

"Rosen...Could you guide us safely out of the forest?" 

Rosen turned his head toward her, his eyes glimmering with a gentle light. "Of course...I'd love to help you both. But first you need to rest. The two of you have been through a lot tonight. We can leave at dawn."

"You don't need to go if you wish. You should get some rest too." Her voice quivered slightly.

A wide grin spread across Rosen's face, brightening his eyes and bringing a glow to his countenance that illuminated the room like the morning sun peeking through the clouds. He laid down on top of his own mat and rested his head on his forearm. His inky black locks caressed Morelle's arm causing her to giggle softly which only made his smile widened." Get some sleep Morelle. I'll watch over the two of you."

Morelle nodded wearily, her eyelids growing heavy as exhaustion claimed her. Within moments, her eyes fluttered closed, and a sense of tranquility settled over the cave. Adeline, nestled safely in her mother's arms, followed suit, her soft breaths creating a gentle melody that filled the air.

Outside, the night seemed to hold its breath, the crickets' symphony the only sound that permeated the stillness. It was as if the world itself had paused, offering a fleeting respite from the chaos that had plagued Morelle's life.

But nothing lasts forever.


Rosen turned around, his face contorting into a sour expression. Standing at the entrance of the cave was Rosalyn, her appearance as striking as ever. Her long, onyx waves framed her face, cascading over her shoulders and casting a shadow over her glowing ruby eyes. Her lips, usually curved into a captivating smile, were now pressed into a thin line of concern.

Rosalyn's words hung in the air, heavy with an unspoken threat. "Mother will be coming at dawn. If she finds humans in her territory, she will kill them. She has never made an exception to this rule."

The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on Rosen, and his handsome features hardened with resolve. "It seems as though I have no choice, then."

Rosalyn's frown deepened, her concern etched into every line on her beautiful face. "What are you going to do?"

A flicker of determination gleamed in Rosen's eyes as he muttered his plan. The intensity of his gaze made Rosalyn uneasy, but before she could voice her objections, he was gone. In a mere heartbeat, he transformed into a crimson streak, disappearing from sight and leaving behind a lingering sense of uncertainty.

Inside the cave, Morelle stirred in her sleep, a faint whisper of unease tugging at the edges of her dreams. She was unaware of the impending danger that loomed outside their sanctuary. No, she was more worried about the danger that she was facing inside of her dreams.

Morelle's dreams were a kaleidoscope of emotions, swirling with uncertainty, fear, and a lingering sense of anticipation. As her subconscious painted vivid images upon the canvas of her mind, she found herself standing in the midst of a meadow illuminated by the pale glow of moonlight.

The darkness around her was dense, but scattered throughout the meadow were small, ethereal blue lights, like scattered stars fallen from the heavens. They flickered and danced, their soft glow beckoning her forward. Her heart quickened, both in awe and trepidation, as she followed the trail of lights, weaving through the tall grasses that swayed gently in the night breeze.

As she ventured deeper into the meadow, the blue lights guided her toward a small, mirror-like pond fed by a bubbling brook. The surface of the water shimmered with an otherworldly luminescence, reflecting the moon above and casting an enchanting glow upon the surrounding landscape. Morelle's eyes widened in awe, her breath catching in her throat as she beheld the scene before her.

On the opposite side of the pond stood a man, clad in flowing black robes that billowed around him like dark tendrils of smoke. Silvery strands of light seemed to emanate from his very being, creating an ethereal aura that enveloped him. His hair, as black as the night itself, framed a face that exuded both youthfulness and an uncanny sense of agelessness. But it was his eyes that captured Morelle's attention, gripping her very spirit in their intensity.

Those fierce blue orbs bore into her own, as if piercing through the layers of her soul, leaving her feeling vulnerable and exposed. She couldn't tear her gaze away from his, as if they held some ancient knowledge that only he possessed. The air around them crackled with an unspoken energy, and Morelle felt a pull, a magnetic force that drew her closer to this enigmatic figure.

She took a hesitant step forward, her heart pounding in her chest. The man in black robes remained motionless, his gaze unwavering, yet there was a warmth in his eyes that belied the intensity of his stare. Morelle's voice quivered as she spoke, her words carried by the soft breeze that whispered through the meadow.

"Who are you?" Her voice trembled, a mixture of curiosity and caution.

A soft smile tugged at the corners of the man's lips, a glimmer of understanding in his eyes. "I am Celic, a soul-reaper," he answered, his voice a melodic whisper that seemed to resonate within her very being. "And I have come for you, Morelle."

