
the supreme demon lord on a watery vacation

adTHEweeb · その他
16 Chs

chapter 1

<....> Ciel speaking

"...." person speaking

'....' person thinking/inner thoughts

Chapter 1

The supreme being taking a vacation

Dear human who happens to be reading, I am a very complicated existence known as Ciel however I shall not explain as your puny human mind would not be able to understand it and according to my calculations your brain is very likely to explode.

What is this about you ask?

It's about my wonderful master after all everything is about him since he is the center of everything and God who created this multiverse and everything in and out of it.

Yes you heard me right he did it all as for how that is a story for another time.

My master is also the most powerful demon lord and mostly he has the best wife ever, ME!



"W-what master are you implying that i am not your wife?" said the voice in a voice that sounded like she would cry at any moment.

"I mean.." taking a long minute to think before giving up.

"HAAA I can't do this.'' Rimuru said as he slammed his head on his desk."

"I need a vacation."

"Understood searching for the perfect vacation spot."

"What? Why'd you suddenly go all moneton on me Ciel?"

"I dont know what you are talking about master, however i have found the perfect vacation spot for you."

"What? Oh you actually looked for one?"

"Yes ,of course anything for you master."

"Where is this vacation spot exactly?"

"It is a planet known as the blue sea or the cursed sea of freedom."

There was a long moment of silence between the two as Rimuru processed the information.

"Hmm Ciel..."

"Yes master"

"Why does that sound like a cursed place that is using people's blood to make a big smoothie for a super evil demon or something?"

"Master, would you wish for me to tell you why it is called that?"

"Hmm, and let you spoil the fun? No thanks."


'Now then to tell the others.'

Rimuru had closed his eyes to focus before he opened them again making his golden eyes flash a faith red and called for Shuna. As she arrived, she could immediately tell that something was amiss.

"My lord?" she asked.

"Shuna, notify the 12 Patrons and Souei. Tell them to meet me."

"U-understand my lord"

A few seconds later, a certain annoying lizard showed up. He had tan skin, light blond hair, and was bare-chested. This man was someone who had caused him headaches on a daily basis. However, unlike the usual, happy go lucky and casual Veldora, he was instead greeted with incredible seriousness.

"So Rimuru, where are you going?" asked Veldora.

However, before he could answer A movement caught Rimuru's eye, he turned away from Veldora. In front of him where many individuals appeared, all kneeling, except one. He scanned them from left to right.


A red-haired man with a pair of horns on his head, wearing a red uniform and a large Katana at his belt. Flare Lord Benimaru.

A blue-haired man with a single hord on his head, wearing what looked like a ninja outfit. Intelligence Officer Souei.

A large canine with a pair of yellow horns on his head. The figure of a wolf, with sleek dark grey and white fur, with a star on his forehead. Star Lord Ranga.

A dragonoid, with purple scales and a blue trident in his hands. Dragon Lord Gabiru.

An orc, with black clothes and a white shirt, clearly coming from a construction site. Barrier Lord Geld.

A purple-haired lady with rather large breasts and wearing a purple suit. First Secretary and War Lord, Shion.

A black haired man, with streaks of red flowing through it. His eyes gave off no warmth whatsoever, instead, his flashing yellow irises gave off a feel of omnipotence. Second Secretary and Demon God, Diablo.

Another lady, with 9 tails and silver and gold hair. Chimeric Lord Kurama.

An individual clad in a black exoskeleton. He was Mist Lord Zegion.

A skeleton in an extremely fancy robe, fit for a King. Gehenna Lord Aldaman.

A trio of women. One with white hair, one with purple hair, and one with yellow hair. Killer Lord Testarossa, Pain Lord Ultima and Menace Lord Carrera respectively.

And finally, to his surprise, a lady with black hair and dark navy blue irises. She had a burn scar on her left eye. She had a Katana at her side, wore black leggings and a white shirt. Shizue Izawa, the Conqueror of Flammes. His "Soulmate", though he could think of many people who would disagree with that statement. (Milim, Ramris, Chloe, Shion, Shuna, and of course, Ciel).

"The guesswork of a fortune teller is nothing compared to my calculations, Master. And I am telling you that She. Will. Not. Be. Your. Wife!"]

