
The thousand year of blood

Lucitaro_Paremelio · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The Chaos Starter

At the Temple of Yamsu The Grand Priest opened his eyes suddenly and called for all the Priests of the Temple.

[At the meeting hall]

"Grand priest why did you call for us. Is it very urgent?"

"The Saintess of Grail is in danger. Someone very strong has come for her. The mother goddess gave me a vision about it"

"If that's the case then we have to inform the Emporer about it"

"Neol urgently inform the Emporer about the meeting" said the Grand Priest

[At a Volcanic area]

"My child it's time for you to wake up 'The Holy Grail is in danger and The World' you need to save it as the Protector of the Grail"

A loud roar erupted as the stone wall was destroyed and emerged the majestic and huge dragon with red scale and black markings.

"I shall do as you wish 'God Mother'. I shall crush the one who eyes the Grail" The Dragon said

"My blessing is with you My Child"

The Dragon flapped his wings and flew out of the volcanic region. While two glowing golden eyes was observing it.

"So This is the huge lizard called the 'Protector of Grail huh. I will have a very good time beating it." Xu Yun said

He was in the forest looking at the Dragon and its conversation with the Mother of Gods. He was quite amused while hearing the conversation of the two as he chuckled.

[At the Emporer's Palace]

"The Saintess and The Grail is in huge danger. Someone is hunting her. We should keep her safe" said the Grand Priest

"I shall see who is so bold and daring to hunt a Saintess and especially The princess of The Empire" said The Emporer

Suddenly the sky darken and thunder was pouring from The clouds

"I have come foolish Emporer Xia. I shall end you and your Empire" said——