Morelle's heart skipped a beat, her breath catching in her throat. A mix of fear and intrigue coursed through her veins. What did this soul-reaper want from her? What purpose did he serve in her life? But despite the questions that swirled in her mind, an inexplicable sense of trust washed over her, urging her to take another step forward.

Celic extended a hand towards her, the gesture both inviting and daunting. "Come, Morelle," he said gently. "Come with me to a better place".

Her body moved without thought, taking one step after another until she found herself in front of Celic, her body trembling in anticipation. She gazed at him timidly, afraid of what he might be capable of doing. Celic continued to smile. With a wave of his hand, Morelle fell to her knees before him.

Celic lifted his right hand and brushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear. A tender look overtook his face as he gazed upon the maiden before him. He placed a finger beneath her chin. "Morelle..." he said slowly, each word punctuated with a slight sigh, " it looks like we have an uninvited guest".

It was not a moment after Celic muttered those words that a bright streak of crimson light shot toward him. The light had no form but it felt familiar and encircled Morelle entirely in a protective barrier. 

She looked up at Celic and saw that his eyes now burned with intense anger. A low growl rumbled ominously in the back of his throat. The light began to fade away along with Morelle's vision.

When she opened her eyes again she was swaying in Rosen's arms with Adeline in her own. They were in the forest And it was still dark outside. Rosen's hair was messy and his lip was busted. His clothes consisted of torn fabric and blood stained skin, but there was a certain comfort about the sight. Morelle wrapped her arms around him tightly, resting her head on his chest and closing her eyes tightly. 

He let out a soft chuckle ,"Hey girl, we're okay. We're heading someplace nice".

 His tone was so soft and reassuring that it helped soothe her frazzled nerves. Once she felt calmer she stared up at him. A strange look passed over his face, like he wanted to say something else, but decided against it. Instead he simply gave her a nod and started walking even faster.

She glanced down at her daughter, brushing a strand of hair from her tiny brow and smiling softly. The child didn't stir, her peaceful breathing matching the rhythm of her mother's steady heartbeat.

After all that had happened, Morelle couldn't help but feel grateful that she'd been blessed with such precious cargo; a child who had been destined to live a long and happy life. The thought brought tears to her eyes, and she tightened her grip around her sleeping daughter. She would make sure that whatever dangers threatened her daughters would be resolved once and for all...


No matter the cost.

Her silver eyes locked with Rosen's crimson orbs, determination burning in their depths. Morelle took a deep breath, her voice soft yet resolute. "Rosen."

"Hmm?" He turned his attention fully to her, his curiosity piqued.

"Could you take me to the Moon River Townhall?" Morelle asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Rosen raised an eyebrow, his expression a mix of surprise and confusion. He came to a stop, the forest around them alive with the rustle of leaves and the distant hoot of an owl. "Why on Earth do you want to go there?"

Morelle looked away for a moment, gathering her thoughts, before meeting his gaze head-on. Her voice, though small, held unwavering determination. "I want to file for a divorce from Peren."

Rosen froze, his mouth hanging open slightly. The weight of her words hung heavy in the air, disbelief etched on his face. "Are you serious?" he asked incredulously. "You really believe that's going to happen?"

Morelle's gaze fell to the ground, her heart pounding in her chest. She felt a mix of shame and defiance coursing through her veins. "Well... yeah," she admitted quietly. "I'm a woman and a married woman at that. There's no way I can live a happy life with my daughter without being shackled to him. He cheated, and therefore no longer deserves me or our daughter."

Rosen sighed heavily, his expression softening. He resumed walking, this time changing direction. Morelle watched him with confusion etched on her face. "Where are we going?"

"To find you a job," he said simply, his voice tinged with determination. "This isn't Earth, where the courts are automatically in the mother's favor. You're homeless and have no income. Adeline will end up going to Peren because he can actually provide for her."

A pang of fear and anxiety surged through Morelle's chest, her mind racing with the implications of Rosen's words. She bit her lip, the weight of her decisions bearing down on her. "Oh..."

"Don't worry," Rosen assured her, his voice laced with conviction. "I... know some people. They can help us."

They walked in silence, the forest enveloping them in a comforting embrace. The moon cast its ethereal glow, guiding their path through the dense foliage. Morelle clutched Adeline closer to her, the infant stirring slightly in her sleep. The weight of her responsibilities pressed against her, but a flicker of hope ignited within her.

