
The tale of a lone cultivator

Chris Parker reincarnates, after experiencing mysterious circumstances. In his new life, which is also full of mysteries, he looses many things, due to an attack of the ones he should be protected by. After that, he allows no one to get close to him and finds the path that is stated as evil by others, to get revenge on those who betrayed him. (P.s.: the real storyline begins with chapter 6, so if you don't want the background information just start reading from there on out) (P.p.s.:The chapters before chapter 6 are relatively short and not as good as the ones thereafter. I hope that if you don't like the beginning that you'll try reading the longer chapters. Thank you.) (The chapter release rate will depend on how much support I get, so if you want more chapters per week, give feedback, so I can improve my writing skills, and power stones to encourage me in publishing more frequently.)

1txd0r1 · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Out of imprisonment

Idris needed to think about what he had to do next. His plan was to take revenge, but for it to happen, he needed to get significantly stronger.

He sat on the straw bed thinking about these things. He first had to get tutored about the mana core and its uses, the elemental energy and how to absorb it and the core element, the fighting style was restricted by.

All those things were the essential understanding of the world. If he didn't know about them, he would never be able to become truly strong.

He had to get his hands on a teacher or anything that could help him expand his knowledge.

He didn't know how he would be able to do it, but he figured he would just search for a way after getting out of imprisonment.

Then he had to train for a long time, considering his enemies would improve too. He had to be able to not only kill the ones who slaughtered his friends, but also the higher-ups which would surely go after him, when he killed one of their generals.

In the next few days, he planned all the details, including how to evade and counter the strikes he had seen so far. He also had to remind himself that his opponents would probably learn new skills too. So he thought he had to be wary and prepare himself for counterattacks from his enemy. He had to first test the strength of his opponents when the time came.

While he was imprisoned, waiting for someone to come and get him out, there was always a knight that brought food and water for him. After all he wasn't there to be tortured.

The cell was also relatively clean, making it a bit more comfortable. There were also no animals living inside. That's how he knew that the people here were nicer than the ones back in his hometown.

While living in the cell, he felt that it was good for him to be inside. He didn't like strange people to begin with and even though he was bored, he could always fantasize about everything without being interrupted by anyone or anything.

Even the minimalistic circumstances were no problem after some time passed.

Idris was just emerged in his thoughts as a sound interrupted him. The door had been opened. He first thought it was the knight bringing him his food, but didn't imagine that it was Marcel who came looking for him.

Marcel looked at him with some amazement and respect. To be able to handle, for a child, such a long time in a prison cell, was rare.

"I came here to let you free. A messenger also came 3 days ago, confirming what you have told me. A few of the leading officers here had a council too, discussing what to do with you. They came to the decision of letting you go." Marcel explained why he was here.

Idris remained calm and said: "Ok. Thanks for the information. I'll still be staying here for a short time."

Marcel was astonished. He didn't think the boy in front of him really wanted to stay in the cell for a bit longer.

He wanted to protest, but was interrupted by Idris: "If you want to, stay for an hour, if not, go and come again in 1 hour."

Marcel didn't dare to say anything anymore and just sat beside Idris in silence.

After 1 hour passed Idris stood up. He had went through his plan again and was ready to go. Marcel had fallen asleep and was awakened by Idris.

He said he was ready to go and they began making their way into the corridor.

Marcel had an idea and asked: "I don't think you want to go back to your hometown. And if that really is right, where would you live? If you want to, I can take you in into my home.

And besides that, we thought of sending you to school. After all you're already... wait, how old are you?"

Idris smiled lightly and said: "First things first, I'm 6 years old. And I will not be living with anyone."

Marcel was shocked and yelled: "What, but why are you already so tall?"

Idris had forgotten, that he had grown after his transformation. He was now 1,20 metres tall and for a 6 year old way too big.

He just looked away and said, while shrugging: "It is what it is. Every person's different, isn't that right?"

Marcel just nodded and added: "But what about school? We thought you could at least go there. The school we thought of has also dormitories you can live in."

"That's a great idea." Idris agreed, after pondering about it for a brief moment.

If he could really go to school, he would be able to learn all sorts of things, including the magic related facts, he needed the most.

The corridor they were walking in, ended before them. Instead, stairs led upwards, where light was coming from.

They took the stairs and as they arrived at the surface, wind began to blow against them. They were on a large courtyard. On their left side was a great stone wall with a wooden gate positioned in the middle of it. 5 guards had the duty of standing there to guard it.

On their right side was a big castle, at least 40 metres high. The wall surrounded it as a whole and there was plenty of space in between the two, serving as the courtyard. The wall had a quadratic shape, just like the castle inside.

Before them was just more space, where a fountain was located. There were also various plants, cut into a way, leading to the gate.

Behind them was a castle wall that extended from one of the corners of the palace. It looked useless, but in an emergency, where an accomplice of one of the prisoners tried to help them, it would fall down onto the stairs, that could be closed with a trapdoor, and lock them up. Not only that, but it would also activate magic, that would neutralize all mana inside the corridor and cells to ensure no one could escape. Moreover, it could not be destroyed by magic and only deactivated by the king himself.

Marcel and Idris moved in the direction of the gate. When they arrived, the guards made a salute and said: "We greet marquis Asteria!"

They looked at Idris with curiosity, but didn't do anything more. If he was with this person, there would be almost no one to do anything reckless.

Idris had already anticipated the status of the person besides him.

Marcel's clothes were red and had golden ornaments on it. He also had expensive shoes and his light brown hair looked very good. It was short and combed backwards. His blue eyes were not a very good match for his sharp eyebrows, but his round face made it look good.

"We'd like to pass through the gate." Marcel said.

"Yes, of course." The guards began to let down the gate and an amazing view began to unfold before Idris' eyes.

One could see over the whole city from here on out.