
Chapter One, A Slice Of Life

Garry knew it was wrong, but it felt so right. he slowly took the pizza out of the box and slid it down his duck like throat.

Larry watched in ectasy as Garry consumed the whole box slice by slice.

Harry walked into the decrepit kitchen. WHAT ARE YOU DOING! he screamed

the boys covered in grease and cheese looked at him in realisation.

mother is going to be pissed, Harry said

the two boys began to cry.

a shrill from upstairs "WHAT ARE YOU BOYS UP TO DOWN THERE, COME UP HERE NOW" said mother

the 3 boys slowly made their way up the stairs

Garrys greasy hands clenched the door knob softly.

they walk in.

mother seemed pissed off and to be honest I don't blame her "did you little shits eat ma pizza" she whispered

Harry knew what he had to do, being the oldest at 36 it was his duty to look out for his younger brothers.

he grabbed the empty beer bottle on the ground and held it tightly. he's knuckles turned white and his eyes filled with hate.

you don't have the clams, mother said

you don't either Harry yelled as he glassed her

bonking her repeatedly with the strangly strong bottle.

Harry made a guide whole in mother's head with the bottle, "THIS IS WHAT YOU GET YOU SADISTIC FUCKING WHORE" Harry said slightly above inside voice volume.

the boys watched on in horror as Harry peeled mothers skin off with his fingers.

BOYS! Harry screamed, get the fucking pillow. the boys grabbed the pillow and all three of them softly put mother out of her misery.

as she faded I to the void she whispered. Garry was always my favourite.