As they emerged from the forest, a small town materialized before them, its quaint buildings bathed in moonlight. The sound of laughter and conversation drifted through the air, creating an ambiance of warmth and community. Rosen led Morelle through the streets.

They arrived at a modest building, its wooden facade adorned with a simple sign that read "Moon River Employment Agency." Rosen pushed open the door, and they were greeted by the hum of activity within. People shuffled about, papers rustled, and the air buzzed with anticipation.

A middle-aged woman with kind eyes looked up from her desk, a smile gracing her face. "Ah, Rosen, my boy! What brings you here today?" she greeted warmly.

Rosen returned the smile, his usual charm shining through. "Morning, Evelyn. This is Morelle. She's in need of a job."

Evelyn's eyes shifted to Morelle, her gaze filled with empathy. "Welcome, dear. We'll do our best to help you find something suitable. Why don't you have a seat and fill out an application?"

Morelle nodded gratefully, her heart filled with a glimmer of hope. She settled into a chair and handed Adeline off to Rosen who gladly took her into his arms. A smile graced Morelle's lips before she began the tedious task of applying for a job. With each stroke of the pen, her resolve grew stronger. She was determined to provide a better life for herself and her daughter, no matter the challenges that lay ahead.

As she completed the last section of the application, she couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for Rosen. She looked at him a gentle smile present on her lips. "Thank you, Rosen. Truly."

Rosen's heart fluttered with a mix of awe and admiration as he watched Morelle's smile widen. Her beauty seemed to radiate from within, captivating him with each passing moment. He couldn't help but think that the Goddess herself had bestowed her divine grace upon this woman. 

As Morelle stood up and handed the completed application to Evelyn, Rosen couldn't help but notice the slight tremor in her hand. He admired her courage, knowing that she was taking a leap of faith in her pursuit of a better life for herself and Adeline. 

An hour passed, filled with nervous anticipation as Morelle and Rosen waited for Evelyn to return with the job postings. The soft hum of conversation in the employment agency created an atmosphere of hope mingled with uncertainty. Finally, Evelyn emerged from her office, holding a stack of papers in her hands.

"Here dearie," Evelyn said kindly, her voice tinged with empathy. "These are walk-in interviews. The pay may not be the greatest, but they're safe options that should put food on the table. I wish I could have found something better for you, but, well... let's be honest, sweetie, you don't have much experience."

A pang of disappointment washed over Morelle, but she quickly brushed it aside. She knew she couldn't afford to be picky. She focused her attention on the three job postings Evelyn had handed her. Each one held its own potential, offering a glimpse of a brighter future.

The first option was for a Mortuary Assistant, paying twelve an hour. The thought sent a chill down Morelle's spine, but she knew that desperate times called for desperate measures. The second choice was a waitress position at a café, with a starting pay of three an hour plus tips. Morelle considered the fast-paced environment and the potential for earning more through tips.

But it was the third option that caught Morelle's eye. The position of an Alchemic Assistant at Lorelei's Elixirs promised a pay of seventeen an hour, a significantly higher amount than the other two postings. Morelle's heart skipped a beat as she imagined herself in a role that involved the mystical world of alchemy. She was captivated by the possibilities it held.

"Well... what do you think?" Evelyn asked, her eyes filled with anticipation.

Morelle took a deep breath, trying to hide the uncertainty in her voice. "It sounds good," she said, her voice steady. "I suppose I could try it out."

Rosen nodded in approval, a proud smile on his face. Evelyn beamed at the two of them and took the application, scribbling a note on it. "I'll let Lorelei know," she said with a reassuring pat on Morelle's hand.

As Morelle and Rosen left the employment agency, a newfound sense of hope began to blossom within Morelle's heart. Her heart began to flutter as Rosen took her hand in his, cradling Adeline in the other as he had in the agency. 'W-what is it?"

Rosen flashed his fang in a devilish grin and began to tug Morelle towards another building. " C'mon let's get ya a place to live."

As the moonlight showed down upon them, Rosen and Morelle stood outside the employment agency, their faces etched with worry. Morelle's voice quivered with desperation as she pleaded with him, "But I don't have any money, Rosen!"

A sinister smile curled on Rosen's lips, his eyes gleaming like molten fire. "True," he replied, his voice dripping with arrogance, "but I do."

