

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · Fantasy
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79 Chs

The Old Hall Town Invasion II (Raenisa POV)

Chapter 77 The Old Hall Town Invasion II (Raenisa POV)


I can't believe my dear shouted her name so loud with rage tone.

After we arrived at these burnt town with loth of Knight's corpses, we immediately detect the Dark Elves that strangle Fenris who seems suffocated because of it.

Looking at Fenris' broken armour, she and her team might be fighting the Derberos and Halflings that went fly with its mystical beast: bird of flame.

From the Dark Elves black armour appearance, the gaunt cheeks, and the tired eyes, I know exactly that is Usunaar Derberos, one of the great military commanders from Derberos family.

I know Usunaar is realizing our appearance as we come wiping out the spreading fire on these old town.

The murderous intent feels more intense as he smirks with vicious eyes as he looks at me and Rezvan surf in the sea of wave water magic spell.

"Finally! Amdarais and his prodigy has come! This is a fate!"

Usunaar welcomed us with grin.

He immediately throws Fenris away then create a circle of magical formation behind him.

He took a dozen of Blue Magical Gemstones then throwed it up to our sea wave while chanting the ice magic spell.

"Conquer all blazing grudges

Incarcerate every malice

For the everlasting peace

Scatter, Ice Dust!"

The dozens of Blue Magical Gemstones shines it blue light until it changed entirely into a storm ice that froze all the sea wave into ice chunks.

I almost stumbled, which luckily not fall from the frozen sea since I tighten my hug on Rezvan firmly.

The problem is our feet is stuck on the ice chunks.

The sound of flapped wing from the sky is indicating that mystical beast would be come to drop the flame bomb as we stuck in this frozen sea.

Thankfully, Rezvan could break the part of Ice Chunks that trapped our feet with his water magic spell, make it melted into a water even it's not all the sea wave.

Strangely enough, Rezvan prepared his Fire Magic Spell chanting towards the Usuunar, not to the massive bird flame that on the way on us.

I just understand Rezvan decision after I see Usuunar preparing another dozens of Blue Magical Gemstones that he took from his magical formation of inventory.

From his faint chanting, I know he is preparing Ice Arrow Magic Spell.

"Raenisa, could you help on that Mystical Beast?"

I smiled widely as Rezvan asking for my help.

I know exactly that my presence in here is useful for him, better than Fenris to be precise.

It would be amusing to see that I stood firmly in front of battered Fenris, which would be undoubtful evidence for her.

"Sure, honey! Let this Princess Raenisa handle it!"

I turn around then look at the flame bird from far away now swoop into the town, prepared its blazing wing to crush both me and Rezvan along with the frozen sea.

"The pride in suffocating people

The arrogance of tearing out the mortals

The greed of the Souls

Let me bravely embrace it, o Great Flame!"

Rezvan shouted his Fire Magic Spell casting along with Usuunar who casting Ice Magic Spell.

Hundreds of Fire arrow from my dear clashed with hundreds of ice arrow from Usuunar, creating a barrage of explosion that made the road and the old building around us cracked.

In the middle of massive fire arrow casting, I see Rezvan jumped down then run to Usuunar.

He's the brave magician.

It's a wise decision for me to choose him as my husband.

Putting that aside, I know there's assignment left for me to do.

I jumped down from the frozen sea wave, then concentrate on my Ice Magic Spell.

The heat from the flammable wing of that enormous bird of flame irritatingly hot.

It needs to be calmed down a bit with my Ice Magic Spell.

"Silent for the sake of wisdom

Quiet for the grace of Arcane

Stop the unstoppable

Let us contemplate, o Majestic Ice!"

As my casting Ice Magic Spell finished, the blue aura magic emerged around my body.

I cast hundreds of Ice Arrow that massively diminishing the flame wings of that bird until finally the cursed mystical beast fell down with it headfirst.

Since it's a mystical beast, I know the diminished flamed wings of that enormous bird would be regenerated by the magic of halflings inside of it.

That's why I stomp the ground, make it into ice floor that I could slide it easily.

I slide my way toward the fallen bird while covering my magical barrier with massive Ice Elemental Spell with half of my Mana.

As the bird opened its mouth when look at me become closer, I jumped forward then slammed my ice magical barrier on those head of flame bird.

