

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · ファンタジー
79 Chs

Negotiate With The Devil

Chapter 20 Negotiate With The Devil


People yelling and horns at me because I drive my motorbike like a crazy racer.

However, I don't care.

If this high speed could make me move toward the Dungeon Gate, I'll do it.

From the news I just heard, the Temple Dungeon Gate is summoned in Kota Tua, one of the places with a lot of classic city architecture in my city.

Tourists usually fill those places, but the area will be forcefully closed if Dungeon Gates is there.

During the Dungeon Gate moment, there would be a lot of cops and Knights who secure the place until the Dungeon Boss is dead and the gate is closed.

Currently, I'm not a Knight.

I even forget bringing my Knight's Bracelet.

All I need is Magic to destroy those bastards who dare to mess with my family.

"Somebody had gone far angry, I see. Isn't it because that person must spend almost all of his money? Hmm…. I wonder…."

Amdarais said sarcastically, behind me.

"Don't talk to me now. I'm busy."

I replied in a cold tone while holding my anger.

"Oh, come on… I just wondering. What if you are getting crashed on the way and this money gets robbed?"

Amdarais still insist on my answer.

"This is not about the damn money! It's about my sisters! Those bastards had crossed the line!"

"Ah, right… right… But only anger couldn't defeat your enemy, you know. So no matter what they prepared in the Temple Dungeon, think more calmly. Your sisters are the stake."

I have gone speechless.

Amdarais is right.

The anger might be pumping everything I have right now to eliminate those damn Kidnappers.

But it would be meaningless if I forgot about my sister's condition under that bastard threat.

I must plan my move more cautiously.

As I breathed in and out, it reduced the heat of my emotion.

When I arrived at Kota Tua, I saw the Blue Dungeon Gate in front of the museum, approximately 20 miles from my position.

I push the speed limit of my motorbike, not caring about the cops and the Knights that shouted at me.

"Hey! Don't go in there! It's Dungeon!"

"Stop! Stop! Oi!"

Everyone yelling and whistling while chasing me, but I'm not faltering.

It is probably the first time someone crazy enough brings his motorbike into the Dungeon.

This old motorbike might be crumbled, but I only think this way for entering the Dungeon.

The shouting, the voice of my motorbike, and the road are suddenly gone as the blue light of Dungeon's Gate shines brightly into me.

I know it is the sign for me to enter the Temple Dungeon.



My body felt like bouncing as my motorbike landed and crashed on one of the temple's stone pillars.

Thank God I had activated the Magic Barrier so my body could hold the fall impact.

I stand while brushing my jacket and pants.

The moment I walk to my motorbike, it has already split into two because of the crash.

Somehow, I predicted my precious old motorbike would become these pieces if I forced it into the Dungeon.

Well, at least I had arrived in the Dungeon without getting restricted by the cops and the Knights.

After I took the bag of money for the Kidnapper, I rushed to enter the hall of the temple.

Only the torchlight shows me in the middle of the way.

There are a lot of dead Goblins and Beasts with the scar of slashing and piercing arrows on their body scattered on the hall.

As Fenris told me, most of the Dungeon part had finished.

The remaining Monster close to this Dungeon Gate is only the Boss Dungeon.

Then, I stopped my step and saw lots of frozen human legs and hands spread around the dead Goblins and Beasts.

The armored leg and hand frozen in there prove that it is from the Knights.

Of course, there's no way for the Knight, especially in this B-rank Dungeon, to use a freeze magic spell to kill other Knights.

But, as long there's a Boss Dungeon who can do that, it would be a different story.

The Astray Knights could use it as an opportunity for 'throwing' their targeted Knight as if they were getting murdered by the Boss Dungeon.

Like Fenris said, this Temple Dungeon is fearful among the Knights because it's not indicating those victims defeated by the Goblins or the Beasts, but by the Evil Knights that want to rob their Diamonds.

"…and now you must meet them in person. What a convenience fate, eh?"

Amdarais chuckled as he understood my rail of thought.

I exhaled, then moved directly to the center of the temple because most of the way was already opened.

"My only focus is ensuring my sisters are safe. After that, I swear they will pay for their cruelty."

I replied confidently.

"Of course, your sister's safety is a top priority. That's why you need to understand the Halflings monsters, Rezvan."

"I bet the Boss Dungeon is Halflings with their mystical beast."