With a swift motion, Rosen took Morelle's hand in his and led her towards a real estate business not far from where they stood. The building loomed before them, a sanctuary of opportunity in the midst of their desperation. Rosen nudged the door open with his foot, the creaking sound resonating in the air, and tugged Morelle inside, Adeline cradled safely in her arms.

Inside, a bored-looking man sat behind the desk, his attention consumed by a fidget spinner. He barely looked up from his trivial amusement when the duo made their way over to him. His voice, void of any enthusiasm, droned in a monotone tone, "Welcome to Moon River Housing... how can I be of service?"

A scowl marred Rosen's face as he released Morelle's hand, which he had held captive in his firm grasp. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a diamond ring. His gaze lingered on the ring for a fleeting moment, pain momentarily clouding his features before he regained his composure.

"I'd like to buy the small cottage at the edge of the forest," Rosen declared, his voice laced with determination.

The man's eyes widened, a glint of greed flickering within them. "Even if it's in a less ideal location... this tarnished jewelry isn't enough to pay for a house. You'll have to do a little better," he retorted, a smugness creeping into his voice.

Rosen's crimson orbs glowed with an intensity that bordered on otherworldly, his grip on the man's shirt tightening. He leaned over the desk, nearly pulling him over, as he whispered, his voice carrying a menacing undercurrent, "First, don't take me for a fool. I know the true worth of this ring. And secondly... If you want to continue breathing, I'd think twice before insulting me or my possessions ever again. Boy."

The man's eyes widened in fear as he struggled to free himself from Rosen's iron grip. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead, his voice trembling as he managed to apologize. "I-I'm sorry, sir. I didn't mean to offend you. Please, forgive me."

Rosen's grip loosened slightly, but his eyes remained cold and unforgiving. "Remember your place," he warned, his voice dripping with venom. "Now, let's try this again. I want the cottage, and I want it now."

The man nodded frantically, fear etched across his face. He quickly retrieved a stack of papers and handed them to Rosen. "Here, sir. This is the deed for the cottage. Just sign here, and it's all yours."

Rosen released his grip on the man's shirt, allowing him to stumble back and regain his composure. As the man scurried away to the back office, Rosen turned his attention to Morelle and handed her the document and a pen. Morelle took it and signed the contract with shaky hands. Rosen's eyes softened, a flicker of guilt passing through them. "I didn't mean to scare you, Morelle. But sometimes, people need a reminder of their place."

Morelle nodded, her heart still pounding from the intensity of the encounter. She understood Rosen's protective nature, even if it sometimes manifested in a terrifying manner. "I know, Rosen. Thank you for standing up for us."

Rosen gave her a half-smile, his usual charm returning to his features. "Anything for you, Morelle. And for Adeline, of course." He gently kissed the top of Adeline's head, eliciting a soft giggle from the baby girl.

A few moments later, the man returned with a copy of the deed and the keys to the cottage. He handed them to Rosen, his hands shaking slightly. "Here you go, sir. The cottage is all yours. I hope you enjoy your new home."

Rosen took the keys and the contract, a sense of satisfaction filling his chest. He turned to Morelle, excitement glimmering in his eyes. "Shall we go see our new home, my dear?"

Morelle's heart swelled with joy as she nodded, a smile spreading across her face. Together, they walked out of the real estate office and made their way towards the cottage. The moonlight bathed the surrounding forest in a soft glow, casting a magical aura over their new beginning.

As they approached the cottage, Morelle couldn't help but admire its quaint charm. The white picket fence encircled a small garden, filled with vibrant flowers and herbs. The cottage itself stood tall, its wooden exterior adorned with ivy and roses. It was a place that exuded warmth and comfort, a sanctuary for their little family.

Rosen unlocked the front door, and they stepped inside, their footsteps echoing in the empty space. The cottage was small but cozy, with a living area, kitchen, three bedrooms, and three bathrooms. It was a humble abode, but it held the promise of a brighter future.

Morelle walked over to the window, peering out at the moonlit forest. She felt a sense of gratitude wash over her, knowing that she now had a place to call home, a place where she could raise Adeline in safety and love. She turned to Rosen, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "Thank you, Rosen. Thank you for everything."

Rosen crossed the room and enveloped Morelle in a warm embrace, his arms gently encircling them both. "You deserve nothing but the best, Morelle," he whispered, his voice filled with sincerity. "I will do whatever it takes to ensure your happiness."

"Why are you... so nice to me Rosen?"

"Because... your very existence fills me with happiness that I haven't felt in a long time".