

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · Fantasy
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79 Chs

The Ice Mystical Beast

Chapter 21 The Ice Mystical Beast

"The Weakest Knight has an amount of money than us… Unbelievable…."

The muscular B-rank Knight tanker claps slowly with a disdainful stare at me.

"It's strange. The Weakest Knight not even continuing his job as Knight after finishing his hospital treatment. Where the hell he got that money?"

"I heard he started a new job as an online food delivery?"

"Online food delivery who has a huge amount of income than Knight? Nonsense!"

"Probably he becomes the 'lucky Knight' when the mysterious red dragon reaches out the town."

These hyenas' notion is almost true, but they still do not realize that I'm now a Magician.

They are not aware of Amdarais existence behind me, which is affirming.

It's easy for me to start the attack because I rely on long-range magic.

If I can kill two C-rank Knight Invaders with a bow weapon first, my next attack will be more effective because they can't counter my attack from far away.

However, my scared sisters made me doubt starting that attack because it would bring danger to them if I moved too quick.

I must choose the alternative way.

My sister's safety is a priority here.

"Yeah, it's the random luck of the Knight. I mean, only he, the Knight who sells the red diamond in this country! It's impossible for this pathetic Knight defeats the dragon's mother! He just steals the diamonds from the dead dragons!"

One of the B-rank Knight Invaders yells forcefully with an angry face.

I keep silent because I don't want to explain too much about it.

"You got the money. Let us leave."

I stand and hold tight to my sisters, who still shaking because of fear.

"Hey, hey, hey…. Why leave so early? Aren't there some questions you need to be answered?"

The C-rank Knight Invader warns as he points out his sword to us.

"Nothing to talk about."

I said as I stepped back slowly.

But the Knight Tanker and Invader step toward us to ensure our range is close enough.

Some of these bastards also still aiming their bows at us.

I know they want our lives, so there's no witness to their cruelty.

"My, my… look at you, Rezvan. Born as a Weakest Knight, have a bit of temporary luck with that money, and now you must end your life in this quiet temple with your remaining family."

The B-rank Knight tanker chuckled.

He seems 'happy' to see me will get destroyed.

"Don't worry. We'll make it quick, so there's no more pain."

I quickly aimed my palm toward the C-rank Knight Invader with the bow when he snapped his finger.

Before all my Soul's Stars attacked these scoundrels, everything suddenly stopped.

A blue Knight came from the sky and landed before my sisters and me.

The Blue Knight raised her blue shield and activated its magic barrier that covered the Blue Knight, me, and my sisters.

The barrage of silver arrows that initially moved fast toward my head suddenly broke because of the blue magic barrier.

Even the Knight Invader slashing is not capable of breaking the magic barrier.

I can't see the Blue Knight's face correctly because it's covered by the full Knights helmet.

However, from the long black hair and the vanilla scent, I can sense the Blue Knight is Fenris.

"Freeze! You all are under arrest by Knight Association! All of you are proven wrong for conducting violence and manipulating other Knights using 'accident in the Dungeon' reasoning!"

Fenris's ultimatum makes those hyenas start to panic.

"The hell are you waiting?! Kill them all! Now!"

The B-rank Knight Tanker yelling make all the Raid team members bombard us with slashing of sword and piercing arrow.

Thankfully, their attack is not strong enough to penetrate Fenris's great defense.

"It's useless. I had to call reinforcement from the Knight Association to help me. You all are done."

Fenris's statement managed to make these evil knights pale as hell.

To be honest, I intend to punish them personally.

But because I still need to ensure my sister's safety, this is the best way to finish it.

"Mister Rezvan, are you and your sisters alright?"

Fenris asked me while looking at me at a glance.

"Y-yes… thanks for your help, Miss Fenris. How do you know I'm in here?"

"I'll see you when I return to the Knight Association office. From the direction you take, I know you are moving toward the Temple Dungeon Gate, so I choose to follow you quietly."

