
the supreme demon lord on a watery vacation

adTHEweeb · その他
16 Chs

chapter 5

Chapter 5

Demon lord meets the strongest man

Over the 5 years after the 3 great powers of the world had come into existence the world had slowly calmed down with the occasional things popping up here and there but for the most part the world had been peaceful for the most part on the surface anyways.

Currently we focus on one of the biggest players in the world, the red-hair pirates who were currently having a meeting with the strongest man alive, whitebeard Edward Newgate himself.

Not wanting to send the world into a state of panic and fear shanks had decided to use a small ship only fit for 2 as he also had been on the down low for the past couple of months as he arrived on the ship of whitebeard the moby dick he was accompanied by a man who many would think was a girl at first glimpse and would fall in love with near instantly this was Rimuru Tempest the demon lord from another world.

As the two walked toward the giant throne where whitebeard was seated they overheard the first division of the whitebeard pirates speak this was marko.

"You newbies better go in before you pass out."

"What do you mean Marko is he going to attack us or something?"

"No, his haki of that man is too strong for you to-" before Marko could finish however the man who he was talking fell face forwards as his eyes rolled to the back of his head followed by many others.

"Oh well, it's too late now." Marko said in a tired voice having gone through this before as he simply watched as the two being walked across the ship with a powerful haki from the read head enough to bind and break some of the ship's wood but the other being he could not sense anything from him but could tell that this being was dangerous.

"Do you really have to do this all the time?" Rimuru asked in a low enough voice that only shanks could hear him with shanks responding similarly saying that "it is necessary?'' with Rimuru understanding and simply nodding before they reached near the thorne and stopped in front of it.

On the throne was an abnormally large human to the point some called him a giant standing at 21 '10 feet tall Unlike other large-sized humans, however, he was well-proportioned. He had a long face, an old face because of the advanced age with many wrinkles around his eyes, and many scars running along his chest, and was very muscular body only wearing baggy pants and an overcoat.


"Red haired shanks"

"What are you doing here"

"Relax whitebeard, I brought sake." Shanks said in an oddly relaxed but somewhat firm voice as he pulled out a massive gourd of sake.

"Good, hand it over." Whitebeard said as he opened his palm catching the sake as he started to pour it into a big cup before he handed back the sake to shanks who poured it into a big plate and poured some in another smaller cup.

Whitebeard watched as the teenage looking girl sat down in a way that reminded him of how the people of Wano sat followed by shanks who simply sat cross legged as they all started to drink.

"So why are you here shanks?"

"Straight to business I see then as you know i've been laying on the low for a while now and i will be going off the radar for a while."

"And?" whitebeard asked.

"I want you to watch over my territories for me. You don't have to make any big announcement about it or anything just to make sure if there's any big shot who comes to get rid of them my flight should be able to take care of most of the nobodies..."

"That's a pretty big demand but fine i'll keep an eye out"

"Thank you friend"

"No problem, so who's your friend?"

"Oh this is-"

Putting the cup of sake to the side Rimuru interrupted shanks "i am Rimuru Tempest"

"Rimuru huh i haven't heard of you before so what are you doing with shanks?"

"I am simply here to watch for the most part but I will of course protect myself if antagonized."

"Gurararara Gurararara and you think you could stop me if I decided to attack you brat?"

Instead of answering however, Shanks had simply gulped down the rest of the sake and set the plate aside as he walked to the side not long after as he had reached the side of the ship he simply watched in small amusement as a tick mark appeared on his sensei's head.

Whitebeard pulled out his massive weapon from the side of the throne the Murakumogiri one of the 12 supreme grade swords

Swinging down to slam it down On Rimuru, whitebeard's weapon was stopped by Rimuru as he pulled out a sword that was on his back blocking his attack only using one hand to hold the weapon.

"Clang clang" there was a few more clashes as whitebeard had put some haki into it causing the sky itself to split and pick a side between the two beings as Rimuru had put some demon lord haki causing it to split on his side as well but his was much more violent but it also seemed controlled with many lightning coming from it.

"Not bad" whitebeard said as he spun his weapon before slamming the back on the ground.

"You're not bad yourself child."

Hearing this whitebeard's eyes widened a bit before they narrowed in slight anger before he heard shanks burst out laughing to the side.

"I wanna talk to you about something important in private"

As they were close to a small deserted island they decided to go to it to talk as they arrived and so they started "so as i said i am Rimuru Tempest but what i didnt say to you is that i am a demon lord from another world."

"What, why would you tell me this if that was true."

"You see i do not plan to get involved with this world all too much however there seems to be something from my world which came here many years ago and affected it and you have been cursed by it through roger unknowingly to him i offered him to rid him of this curse but he refused saying he would just turn himself in anyways so i am going to offer you the same thing i offered him" Rimuru said in a serious voice

"Yes I know about the curse and that creature, but are you truly a demon lord?"


"Well i will have to decline your offer as i do not wish to undo my friends work willingly or not i have to ask what are your intentions for this world?"

"I see then the offer shall be open if you do change your mind, call me using this" Rimuru said as he threw a fairly small ring which grew when it reached whitebeard to be a perfect fit before he put it on his finger.

"And as for what i am here for, you see i am on a vacation. I have no real plans for this planet. I am simply a bored demon lord on a small vacation and so I am mostly looking to see this world's history which seems to be more interesting than I originally thought." Rimuru said in a more calm and friendly tone.

"That is good then you have no intention to raise a army to take over the world or anything"

"If i wanted to take over this world i could get it done in no time by myself but no i have no interest in that"

"Good, then in that case we are good, how do you and shanks know each other and why did you call me a child?"

I taught shanks some tricks to fight and stuff like that so i'm kinda his teacher and i called you a child cuz that is what you are to me as i am much older then you technically.

"How old are you then?"

"Now that's a difficult question to answer, I must say, so let's say I'm much older than anything you can imagine and leave it at that." Rimuru said not wanting to explain how he went to the end of time and live there for a infinity and so was technically older than time itself or ageless or the oldest thing to exist now 'which is it' <master please refrain from hurting yourself by thinking so hard>

'Whaaat i can think hard and complicated things!'

<Sure then would you like to answer this question which is considered to be one of the hardest questions in existence.>

'...' there was a moment of silence before a near robotic scared response of 'no thanks' was heard

<as i though>

With that being said they continued to talk for hours before the 2 had decided to leave off to go to their crew before they would go to their destination.

Dawn Island.

"We arrived"

"Yes this is there well be mostly staying for the next 2 years" shanks said with a smile on his face as a small little little girl with half his hair being red and half being white with purple eyes and a pair a headphones on her head with her hair being done in a odd hair style this girl was Uta shanks daughter who he found in a treasure chest just like he was found by roger and so had felt a connection to her however unknown to everyone but ciel this girl had the power of a powerful being known as the demon king of song.

The crew went into Dawn village as they walked through the town with many people making the townsmen all hideaway at first before after a few days they had all come back to life as usual after the crew simply had been going into a tavern and partying the whole time and being on their ships.

Uta was currently sitting on shanks lap drinking as she stopped and looked up at the drunk shanks "shanks when will he be here?"

"Shanks finished his drink before he put down the cup as he said he should be here in a minute" and true to his words a few minutes later a small boy with spiky black hair came running into screaming "Makino im here!" the boy screamed, not knowing of the pirates all lookin at him.

End of chapter 5

1. What will happen when the boy meets shanks?

2. What will happen when the boy meets Rimuru?

3. Why does shanks plan to stay on dawn island for 2 years?

4. What will happen with Uta being here now much earlier?

5. Where are ace and sabo and what will happen to them?