

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · ファンタジー
79 Chs

The Old Hall Town Invasion (Fenris POV)

Chapter 76 The Old Hall Town Invasion (Fenris POV)


One of the Knights shouted clearly toward hundreds of people who look pale and panic in the way to the evacuation underground near them.

They walked hurriedly while matching their line as lots of D-rank Knight order them to do from the side way for ensuring they walk properly.

As I walked through the different side of the main way for the Knights come closer to me.

One of these two Knight are male Knight that had equipped with full armour like me and the other one is a female Knight who equipped with a magician rob and magical long rod.

Both use Yellow Knight Bracelet that show they are C-rank Knight, the male knight is a Tanker, and the female knight is a Healer.

"Fenris, thank God you're here."

The male knight welcomed me.

As I look closely to him, I know he's Farhan and the other girl next to him is his girlfriend, Nadia.

Rezvan previously told me that they are his friend that come together as a Knight.

Unfortunately for Rezvan, he doesn't continue his path as a Knight intensely as before because his sisters demand for more safe job.

"What's the situation?"

I asked.

"The S-rank Knights is on their way for return to here since they still on the S-Rank Dungeon. The A-rank Knights and other B and C Rank Knights had move to the Kota Tua, but there's no report from them since then."

Nadia explained it briefly.

"The D rank Knights in here are assigned to help the people moving to the underground evacuation room. We're both coming late since those A-rank Knight and its armies had move forward faster than we expected."

Farhan adding his explanation.

"So, me, and you two, are the only Knight left that should help the A-rank Knight team, right? Got it. Let's move fast then!"

I walk fast followed by Nadia and Farhan behind me toward Kota Tua.

Since the Knight's Bracelet had blessing our strength, we immediately run quickly without exhausting too much from carrying the armour and weapon.

In the middle of running, I see the blue light notification from my Knight's bracelet that give us a message about the Knights in there.

'Report: The Monster is one male Dark Elves and one female Halflings We couldn't identify the rank because lack of time, but approximately it is about the A to S rank. Please send help. The Halflings already summoned the mystical beast of flame bird.'

I took a moment for planning the counterattack after hearing the report.

It's just a two monster, but the burn damage on the Kota Tua severe that I could see smoke filled the sky on there even it's about several miles away from here.

"Farhan, how much the B and C rank Knight that the commander of the team had?"

I asked in the middle of running.

"It's about hundreds, Fenris! Almost all of them is Invader Knight!"

Farhan quickly answered.

"Isn't fine that we are not have an Invader, Fenris?"

Nadia asked in concerning tone.

"Don't worry about that, Nadia. With that amount of Invader, we should focus on support the defend and heal."

I said it firmly.


"Hey, where's Rezvan? I thought he would come with you in here…"

Farhan suddenly asked out of his curiosity.

"He brings his sisters for safety."

I answered shortly.

"So, you're dating now? That's surprising."

Nadia holds her chuckled.

It would be a happy trip if there's not that 'silver-haired annoying woman' who come along and tries to act like Rezvan is her treasure or something.

Uhh…even think about her cold tones and arrogance always made me irk!

It's almost close that I want to convey my feelings toward Rezvan, but suddenly this chaos happened and ruin everything!

This Monster Invasion really irritating!

"Can you guys focus on your mission?"

I said with cold tone.


Farhan and Nadia answered with gulping.

Its good because if they insist to discuss that, I would be went rage over it.

"We should reach the Raid Team quickly. You guys ready?"

I ordered for fast paced run.

"Yes, ma'am!"

"Of course!"

The seconds after Farhan and Nadia answered simultaneously, we fasten our speed run so we could arrive at the Kota Tua approximately in ten minutes.

The heat of the flame and the thick of smoke are the two things that welcomed us as we arrived there.

I gradually slowed down while activating the Magical Barrier along with Farhan so three of us covered by it.

Looking around, lots of building become debris and engulfed by the fire.

Farhan focuses on the right side, I focus on the left side, and lastly, Nadia is focus behind Farhan and me while casting buff spell for increasing our attack and defence.

The heat of flame and suffocating smokes around the debris diminished as our magical barrier had been perfected.

However, I still choose to walk cautious and look at the sky in case the mystical beast is flying around here.

As we walk through the burning Kota Tua and arrived at the crushed Old Town Hall, the male Dark Elves with his long silver haired, covered with black full armour and yellow long coat is strangle one of our Knights in the raid team.

