
The Thrill of The Chase

作者: Madjad
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What is The Thrill of The Chase

WebNovel で公開されている、Madjad の作者が書いた The Thrill of The Chase の小説を読んでください。A girl named Olivia Davis and her best friend Emma Johnson transfer to Beverly High in senior year. Olivia is a girl that is shy and does not fall for boys very easily, especially for the "bad boys". ...


A girl named Olivia Davis and her best friend Emma Johnson transfer to Beverly High in senior year. Olivia is a girl that is shy and does not fall for boys very easily, especially for the "bad boys". That is what got the attention of one particular bad boy named Isaiah Slocket...

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帝国丞相独女,钟情国君六子楚王,相伴十年,陪他征战沙场,陪他谋权篡位,为他忍痛堕胎,为他背弃亲人。当所有阴谋被揭穿,皇城外守着的千军万马,无数剑指楚王,这时候,他十年以来的真面容终于显露出来,他慌张的把她拉在胸前,指着她说:“都是她!都是她!是她迷惑我!” 自古而言红颜祸水,那一刻,绝世的容貌在洒满鲜血的宫殿显得格外耀眼。她绝望的看着他,他不断磕头向国君求饶,并不断指认一切都是她指使的,十年以来的记忆不断涌现,她心痛如刀割,双目通红流不下一滴眼泪。国君一声令下,提剑的将士们从四面八方而来,在最后一刻,他还在拉着她挡剑…… ——门外天雷滚滚,天与地也为唾弃她做过的事情,疼痛不断袭来,闭眼前那一刻,门外终于下起磅礴大雨……意识消失的最后一刻,她听着父母绝望的哭喊,听着百姓的哀怨,听着门外天雷的轰鸣声,和大雨拍打地面的雨声,她对老天爷说,求求您,给我一次机会,让我赎罪…… ——也许是老天爷心善,也许是老天爷听到了她的呼喊,重生一世,回到她遇见他的那一年,闺房柔柔的茉莉香,依旧是受万人喜爱的她,这一世,她定誓死保卫那些爱自己的人,她定要那楚王李炎恩付出自己应有的代价……

余不染 · 一般的
98 Chs

Seaside Pictures

Rachel Van Dyken is the #1 New York Times Bestselling, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author of over 80 books ranging from contemporary romance to paranormal. With over four million copies sold, she's been featured in Forbes, US Weekly, and USA Today. Her books have been translated in more than 15 countries. She was one of the first romance authors to have a Kindle in Motion book through Amazon publishing and continues to strive to be on the cutting edge of the reader experience. She keeps her home in the Pacific Northwest with her husband, adorable son, naked cat, and two dogs. For more information about her books and upcoming events, visit www.RachelVanDykenauthor.com Welcome to Seaside Oregon, where star sightings are as common as Malibu. It's Hollywood's biggest known secret, the place where rockstars and actors alike go to get away from it all, only now that filming has started on what's said to be the newest blockbuster hit, it's getting harder and harder to get some privacy. Capture: All Dani wants to do is survive the summer on set as Lincoln Green's newest assistant. The only problem? She's a selective mute and the guy won't stop talking or flirting. Keep: Zane "Saint" Andrews is known for a lot of things, mainly his music and sexual appetites, when he stops in Seaside for a much-needed break, he latches onto Fallon, a girl he thinks could be his new muse. What happens when she finds out that the sexy superstar hasn't actually ever had sex? Steal: Ex-boyband member Will just got assigned to represent his ex-girlfriend and ex-love Angelica Greene. Babysitting an actress that high maintenance wasn't part of the plan but he's her only hope, and when they start to blur the line between love and hate, they realize that maybe the past can't just stay there, not when there's so much left to explore in the present.

Rachel Van Dyken · 都市
136 Chs

Mortal's Insanity: Revenge Against Cultivators

In a world where cultivators reign supreme and mortals are considered inconsequential, Hao Yu's life is forever altered when his family falls victim to the merciless whims of those who wield unimaginable power. After the tragic death of his father in a spirit stone mine and the subsequent demise of his mother and sister, Hao Yu is left with a heart burning with hatred and a singular purpose: revenge. But Hao Yu refuses to follow the path of cultivation. He rejects the very essence that defines the cultivators who callously shattered his life, vowing never to become like them. Instead, he embarks on a treacherous journey fueled by cunning deception, scientific innovation, and the art of persuasion. In a world where miracles are the domain of cultivators, Hao Yu employs explosive scientific wonders, leaving his enemies astounded and confounded. He wields a silver tongue that sows discord and resentment among even the mightiest cultivators, causing them to face backlash from their own powers. As Hao Yu navigates a treacherous landscape teeming with ancient secrets, rival cultivators, and dark conspiracies, he inches closer to his ultimate goal: the annihilation of those who have wronged him. But in his quest for vengeance, he discovers the thin line between justice and revenge, and the sacrifices it demands. Mortal's Insanity: Revenge Against Cultivators is a tale of resilience, ingenuity, and the relentless pursuit of justice in a world where power can be both a blessing and a curse. Join Hao Yu as he challenges the very foundation of a society that views mortals as nothing more than dust beneath the feet of gods.

Fixten · 東方
115 Chs


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