
The tale of a lone cultivator

Chris Parker reincarnates, after experiencing mysterious circumstances. In his new life, which is also full of mysteries, he looses many things, due to an attack of the ones he should be protected by. After that, he allows no one to get close to him and finds the path that is stated as evil by others, to get revenge on those who betrayed him. (P.s.: the real storyline begins with chapter 6, so if you don't want the background information just start reading from there on out) (P.p.s.:The chapters before chapter 6 are relatively short and not as good as the ones thereafter. I hope that if you don't like the beginning that you'll try reading the longer chapters. Thank you.) (The chapter release rate will depend on how much support I get, so if you want more chapters per week, give feedback, so I can improve my writing skills, and power stones to encourage me in publishing more frequently.)

1txd0r1 · ファンタジー
38 Chs


Idris woke up. He had a headache. His leg, his face and his arm didn't hurt anymore.

He opened his left eye. He didn't see anything. Panic overcame him and he opened his right eye to check if it was functional. He was able to get a clear view of his surroundings.

His left eye was probably damaged due to the imbued mana of General Hopkins. Its power was way more fatal than he had imagined.

He looked around. Even though it was dark, he still could make out details.

He was in a quadratic room, its walls made of stone. Beneath him was a straw bed. On his right were bars, reaching from the top to the bottom of the room. It also looked like a square part of the bars was split from the rest. It was the door to the outside.

He stood up from his bed to take a look at the outside. It was a long hallway, a torch hanging on the stone wall 10 metre away from his cell. Its faint light wasn't enough to light up the end of the corridor. It was around 3 metres high.

He went back onto the bed. As he laid there, he began to think.

He suddenly realized something. What he had been through wasn't a dream. He remembered all things about his mother and aunt. They had always treated him so good. What could he do now without them?

Idris initially had the plan to protect them both, but he was too weak.

Tears welled up in the corners of his eyes and he began to sob. He blamed all that had happened on himself. The innocent people that had to die. He could've protected them all with his current strength. But he had been too weak at that time.

He swore to get revenge after he became stronger, to avenge all the lifes that had been taken that day.

After a while he fell asleep again, still too exhausted from his previous actions.

Idris awoke again, after hearing the sound of a key opening a door. He shifted his gaze onto the door that was about 2 metres away from him.

There stood a man inside the door, wearing clothes only nobles could afford. He couldn't make out the details and the color though.

"Hello. I came here to ask you a few questions." The man said with a calm voice. "I'm Marcel. What's your name?"

Idris didn't know what Marcel wanted from him, but he should go with it first. "My n...name is I...Idris." He didn't know why he stuttered like this.

"I see, okay, then I will refer to you as Idris from now on." The man searched for the agreement of the boy, as Idris just nodded.

He didn't care what he had to do, but he just wanted to get out of here.

Marcel looked at Idris and asked:" "Do you know why you're here?" When he saw the boy shaking his head he resumed: "You're locked up in here, because you crossed the border to our kingdom unauthorized. We are here in the kingdoms of Fariha if you wonder. We found you laying there unconscious 6 days ago. Since then you've been sleeping. You also had various wounds. I wonder, what happened to you?"

As Idris recalled his memories, he began to sob again. He didn't want to be reminded of his experiences.

When the man saw this he became regretful for asking, but it was his job to investigate these things.

After Idris had his composure back, he slowly said: "I was playing with friends...And then they killed all those innocent people. They killed my mother and friends too. I was too weak to do anything."

"Who are you talking about?" Marcel got curious. He really wanted to know what had happened to the boy.

"It was the knights that should have been protecting us. They attacked all the farmers and killed them." Idris held back more tears.

Marcel slowly nodded. For the knights of one's kingdom to attack the people that did nothing wrong is despicable. But they shouldn't have acted at their own accord. The king had probably ordered it. The question was just why. But he didn't ask. The boy probably didn't know anything.

"But how did you flee?" The noble wondered.

Of course Idris had prepared for this scenario: "I was playing in the forest when it happened. After seeing what was going on, I fled. The knights noticed too late and weren't able to get me."

Marcel seemed to notice something and asked: "What city are you from? Maybe we have received a message about the incident." Marcel had a little bit of hope in his eyes. He couldn't just leave a little child in this state.

Idris was surprised at the noble's remark. "I'm from Attikos." He too had hopes for a massage to have been sent. If that was the case, he had at least evidence for his words. If not, it could happen that he was held in here for even longer. He didn't know what they could do to him and also if they even cared.

"I see. What do you plan to do next?" Marcel asked with pity in his eyes.

With the oath he had done beforehand, he knew what he wanted: " I plan on becoming stronger and take revenge."

"Revenge is not good." Marcel wanted to say another thing, but was interrupted by Idris: "I know, but I have nothing else to do."

He just shrugged. He really had no idea what he could do besides taking revenge.

Marcel sighed before turning around and saying: "I'll be back soon. We will look what we can do about you."

He locked the door again and vanished in the dark corridor.

Idris had now time to think about how to get out of here and how to fulfill his plan.