Me, Farhan, and Nadia stopped by reflex as we see hundreds of Knights stumbled with crushed armour and blood spilled everywhere, making the floor of this area of city become flooded with the blood.

Some of them still survived as I heard the low breathing of them while holding the suffocation.

But most of them already breathless without any movement or any slight indication that they still alive.

"It can't be…! It's Zakka! The A-rank Knight Invader!"

Farhan whispered as he sees the Knight who being strangled by the Dark Elves.

The Dark Elves look at us as realize our incoming.

The moment he grips Zakka's neck strongly for finishing Zakka, I immediately concentrate my shield until it reveals the blade at the edge.

"Farhan, strengthen the defence!"

I yelled as I throw the shield like a boomerang toward the Dark Elf.

Since my shield is used for attack, the magical barrier obviously halved.

Fortunately, Farhan moved fast for anticipating it by focus solely on Magical Barrier so the defence power return to optimum.

The Dark Elves realize my shield coming, so he quickly throws away Zakka and then clash the shield with his sword by reflex.


After the sparks from repeated clash between my shield blade and Zakka's sword slash, he finally pushed to the back then get slammed on the wall of Old Town Hall behind him.

I immediately lift my right hand for taking back the Shield that return to me.

From there, I, Farhan and Nadia run fast toward Zakka for recovering him quickly so we could counterattack since Zakka is an Invader Knight.

From far away, I heard Zakka coughed a lot while vomiting blood because of the injury.

He knows our incoming because or fast step is moving toward him.

"Don't… Don't come…. here…!"

Zakka sounds faintly but I can feel his trembling when warned us.

But we are not feared under those Dark Elves murderous intent.

Both I, Farhan, and Nadia still firmly run through for saving Zakka.

As few seconds passed by, I heard the gigantic wing flap from the sky.

Not only that, the sound of debris that had been crushed by the Dark Elves is a sign that he has arisen.

The Dark Elves create a Circle of Magical Formation behind him, then took a dozen of Blue Magical Gemstones from there.

"Farhan, Nadia! Get prepared! The Dark Elves is ready for attack!"

I shouted in the middle of running.

"Yeah, sure!"

Farhan speaks bravely, while Nadia nodded for concentrating the healing process later.

The Dark Elves mumbled with his language.

I don't understand slight of his words, but from my experience, I know he's casting a spell.

When the Dark Elves throwing a dozen of Blue Magical Gemstones, it emerges the blue aura that activate the Storm Ice that freeze the floor, air, and even our feet with in an instant.

I can't believe it.

Aren't we used the Magical Barrier?

Why is the Ice Magic Spell penetrating that Barrier easily?

Damn, there's no use for becoming threatened.

Since the Magical Barrier cracked the Ice gradually, I know we could breakthrough this ice spell bullshit.

"Farhan! Nadia! Focus on Magical Barrier! We could release ourselves from-"

"Fenris! On the sky!"

Farhan and Nadia shout out immediately as the sound of flapped wing become intense than before.

As I look at the sky, the massive bird covered with flame magic flies toward us like a landing plane.

It just took a second for the flame that generated from the wings of the enormous bird spread and raining on us, crushing our Magical Barrier into pieces, and slammed all of us into chaos.

The crushing explosion of fire throw all of us until we hit the debris of the building.

My skin gradually felt burnt because of the diminished of Magical Barrier.

In the middle of suffocating smoke and burning heat, I force myself for stand out even my armour getting crumbled slowly.

Looking from far away, I see Farhan, Nadia, and Zakka passed out because can't hold the suffocating breath because of the fire.

I know it also hard to me, but I really need to do something so the S-Rank Knights could come and helped us.

For a moment I took a breath and use restoration skill for myself, the shadow that appeared in front of me feels like engulfed my body.

It's the Dark Elves Shadow.

Before I took step back for protecting myself, the Dark Elves already strangle my neck.

The Dark Elves laughed as the Halflings do under her Mystical Beast.

They might be only two Monster, but their power can't be underestimated.

I quickly grasp tightly the hand of Dark Elves that tries to strangle me.

As the air become thin, the world I see become blurry.

I can't see anything properly.

All I can hear is the voice of man who calling my name.

The courageous voices that I think I had heard it before.

Is that Rezvan?

It might be or might be not.

While I tries to confirm that, the world I see turned into a full dark.

Whatever that is, I hope that's the S-Rank Knight who come to save us from this chaos.