
The Thrill of The Chase

A girl named Olivia Davis and her best friend Emma Johnson transfer to Beverly High in senior year. Olivia is a girl that is shy and does not fall for boys very easily, especially for the "bad boys". That is what got the attention of one particular bad boy named Isaiah Slocket...

Madjad · 若者
1 Chs

Chapter one

"WAKE UP! It's your first day of 12th grade" screams my mom.

I stretch out my back as I slowly get out of bed and go into the shower. Today is also my first day a Beverly High, my best friend Emma and I transferred there for our senior year. As I hoped in my car Emma runs up and opens the passenger side door and hops in. You may be thinking, where did she just come from. It's because she is my next-door neighbor, great right!

"Are you excited?" asked Emma.

"Nah not really. It's like starting all over again and we also will have to make new friends and I do not want to have to deal with all that b.s." I look out the corner of my eye and see Emma looking at me with a disappointed face.

"What?" I ask her.

"Nothing it's just that, that is what we wanted, a fresh start. But now it sounds like your regretting it."

The rest of the car ride is silent as I think about what she said. The thing is I do want A fresh start I just... I don't know.

We get to school and head to the front office to get our class schedule. That is when I saw a random but cute, boy looking at me. I don't know if he wanted me to smile back or something because he wouldn't stop looking at me. Creepy, right?

Emma and I are looking for our lockers and they are six lockers apart. As I'm trying to open my locker the same boy that I saw in the front office came up to me.

"Hey, I'm Isaiah, Isaiah Slocket," he says

"Hi. I'm Olivia. Olivia Davis"

Isaiah is actually really cute. he has brown curly hair that falls down to his ears, dark blue eyes, a deep voice, and he is really tall oh, and wait let's not forget about how strong he is.

"Um, can I help you with something?" I say because after we introduced ourselves he didn't say anything.

"Oh um... nothing I just wanted to introduce myself to the gorgeous new girl"

"Okay?" What the hell am I supposed to say to that?

He had a confused look on his face like he was expecting something different. See this is how you can tell he is a popular boy, there were also a lot of girls looking at us when we were "talking", you could tell that they were jealous.

"Oh, this is gonna be a great year" I whisper to myself.

I look at my schedule to find my next class, and the first period was math. Ugh, I hate math. I'm taking my seat and there aren't many students in there yet so I pick a seat in the back like always. But of course, Isaiah is in this class, and guess where he takes his seat. Right next to me.

"Hey Olive", Isaiah says with a smirk on his face.

"Hi, why do you have to sit right next to me when there are plenty of empty seats left?" I ask.

"Because you're in my seat," he says with a stern voice witch surprised me because before he was all flirty and nice to me.

"Oh I'm sorry, I can move," I say nicely. But as I try to get up and move I fell his hands grabbed my waist and pull me back down into the seat.

"I didn't say I wanted you to move"

As all of this is happing the students are already in the class so everyone's eyes were on us. I hate being the center of attention.

The class has just ended and I was walking out but my hand gets yanked by Isaiah and I turn around in shock.

"What the hell was that for!?" I ask

"Do you want to skip class with me?" he asked like I was already going to say yes.

"Um no, it's the first day of school why would I do that?"

"To have some fun" he responds

I think about it for a second "Fuck it why not".

I barely know the guy and I'm skipping school with with him, what the hell am I doing?

"So where are we gonna go?" I ask

"It's a surprise," he says with a smirk like that's not creepy at all.

10 minutes later we get to a deserted beach with a beautiful view of trees and the light blue sky.

"What are we doing here?" I ask in shock

"Were gonna go swimming" um...

"Well, what are we going to swim in?"

"You are going to swim in your bra and panties and I'm going to swim in my boxers"

"um okay I'm only doing this one time, by the way, this will not become a regular thing. Also, can you please turn around while I take of my clothes?" I say politely.

He turns around as I take off my clothes and he also takes off his clothes. He grabs my hand as we run in the water. it was not as cold as I expected.

We swim around for about 1 hour and then we sat on the sand to dry off. Once we were done we hop back in his car and go back to school.

As we get back to school I see a lot of people staring at us and for some reason, I feel like I can trust Isaiah. As we walk in all the eyes are on us, and I was nervous to keep on walking in so he held my hand and walks with me.

I stop by my locker to get my book and it turns out we have to the next class together so he waits for me and we walk there together. But on our way to the next class, this bitch stops us.

"Um, and who are you ?" she says rudely

"I'm Olivia. What's your name?" I ask with the same energy she putting out there

"I'm Aubrey. Why are you holding Isaiah's hand?"

I don't have a response because I was too stunned to speak but Isaiah speaks instead.

"Um because I want to. What's your problem, Aubrey?" Is he really sticking up for me right now?

Before Aubrey can say anything back Isaiah pulls my hand and keeps on walking to the next class.

"You really should learn how to stick up for yourself you can't rely on others all the time".

"I know," I say with a disappointed face and look down.

"Hey it's okay you'll learn, just stick with me, okay?" he says as he puts his hand under my chin to lift it up.

Thank you for reading this. This is also the first book I have ever written so please be patient with me. I will try to have to next chapter posted around the end of the day tomorrow. I hope you enjoyed what I have written so far. <3

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