Man, I never expected she had a sharp mind.

Better be cautious with her in the future.

"More importantly, you must be careful with them. Don't do anything reckless because it will take your and your sister's life."

I nodded as I heard Fenris's advice.

It's a relief for me because she is unaware of my intention to attack them with my magic spell.

"Sure, thanks."

"It's coming! Time to move! Now!"

The B-rank Knight Tanker shouted while stepping back toward the entrance gate.

Suddenly, the mysterious cold wind that makes every stone pillar and floor gradually freeze comes from the opened coffin in the center room.

I noticed one of Knight Invader's swords struck the skeleton in the coffin, which I think was bait for bringing this cold wind.

All the Knight Invaders and Tankers stopped their attack on Fenris's shield, then created a line with two Knight Tankers in front of four Knight invaders.

Both Knight Tankers raise each shield so their magical barrier is manifested, protecting all their team members from the cold wind.

They now took a fast step toward the entrance gate together.

"They want to bring the Boss Dungeon! We should get out of here! Mister Rezvan, please bring your sisters back while we run!"

Of course, Fenris realizes these hyena's attempts.

We both move fast toward the entrance gate while cutting through the freezing wind.

I can feel Serena and Citra shaking in the cold, even if it's already protected by Fenris's barrier.

They might be frozen in just a few seconds of the cold wind if there is no barrier.

As soon as we heard the crumbling of stone in the entrance gate, I knew we were too late.

These Hyenas had already reached the entrance temple gate and went out from the temple.

They destroyed the gate with their sword slashes, so the entrance became fully closed with debris.

"Oh no, the entrance gate is closed!"

Fenris started to panic.

She stopped her step as we did.

The freezing wind breezing becomes more vigorous, leaving almost all stone pillars and floors frozen.

From the coffin, I can hear the enormous step of a beast come near us.

It is not an ordinary beast.

It's a giant wolf, covered by ice pike like it's his feather.

The blue crystal on the giant wolf's head emerges its blue light, indicating its control by someone or something in this temple.

As the giant wolf howls, the icy wind blows wildly, creating ice pike in some of the stone pillars and floors.


The howls make my sisters close their eyes on my coat, trembling in fear and cold.

Fenris tightens her shield, strengthening the magic barrier to protect us.

"Don't panic… the reinforcement will come… They will save us…"

I can feel Fenris forcing her smile on my sisters despite these death-threatening conditions.

The damn bandits know the only way to defeat Fenris is by baiting the Dungeon Boss.

If the reinforcement team is too late to save us, those Hyenas had already escaped from the Knight Association, and we died frozen.

After I inhaled and exhaled to calm my mind, I kneeled.

"Serena… Citra… just hold yourself into me and close your eyes. Don't think anything. Just wait, and all this mess will be over. Okay?"

Serena and Citra nodded without a word after hearing my whispers.

They gradually sleep because the cold forces them to get sleepy.

"It's the halfling. Inside the ice wolf."

Amdarais explained while staring at the ice wolf.

"So, the ice wolf is Halfling's mystical beast, huh…."

I look at the blue crystal placed in the ice wolf's head.

"Aim the head, right?"

I asked Amdarais.

"No, destroying the Ice Wolf's head is useless because the mystical beast will regenerate if the halflings are still alive. Instead, you must aim the halfling inside the ice wolf. Observe it using Soul's Spirit, Rezvan."

As I stare at the Ice Wolf deeply, I can sense other Souls' spirits inside the Ice Wolf's back.

From the thickness and the amount of ice pick covering the Ice Wolf's back, there's a huge probability that the halflings are in there.

"I know where the halflings at."

I whispered.

"Good… it's time to settle this on your own. The woman knight will not notice it because she busies defending you and your sisters."

I agree with Amdarais.

My sisters also had slept, so I could focus on casting my spell.

"This temple is damn cold… time to heat things up…!"