
The tale of a lone cultivator

Chris Parker reincarnates, after experiencing mysterious circumstances. In his new life, which is also full of mysteries, he looses many things, due to an attack of the ones he should be protected by. After that, he allows no one to get close to him and finds the path that is stated as evil by others, to get revenge on those who betrayed him. (P.s.: the real storyline begins with chapter 6, so if you don't want the background information just start reading from there on out) (P.p.s.:The chapters before chapter 6 are relatively short and not as good as the ones thereafter. I hope that if you don't like the beginning that you'll try reading the longer chapters. Thank you.) (The chapter release rate will depend on how much support I get, so if you want more chapters per week, give feedback, so I can improve my writing skills, and power stones to encourage me in publishing more frequently.)

1txd0r1 · ファンタジー
38 Chs

The great war

The view from the gate was amazing. One could overview all the houses, that were located at the south of the palace. In this city, there were no districts, but all the houses, if noble or if commoner, were mixed together.

The nobles also didn't care and due to their generosity, the city was still as beautiful as ever. They also often donated to orphanages and other social institutions.

In Attikos, it was the opposite. The rich people were greedy and did not dare do anything good. They tried to uphold their image, but few of them didn't succeed and were put to death.

Here in the kingdom of Fariha there was no death sentence and the punishments weren't as harsh.

One could see the difference between the two kingdoms with only a glance.

A stone road led down from the hillock it was located on. A coachman was already awaiting the entrance of the marquise and the little boy besides him.

As marquis Asteria reached the carriage, he told the driver to bring them to his house.

The marquis and the boy sat into the coach. The interior was made of red velvet, matching with the marquis' uniform. There were two seats opposite of each other, they sat onto.

As the carriage started, marquis Asteria said: "You will reside in my house for a bit. In a months time you can go to school. That are the official starting days."

Idris nodded and asked: "Fine, but will there be a subject about magic?" It was Idris' only concern. If there wasn't a magic related subject, he didn't need to bother going to school.

"Of course there will. It actually is a school for magic users. We figured you could use magic. After all you've been able to run away from those knights that attacked your people.

The subjects there are of course writing and doing math, but also specific ones like mana core examination, where you will learn more about your mana core and your element, or another one about techniques for absorbing the mana and elemental energy." The marquis laughed.

Idris was surprised. They had picked a school that was specifically build for magic users. It was perfect.

After that they conversed with each other a little longer about some rules Idris had to follow in this city.

Minutes had passed as the carriage came to a halt and the servant opened the door to let them out.

They were now at a beautiful mansion, 20 metres tall, 50 metres long. Before it, was a yard, sculptures were cut out of bushes. It were two, one was a knight on a horse with a lance in his hands and the other was a man with a globe in his palm.

As the marquis explained, the first was a great commander of their kingdom, that fought bravely in the war that happened 25 years ago. The other one was a traveler that had found the second continent 100 years ago.

When they went into the mansion, a great smell entered their noses. It was meat.

They both were hungry and the chef who had made the food, brought it to them happily.

The marquis told Idris that he had neither a wife or any woman he was interested in nor a child, so his life had been calm ever since his birth.

He also told Idris that if he ever needed any money, he could just come to him and ask.

It looked like marquis Asteria wanted to adopt him, but was stopped by Idris. He had no need for any money.

His only goal now was to start with school. Therefore he still had 1 month left, in which he didn't know what to do.

After they finished eating, the marquis showed the boy around the house and eventually got to Idris' new room. It wasn't anything special, but its size. It was about 20 m² big. A bed stood lonely in the middle. On the right side was a big window and on the left a wooden desk.

As they continued their tour, they came into the library as the last room, where they split up again. Idris was interested in the library to search for a book about magic.

Instead, he found a history book. It was also necessary for him to know some things about history, if he wanted to speak up in conversations.

One of the history book's name was "The great war". It was about the war that had happened 25 years ago.

He picked it out of the shelf and opened it.

First he could see a map of the 2 continents. After that, text could be seen and Idris began to read.

"The great war" how it is referred to now, started with a disagreement of the kingdom of Fariha and the kingdom of Belmont, which were located directly besides each other, about the ground rights of mines and mineral rich earth.

After they did not agree to each other's terms, they both threatened by sending their armies to the mines.

There the conflicts began to slowly rise. Fights became common and soon larger groups of soldiers were sent out to repel the others.

The scale eventually became too big and other kingdoms had to interfere. Some tried to negotiate and make peace, others joined the battle because of the treaties they had made.

The war was raging for four years until the kingdom of Fariha finally won the battles and got their hands on the mines. The hero of the last battle, was general Crowstrike. He had already won dozens of battles before, but was also the one to repel the other forces and wiping them out eventually.

Idris put away the book. The great war had just been a dumb quarrel. He didn't understand why to go to such lengths as to send armies. He just thought that it was because of the stupidity of both countries.

While Idris was emerged in his thoughts, he realized a book in one of the shelfs named "Cultivational process".

It was exactly the book he had been searching for all this time. He took it out and opened it.