

The next morning found Morelle sitting in the middle of her and Rosen's new living room, her stomach rumbling in hunger. The scent of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, enticing her senses. As she munched on a slice of toast she had wandered into the market to buy, she glanced around at the new surroundings, taking in every detail.

The walls were painted a soft, inviting shade of lavender, giving the room a calming atmosphere. The furniture was a mix of vintage and medieval pieces, creating a unique and eclectic style. Morelle's gaze landed on a bookshelf filled with well-loved novels and enchanting trinkets, each telling a story of its own. It made her heart swell with anticipation, knowing that she would soon fill these shelves with her own cherished memories.

There were no traces of Rosen when she had awoken. It made her feel a little empty inside, as if a piece of her was missing. Perhaps he was busy preparing something for dinner? As she finished off the last bite of her toast, she stood up and set about making herself some coffee. The aroma filled the room, wrapping her in a comforting embrace. With one more look around the room, she sighed. It was useless to make it for only one person.

Her fingers grazed over the smooth wooden countertop, brushing against a picture frame resting on it. She recognized the photo instantly as it was one of her, Adeline, and Roxanne, taken just a year ago at the beach. They were wearing brightly colored bathing suits, their laughter captured in the candid moment. Tears welled in her violet eyes as she gazed at the photo.

A bittersweet ache settled in her chest. Her once happy life hadn't been all that long ago, and yet it felt as though it had been ages. The memory filled her with nostalgia as she thought of how carefree and blissful she had been then. How happy her family had been. The weight of loss and betrayal weighed heavily on her, but she refused to let it consume her. She had Adeline now, a precious ray of light amidst the darkness. Determination fueled her as she wiped away her tears and placed the photo back on the countertop. Today was a new beginning, a chance to create a future filled with love and happiness for herself and her daughter.

With newfound strength, Morelle took a deep breath and made her way to the front door. The sun was shining brightly, casting a warm golden glow over the world outside. She couldn't help but smile as she stepped out onto the porch, embracing the promise of a fresh start

That was until, it started raining. She was instantly soaked up on stepping outside.Morelle instantly turned on her heel and ran back inside. "Ha, nope".

She slammed the door shut, locking it securely behind her before dashing to the back bedroom. She hastily changed into her pajamas, before snuggling down beneath a blanket. A feeling of exhaustion washed over her, making her body feel heavy and weary. She yawned, and pulled little Adeline who was bundled up beside her into her arms. The two stayed like that for a while before sleep overtook Morelle.

As the first rays of moonlight filtered through the window, Morelle stirred from her deep slumber, her mind slowly rousing from the clutches of dreams. The gentle knocking sound persisted, growing louder and more insistent with each passing second, tugging at her consciousness like a persistent whisper. With a languid stretch of her slender limbs and a groan of reluctance, she reluctantly emerged from the comforting cocoon of warmth that had enveloped her.

Dragging her feet sleepily across the creaking wooden floor, Morelle shuffled her way to the living room, the anticipation of finding out who was at the door mingling with the heavy fog of drowsiness that still clung to her. With a small sigh, she pulled the front door open, her drowsy eyes widening in surprise as they settled upon the figure standing before her.

"Hello, Morelle..." Rosen's voice, like velvet wrapped in shadows, slithered through the air, dripping with an unmistakable mix of irritation and amusement.

Morelle's lips curved into a sheepish smile, her voice soft and apologetic as she greeted him in return. "Hello, Rosen..."

"You. Locked. Me. Out. Of. My. Own. House." Each word dripped with a venomous undercurrent, punctuated by a menacing pause that lingered in the air.

She stepped back instinctively, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment at the realization of her forgetfulness. "Sorry about that," she murmured, her words a fragile offering of contrition.

Rosen grumbled under his breath, his piercing gaze trained on her as she meekly moved aside, granting him entry into the cottage. The door swung shut behind them with a soft click, sealing them within the confines of the cozy sanctuary. Morelle followed in Rosen's wake, her eyes widening in concern as they settled upon the sight of bloodstains marring the fabric of his shirt.

"Ros...Rosen. Are you okay?" Her voice trembled with genuine worry, her gaze fixed upon the crimson evidence of some hidden altercation.

The pale man paused in his tracks, slowly turning to face her with a mischievous smile dancing upon his lips, an enigma hidden behind his captivating gaze. "Sure am, babydoll," he drawled, his voice dripping with wicked amusement.

"But there's so much blood!" Morelle's voice rose in pitch, her brows knitting together in a mixture of confusion and fear. The crimson stain upon his clothing seemed to darken and expand under her scrutinizing gaze, each drop of red whispering secrets she longed to understand.

Rosen chuckled, his laughter a haunting melody that echoed through the room, intertwining with the flickering flames of the fireplace. "The other guy looks much worse, trust me," he replied, the amusement evident in his voice as he brushed off her concerns with a casual flick of his hand..

"But.. ", Morelle started.

"Don't worry yourself for no reason, I heal easy", Rosen said with a smile .

"Besides, I'll tell you if anything big happens…"

"What happened?"

"It wasn't a big deal. Just a misunderstanding with my kinsman."

Morelle frowned. "Did they hurt you?"

He shook his head with a chuckle. "Of course not. It was more of a scuffle between brothers".

Morelle's frown deepened at his answer, her curiosity piqued. "What did yiufight over?"

Rosen shrugged nonchalantly. " Just a small power struggle, it didn't amount to much. But don't worry, the loser will be fine. He got off lightly." He paused for a moment before flashing his fangs in a gorgeous grin."But..." Morelle hesitated, her voice soft and concerned.