"Yup, classic Ciel. She was even more pissed off after we revived her from the dream dimension within me. Back at the final battle, she asked for Ciel to let her speak with Yuuki, while we were fighting. Surprisingly, Ciel refused, but then we later managed to swallow Yuuki up into "Void God Azathoth". One talk later, and we were all friends again. I even managed to seal Yuuki's deranged personality away, leaving the manga loving and honest but somewhat manipulative side of him left. Of course, after Yuuki was released, Shizue asked me personally if it was possible for her to come back. She said it was because she missed the kids, and wanted to see them grow in person. Another reason was because although she wanted to die as a human, seeing me work so hard to create my ideal and my utopia, all while saving the world and doing what she could not, inspired her to keep living. So, with the help of a reluctant Ciel, we revived her as a demigod, the same race as Leon. I think she may be able to give some of the 12 Patrons a run for their money, hell, she did beat Leon to a pulp after she was resurrected. Leon didn't fight back though, but maybe that was because Chloe was cheering for Shizue and not him. I felt really bad for Leon. On another note, she is also connected to me through a Soul Corridor, and could return to the dream dimension whenever she wanted. But she didn't. I'm still not quite sure, does it have to do with the whole "Soulmate" thing?"

<NeGatiVE! You are imagining things again Master!>

"Maybe I am...But Ciel, are you jealous?"

< … … … … >

"So you don't deny it."

<Master, do me a favor and SHUT UP!>

"Yup, Ciel is definitely jealous. And she has DEFINITELY gotten sassier."

Rimuru, caught in his thoughts, didn't seem to realize that his subordinates were getting restless. However, he then broke out of his trance, as he was wondering why Shizue was here.

"Shizue, why are you here? I don't remember asking to meet with you."

Shizue then smiled, before responding.

"I saw Miss Shuna running and contacting others through Thought Communication, and it had something to do with an abrupt summoning. What's more, I did feel your aura fluctuate a bit, so I got curious, Rimuru-san." she said with a shy smile.

She had started calling him Rimuru-san once she got revived, though she occasionally still called him Slime-san.

Rimuru nodded, before turning to the remaining 14 individuals.

"I'll be leaving shortly to another world."

Immediately, everyone excluding Veldora, Shizue and Shuna stared at him with wide eyes. Rimuru wondered why they were staring at him like that, until Diablo and Shion started speaking nonsense.

"My Lord, Please tell me how I have failed you! I will fix this error personally, I humbly request another chance!" said Diablo.

"MY LORD!" yelled Shion, tears flowing down her face. "If there is anything we can do to make you reconsider, PLEASE TELL US!"

"HEY HEY HEY I'm not leaving permanently, why are they all looking at me depressed like that?!"

"No No No No let me explain-" started Rimuru, only to be interrupted by Souei, who, looking depressed, turned right around and started to slowly sink into his shadow.

"SOUEI STOP! I have a REALLY important task for all of you while I am away. This is TEMPORARY!"


After everyone had settled down, Rimuru then continued.

Rimuru then considered who to bring.

Geld was a no go, he was needed for construction work.

Gabil was unavailable as well, since he was needed for the Hipokute Herb management.

The demoness trio were needed at the Tempest Federation, so they were a no go.

Zegion, preferably, stayed in the Labyrinth, since he stood out like a sore thumb, and Rimuru was in no mood to prepare a homunculus, since he was in a hurry.

Going by that logic, that would cross out Aldaman and Ranga and Kurama.

Shuna was not battle oriented, and she was needed at Tempest, so sadly she couldn't come.

Souei was needed for gathering intelligence, in case some terrorists like the Humanity Emancipation Alliance showed up again.

Shion, surprisingly, was actually in the middle of taking cooking lessons from Shuna, so she couldn't come. Rimuru desperately wanted Shion to improve her cooking too, so he went with this excuse to not bring Shion.

That left Benimaru and Diablo.

Benimaru was needed as the General of the Army, in case something happened.

'Well then it looks like diablo will be accompanying me'

"Diablo get yourself ready, we will be leaving for a while."

"Yes my master." Diablo said with a small bow.

With that being said some of the others pushed their small jealousy aside and praised Diable for having the luck of spending time with Rimuru alone in a new world completely by themselves and asked him to do a few things for them when he could.

"Time to start my vacation in a completely unknown world with a scary messed up demon by my side."

End of chapter 1

1. How will this great adventure of Rimuru trying to go on a peaceful vacation with a crazy powerful demon by his side goe?

2. How will the 3 great powers of the world of pirates react to the demon lord known as Rimuru Tempest?

3. What did the others ask Diablo to do for them?

4. What point in time will Rimuru go to when he goes into the blue seas?

5. How will Rimuru's presence and actions change the world and the events that happen into it?