
Well, shit... I'm a god damned baby.

My name is Adam King, and I thought I had a good 84 more years of life left in me, but I guess now it's more like another 100, You wanna know why? I died, On my 16th birthday, driving out of the car lot in my brand new car.

I'm Getting ahead of myself aren't I? Well, let's start from the beginning, and end at well- the beginning.


"FUCK YES!" I shout at the top of my lungs, "4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42. THOSE ARE MY NUMBERS!"


The year is 2003 I had just turned 16, Now I know what you're thinking, I chose a set of cursed numbers from a TV show. I really didn't because the TV show hadn't actually come out yet. This doesn't really come up until 18 years from my 16th birthday, making me 18 at the time. But hey, Thought I'd mention it. I know what your going to say, time doesn't fucking work like that and I will fucking get to that give me a chance, you snarky bastard, AHEM. On with the explanation.


I went to the Lottery hall and got my cash as soon as possible, and when I did, I was so happy. I had hit the 199.999 million dollar jackpot. Strange number right? Doesn't really matter in the long run, just thought I'd point it out.


Contining on, I went to the Car dealership after the money cleared in my bank account, and--

(End narrotor POV)

(Begin 1st person POV)

I smile at the car dealer as I exit the dealership with my brand new Enzo Ferrari flagship. I can't wait to go to the racetrack for,---


I just got hit by a god damned fuel tanker didn't I? Oh, shit, it's on fire... an--

All I see is white for a short while and then, I hear something else.









!Welcome host, to your new life, brought to you by the system, If you are seeing this, You are in the 4th week of Development of your new fetus! How exciting! Detecting distress! Initializing System Mind, You will feel a calm in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Feel better now? good! We apologize that your previous life was ended due to ~CURSED NUMBERS and EXPLOSIONS~ But please, Remain focused, We are sending you into Earth-199999 to combat an enemy that has caused irreparable damage to the time-stream via erasing 50% of all life in that universe and causing heroes of that universe to messwith time in such a way that is unacceptable. You must stop this person at all costs! LOADING DATA.




MIND: 27




Your stats at age 16 will be,



MIND: 10




If you do not use the system we are providing you, However You have 18 years to become a superhuman.

The top of the line ~ LOST SYSTEM ~ will assist you in becoming as powerful as you need to become.

This message will Repeat after birth. Entering sleep mode in 3,

"Wait what the fuck?! I don't get to ask questions? HEY!" I think furiously.

Nope, 2.

"Oh come ON!"



"Mrs. King! it's a boy!"

Well, shit... I'm a god damned baby.

Of all the dumb things he could of done he chose the Cursed numbers as a lotto ticket.

Well in his defense he didn't know.

also, Earth-199999 is the MCU. lol.

InterPlanarGodcreators' thoughts