queen!"

Man 4 "Future queen, I would never want a woman like you as my queen, don't you have a place to be, since all we will be to you is nothing more than a peasant."

All the men started shouting "yeah he's right, you are the one who said that!"

Dendrite "Wait I didn't mean it like that!"

Rivera jumps in front of Dendrite "That's enough! I do not like fighting and you all should know better than to do this in the middle of town in the morning, all you are doing is showing, how rude and mean you can be that doesn't get you very far now does it!"

Man 3 "Oh good another princess, and what are you doing to do to stop us?"

Rivera whistles and Suoh comes from behind her growling and breathing out smoke from his nose.

Rivera "You have to the count of 3 to get out of here, or Louh here will take you on for a little game called tag."

All the men started running away. Rivera turns around to Dendrite.

Rivera "Are you all right?"

Dendrite "All right!? I had that handled maybe you should mind your own business occasionally and maybe you will have a chance at becoming queen!" Dendrite turns around and walks away.

Suoh "Wow, I didn't know she was that bad."

Rivera "Oh you don't even know the half of it, let's go see if we can do some good around the town."

Suoh "all right lead the way, your majesty"

Rivera spends all morning and afternoon walking around the town helping Towns folks and picking up trash. And ends up helping a man with his fallen-over carriage.

Rivera "Are you all right? Let me help you."

Carriage owner "Thank you, I just moved into town and of course, my wheel had to break."

Rivera "Well I know there is a carriage seller not too far from here where you can get a new wheel."

Carriage owner "That would be great thank you, what is your name if you don't mind me asking?"

Rivera "I am Rivera, and this is Suoh."

Carriage owner "You have a dragon! I thought dragons were gone from this place 50 years ago?"

Rivera "I thought so too but I guess there is more out there than we know."

Carriage owner "I guess you're right, well where are you staying, I would be happy to take you there as a thank you for my wheel?"

Rivera "That is all right, I don't live very far from here. Thank you for your offer, and I am staying and the blacksmith shop in the middle of town, if you ever need anything let me know."

Rivera smiles and starts walking back home.

The first-week pasts and Rivera and Dendrite are called to the kingdom to see who will have the upper hand.

Daitya "Welcome back my daughters, as you know the first week has passed and there is one more week to go this is where time will start to mean something."

Titan "My daughters, Rivera you have gained a lot of trust among people, helping them, leading your services and others. I am very proud. Dendrite you have bought in a lot of business for an old woman who owns the flower shop and she and the customers speak very highly of you. This time there is a tie between who is in the lead, but I do believe that there will be a sole winner of the first task me and your mother look forward to seeing you in a week to see who the winner of the first task will be."

Dendrite "A tie! How ridiculous, I can't believe my sister can keep up with me she isn't even that pretty, how can she have people voting for her?

Priscilla "My lady she is only tied now, but this next week she will haven't moved up one person I just know it."

Dendrite and Priscilla leave the castle and go to find more town folk to trick into voting for her.

Rivera continues helping the towns folk in any way she can and the day before the votes are reviled comes. Once again both Dendrite and Rivera are called to the kingdom once more. This time both angels and fairies are there.

Guard "Please welcome the princesses Dendrite and Rivera!"

Both Daitya and Titan stand there proud and happy to see their daughters. They were also standing with Hiisi and Sango and their two sons Tennin and Assyrian.

Rivera "Mother, father what is going on?"

Titan "We have great news for both of you, we would like to share tonight, we will find the winner of the first task, and you will also be told about the second task as well.

Dendrite "Why did you say two weeks if you were going to tell us today!?"

Daitya "Dendrite how rude! That is not how a lady should act now apologize to your father at once!"

Titan "It is all right Daitya, she didn't know this was going to happen it was last minute.

Titan takes the stage in front of everyone.

Titan "thank you all for coming. I have some great news and the winner of the first task. Now I know you are all very happy to hear about both but as of the news, whoever wins all tasks to become queen will be marrying Tennin and we will be joining kingdoms. As the winner of the first task, will both of my daughters join me up here?"

Dendrite and Rivera join their father on stage.

Titan "The amazing towns fork have voted, and the winner is… Rivera."

Rivera nervously smiles down at her feet and signs as the wait for the first task was over and in her favor.

Dendrite screams angrily "She WON!! How did she over all people WIN over me!"

Titan Looks at Dendrite and says, "enough, your sister has won now you should work harder if you wanted to win."

Dendrite storms off the stage and out of the crowd.