It took a second of clashing between the fire skin of the flame bird and my ice magical barrier until it finally those two elemental magic spells evaporated into thin air.

As the head of flame bird opened widely, I see a female halflings looks surprised when see me right in front of her.

The female halflings indeed a midget, wearing a white magician coat that covered with Magical Barrier.

There are two circle of magical formation in her left and right side that throwing dozens of Blue Magical Gemstones that she used for recovering her mana all the times so she can keep her mystical beast alive.

"I won't lose!"

This midget hurriedly took dozens of Blue Magical Gemstones while preparing casting a fire magic spell.

Surprisingly enough, I could see her right eye is the red dragon eyes, which explain why she could utilize the fire magic spell into this mystical beast.

Furthermore, I remember her being a pure magician before her noble family joined Derberos.

Her name is Bravani, the well-known on Fire Mystical Beast and her skill on making the Magician armour.

Despite her skill, for me, this midget is not fast enough.

I quickly grasp her hand and strangle it using the Ice Spell which made both her hand numb.


Bravani scream in anguish as she panicked over numbness on her hand.

"So, you lick the Derberos feet for gaining a glory? Are you not embarrassed on your great ancestor? Such a shameful act, Bravani!"

I yelled at her with mocking tones.

Bravani grimaced, but she forces herself to stare at me with rage face as she felt my word is an insult.

"I'm not that low as you who sold yourself to the Forbidden Ice Magic Spell, Raenisa!"

"Ha, it's my past! But look at you! Work together with Derberos for playing Yinleth and Venharice?! For what?! For gaining more artificial power from these low magical gemstones?! Where's your pride as a Magician?!"

"It's all changed, Raenisa! Derberos had create a path for us that transcend the ritual path! It's a revolution among Magician life! The freedom of using magic for all of us!"

"You just make Magician lazy with that Blue Magical Gemstones! Look at you now, Bravani! You lose among those hundred Blue Magical Gemstones! Admit it that I, the pure Magician, is the true winner of this match!"

"I-it's not solely about win or lose! It's about love that Usuunar had showed to me! Only by Derberos path we could tackle every difference on us! Don't you realize it also applied to you?! You also love that Amdarais' Prodigy, right?!"

I silent for a while because of Bravani last statement.

I obviously know Rezvan concern about our difference since he's a human while I'm the Dark Elves.

Even with that difference, I always believe our love will find its way so we could live together as a husband and wife.

But if I looked with cynical perspective, I realized the difference between us is too wide and long to grasped for the future.

Is this Bravani' personal reason for join the Derberos?

Because she found there are an alternative for having a life that she wants despite its difference.

I clenched my hands for gripping those small hand of Bravani until she screamed in pain.

As convenient as I heard of that statement, I would not falter and throw away my pride as a Magician.

Lord would punish me if I should lick Derberos feet just for me having a life that I wanted with that artificial path.

"I-if victory is all I need for reaching our ambition, then I would do whatever it takes!"

Bravani suddenly shouted and screamed simultaneously.

It's strange because I haven't seen any movement from that bluffing.


Then, the sound of sparkle blue magical gemstones come behind me.

The moment I grapple both her hands, I thought she could take away the blue magical gemstones from two circle magical formation of inventory on her left and right side.

I was wrong.

There was another circle magical formation of inventory that could be activated from Bravani necklace.

The red pendant, along with her red dragon eyes, shines it red light brightly until it formed the Fire Magical trap on my back.

All my gaze suddenly turns into white sky as the fire magical trap activated, blowing an explosion that cracked my ice magical barrier entirely.

Me and Bravani thrown away because of the explosion with our Magical Barrie crumbled each other.

If there's not a Magical Barrier, I know it would be an instant death.

As my body thrown awan then fall on the flamed ground, the world I see become blurred and my breath become suffocated because of the large smoke around me.

The heat that penetrates my skin feels like destroyed me painfully and slowly.

Ah, Rezvan.

I'm sorry for my loss.

I know it's a draw.

But hopefully it would make me a better woman than Fenris in your eye.

As my consciousness went dark, I closed my mind and surrender.


I mumbled over his warm on this hell.

I heard a faint step and shouting, even though it's no longer clear on me.

I just believe it's my husband, coming for help me.