
Unlocking Potential

To my left, my senses warned through a myriad of different nervous messages.

Following them instantly, I slipped under the outstretched beast limb that ripped through the air. Now in the beast’s blind spot, I sent a crushing left hook, my fingers half closed as they emulated claws.

To my right, they said. So I ducked, not even getting to follow through with my previous attack.

But that was the wrong move, the attack from the right suddenly swerved and plunged down onto my back.

‘{Earth skin!}’ I hurriedly chanted, blocking the multiple jointed arm that struck me down. Sparks flew off my turtle-shaped stone hunch-back as I resisted the beast’s crushing force. Yet I was stuck kissing the earth all the same.

Not even needing a chant, the silver hunchback morphed into a spiked one where the shortest of which pierced through its arm and the longest bore into the beast's head.