"I agree. As a Magician, fighting Halfling and its Mystical Beast would be challenging if you can't tackle their attack. It also can be worse because you have your sisters to protect during that."

I nodded because that was my only concern.

One thing is for sure, my time is limited.

I don't have any time to think another way except to face whatever the enemy planned for me later.

Bringing innocent children to this Dungeon is a brutal way for me to comply with these bastards.

Several minutes passed, and I fastened my walk through the temple hall.

On the edge of the temple hall, I took my step down toward the center of the temple.

There are many stone stairs, probably hundreds of them, to be passed to reach there.

"Ah, he's coming! He's coming, boss!"

"This quickly?! Whoa! Never thought that from the Weakest Knight!"

"We can finish it more quickly! Woohoo! It always boring waiting in here!"

Three adult male voices came as I finished the last step of the stairs.

They all sounded like hyenas who had just discovered their prey.

I slowed and raised my awareness in the middle of my way toward the edge south.

The large stone pillars line up from my position into the edge south, which is the center of the temple.

On the edge south, there's a stone stage with an opened stone coffin.

From there, I can see the skeleton of Halflings with an old black and green coat and golden crown lying up.

There are lots of questions regarding that skeleton.

Still, after seeing several Knight marches below the stone stage, every question is delayed.

There are six Knights; two are tankers (B-rank and C-rank). The remaining four are Invader (Two B-rank and two C-rank).

They have no Healer Knight because they need a reason for not helping other knights while raiding this Dungeon.

Of course, I know because this kind of story is always spread among Knights.

It's still unbelievable for me because the C-rank Tanker and one of the C-rank invaders is a woman.

Geez, what the hell are they thinking about joining these bandits?

"Okay, stop there, hero."

The B-rank Tanker pointed at me, so I stopped my step.

"Brother! Help!"

"Ahhh! Brother!"

"Serena! Citra! Calm down!"

I shouted to calm my sister's panic.

Both are detained by the C-rank woman Knight Invader.

With my fist clenched and my mouth grinning, I almost ran toward to strike all these imbeciles that dare threatens my sisters.

But I stopped at a few steps because one of the B-rank Knight Invaders aimed his bow at my sister's head.

"One more step, and you will see the arrow strike through your sisters, Weakest Knight."

The B-rank tanker threatened me with a cold tone.

I need to swallow all my anger and move cautiously for my sister's safety.

"Release them."

I said while showing the bag of money I had carried as they requested.

"Give the bag first, then we'll release them."

"No. My sisters first."

"Whoa, you have some nerve, Weakest Knight? Don't you realize who is the boss here?"

One of the C-rank Knight Invaders mocked me while unsheathing his silver mace.

But I'm staying firm.

I took the fire lighter from my coat and turned it on near my money bag.

"If you want to kill me first, I'll burn all the money, so you earn nothing!"

All the bandits stared at me with annoyed faces.

I know they are not expecting me to do this reckless act.

"The Weakest Knight full of calculation, huh? Okay. We understand. No more violence. We want the money; you want your sisters. Is that clear?"

The B-rank Knight Tanker shrugged, then ordered the C-rank Knight Invader woman to escort my detained sisters to me slowly.

"Brother…I'm scared…"

Citra can't hold her body shaking.

Fortunately, Serena hugs her while they both walk together under the pressure of the C-rank Knight Invader.

"Citra, Serena, look at me. Don't look at others. Stay calm."

I said calmly.

My fire lighter is still near the money bag, so they stay true to their words for returning my sisters.

It is only about fifteen steps range for me and the C-rank Knight Invader.

"Quickly release the chain in my sisters before I change my mind."

I threaten the C-rank Knight invader.

After a long stare between the B-rank Knight Tanker and the C-rank Knight Invader, they finally agreed.

The C-rank Knight Invader releases the chain, and at the same time, I throw the bag of money far away, so these hyenas' attention drifts from me.


Serena and Citra couldn't resist their fear and panic, so they dashed toward my hug.

"Brotherr….!! Huwweeee…..!"

"Let's go homeee! Huhuhuhuhu…!"

"Sshhh…. Sure, we will go home. Be patient."

I whispered softly as they shed all their tears in my chest.

"Boss! The money is real! This Weakest Knight is no joke!"

I can see the grin of the B-rank Knight Tanker toward me as he confirmed the money.

I know these hyenas are not satisfied by the money.

The Soul's Spirit pumps inside my body as I tighten my hug to my sisters.

Waiting to be released for shooting its star.