
The thousand year of blood

Lucitaro_Paremelio · ファンタジー
7 Chs

The Gate of death

"Am I going to die here"

The sky was crying as the rain poured down on a bloody body. A person was standing beside the body with a bloody hand and a knife.

"Xu Yun why did you did this. I thought we were family." The bloody body asked

"We are not family. Family help each other when in need but you took everything thing away from me first our parents and later our uncle who raised us." The Xu Yun said

"It wasn't my faul——t" The bloody person said as he died

"Ding the host has killed his most loved person host gets the gate of Hasian continent, 100 years of martial arts experience and 1000 years of Qi gathering as reward"

The bloody was burnt to ashes as Xu Yun used his fire ability.

"Gate of Hasian open" Yun said

A massive distortion of space appeared and Xu Yun entered.

"I am sorry brother but it was for the greater good of the world" Xu said

The gate of Hasian closed behind Xu.

"Ding host has received a greater quest destroy The Holy Grail and The Saintess of Grail

Difficulty: SS

Reward: Thousand Spell of Chaos

Humanities Wisdom

Greater Physical form