"Don't fret, my dear," Rosen assured her with a warm smile, his red eyes twinkling mischievously. "I am resilient, capable of mending myself with ease."

Morelle's worry lingered, refusing to dissipate. "But what happened?" she pressed, her curiosity now fully ignited.

Rosen chuckled, a low and melodic sound that danced through the air. "It was nothing serious, just a simple misunderstanding with my kin."

A furrow formed on Morelle's brow as she leaned in, her eyes searching his face. "Did they harm you?" she asked, her voice edged with a trace of anxiety.

Shaking his head, Rosen's smile widened. "Oh, no, my love. It was merely a scuffle between brothers, a playful tussle."

Morelle's frown deepened, her curiosity morphing into an insatiable need for answers. "What was the cause of this conflict?" she inquired, her voice now tinged with a mix of concern and intrigue.

With an air of nonchalance, Rosen shrugged his broad shoulders. "Just a minor power struggle, my dear. Nothing of great consequence. Rest assured, the loser escaped with minimal harm. He was granted mercy."

As he paused for a moment, a mischievous glint flickered in his ruby eyes. Then, with a sudden flash of his fangs, Rosen unleashed a breathtaking grin, revealing his alluring and predatory charm.

Morelle's heart thudded heavily in her chest. Heat flushed across he face as she was forced to look away, much to Rosen's amusement. " Damn it", Morelle thought,"How is this man so damn beautiful?!"

Her heart pounded painfully against her chest as she struggled to contain the raging wave of butterflies currently taking flight in the pit of her stomach. She could feel her blush deepen at the realization of what was happening. "W...what...?", she whispered weakly.

Rosen laughed, his bright voice chiming in the otherwise silent space. His laugh was infectious, causing the corners of her mouth to twitch upwards in response. Her attention immediately returned back to him, only to be met with a pair of bright ruby eyes staring right back into hers.

There was something different about them, something she couldn't place her finger on. The colour of his irises were brighter, more vibrant than usual, almost as if they were glowing. They were mesmerizing, entrancing, and yet, they also held a hint of danger.

"You're staring again", he teased, his voice laced with a teasing lilt.

Morelle snapped out of her trance, her cheeks burning with embarrassment once more. "S-sorry!" she stuttered, stumbling backwards into her kitchen, tripping over a chair as she fled the scene, leaving Rosen laughing to himself in amusement.

" How cute", he muttered to himself, a smile still gracing his handsome features.

Then, his expression softened as he gazed around the room. His gaze landed upon a single photo framed neatly atop the dresser, nestled amid a sea of photographs which he took care to select carefully and arrange accordingly. After picking up the frame, he brought it closer to his face, his ruby eyes scanning the photo curiously.

It was the the photo Morelle had been looking at earlier. Rosen's eyes lit up at her and Adeline's adorable expressions and they darkened at the sight of Roxanne. " Traitorous bitch", he spat.

He delicately returned the weathered photograph to its rightful place, a sigh escaping his lips as he surveyed the room. His brow furrowed in disappointment as he took in his surroundings. The quaint cottage, though undeniably clean and cozy, exuded an air of simplicity, its furnishings appearing lackluster and, dare he say it, outdated. They seemed to harken back to a bygone era, reminiscent of the meager belongings he had grown up with as a mere boy.

Ah, yes. That was a lifetime ago.

In this era of technological marvels, where humans had advanced with running water, electricity, and a plethora of modern appliances, it was disheartening to find oneself immersed in such antiquated simplicity. Moon River, a small colonial town that had been birthed in the early settlement of the planet Eeya, was no stranger to this dissonance. While some fortunate souls reveled in the luxury of refrigerators, electric stoves, and the convenience of plumbing, the majority of the town's residents lived a simpler existence, clinging to the old ways out of sheer financial hardship.

Life in Moon River was no walk in the park, as manual labor was an unavoidable part of daily existence. Every mundane task, from fetching water to cooking meals, required arduous physical effort. Yet, this rustic way of life had an unexpected silver lining. The villagers, lacking the convenience of modern amenities, lived in harmony with the natives and the environment, refusing to exploit or destroy it in their quest for comfort and convenience.

As he pondered these thoughts, his gaze wandered to the open window, revealing a picturesque view of the village. The sights and sounds of nature intertwined, creating a symphony that was as enchanting as it was humbling. The villagers, resilient and resourceful, had formed a symbiotic relationship with the land they called home, tending to its needs as it nurtured them in return. It was in this delicate balance, this dance between tradition and progress, that Moon River found its identity.

He sighed once more, this time filled with a blend of nostalgia and resignation. As he contemplated the simplicity of his surroundings, he couldn't help but marvel at the resilience of the human spirit. In a world that constantly pushed forward, leaving behind the relics of the past, the villagers of Moon River clung steadfastly to tradition, finding solace in the harmony they shared with the land and the natives that called the planet home.

Alas, even though he enjoyed the old ways, for the sake of Morelle and Adeline, things would have to be changed. Starting with appliances. Sighing, Rosen fished a card out of his pocket. He had a few thousand on it that he had accumulated via favors to the townspeople.

He then walked to the front door and snapped the spare key off of the keyring hanging by the door. " Not getting locked out again". He then matched out the door and locked it behind him.

Following a dirt path, albeit getting his shoes coated in mud, Rosen made his way to the small shopping mall located in the more prosperous part of town. The part that had running water and electricity.

"Let's see what we can find today".