
Chapter 15: Whitebeard Style - Destroy Blackbeard Online

Twelve-winged fallen angel Kuroneko: "...Old Man Whitebeard looks strong."

Kuroneko was shocked seeing Whitebeard's appearance live for first time, holding a large Naginata and having a large body. Whitebeard indeed look very strong.

Although she has already seen Whitebeard's appearance from the Memory File, seeing it in real time carries a different feeling than just seeing it as a movie.

Compared with the movie, Whitebeard's live appearance carry the presence of a strong man. Stab wounds and scars littered Whitebeard's body, further enhancing his presence of someone who has fought in numerous battles and live to fight another day.

Tony is not the richest: "...Oh shit! Whitebeard is jacked! Why did I not see this before."

Su Xiaoxiao: "Remember, Whitebeard is from the One Piece world and carries the blood of Giants in his veins. His Physique is already very strong. @Tony is not the richest, even if you use the data on the Hulk and your research on the anti-Hulk Armor, Hulkbuster, you cannot be Whitebeard's equal during his prime... Well if the Old man decides not to use his fruit, you can survive just for a short amount of time."

Tony is not the richest: "???"

Tony is not the richest: "Almighty Guild Leader... Please elaborate about the Hulk and this cool sounding Hulkbuster you speak off."

Su Xiaoxiao: "Oh? Did I not mention it? The Iron Man memory file is also a series of Files revolving your world generally called the Marvel World. Aside from yours there is also the Hulk, Thor, Captain America and others. The Hulkbuster appears somewhere in this."

Tony is not the richest: "???"

Tony is really having a headache.

When Su Han uploaded the Iron Man File he thought that it was already over and done with. Now after learning about the existence of others... Trouble seems to be following him in the future.

Tony is not the richest: "@Su Xiaoxiao, Almighty, Greatest and Handsome Guild Leader... The other files, can you please show it to us... We can talk about the price."

Su Xiaoxiao: "Do I look like someone you can just bribe?"

Tony cursed up a storm. Not someone who takes bribes? This asshole just went and extorted him with JARVIS' main Files and a still to be delivered Iron Man Armor!

Su Xiaoxiao: "When I'm in a good mood later, I'll naturally show you."

When Tony saw Su Han's next words he was able to calm down after a bit.

Seeing the interaction of the Group in the Chatgroup, Whitebeard couldn't help but smile. But once his eyes are no longer in the chat is expression became serious.

Whitebeard's eyes narrowed and and his Observation Haki blasted out surrounding the Entire Ship. In the past Whitebeard made it his personal rule to not use Observation Haki when not in combat while inside the ship.

This was so that he could give his Children their own privacy.

To his children, Whitebeard dotes to spoils them, but he will definitely give them their own private space, but today, is a special case, Thatch had just came back carrying a devil fruit.

Whitebeard had checked his own copy of the Devil Fruit Encyclopedia and is fairly sure that it was indeed the Dark Dark Fruit. Blackbeard should be trying to make his move against Thatch soon.

In fact if Whitebeard did not see Thatch carry the Devil Fruit on his hand, Whitebeard would have left the Chatgroup. He would have still continued to watch the full Memory File of One Piece then consider what to do with Blackbeard.

"Teach, I may have already known your decision and the action that you will take but deep down in my heart I hope and pray that it is wrong... Even with the Entire world is against you, you are still my son."

Whitebeard's knuckles was shaking as his grip on the handle of the Naginata was getting stronger.

But then...

Below deck on one of the rooms for the division captains.

Blackbeard Teach is drinking some strong rum with Thatch the Whitebeard Pirates 4th Division Captain. The both of them are happily talking all the while drinking and eating.

You sure got lucky finding a devil fruit on your travel Captain. Bring it out and lets see what it is.

Thatch with a red face clearly drunk was laughing, he stood up and took out a small chest from below the table and showed the fruit inside it. "I don't know what kind of Devil Fruit this is! Wait for a while after eating and let's check the book later. But man there sure are a lot of strange Devil Fruits. I just hope this fruit will give us something useful."

Thatch then continued eating and drinking, he seems to be going to pass out soon.

Blackbeard upon seeing the Devil Fruit had was surprised, he face promptly changed expression. But he took a deep breath suppressing his excitement.

Seeing as Thatch was already unaware of his surroundings Blackbeard slowly moved towards his back and silently pulled out a large knife and raised it up towards the unsuspecting man's back...


The entire Ship shook.

In the room suddenly exploded and covering it with Dust and smoke.

While the Ship was shaking, and angry shout can be heard covering the whole ship.

"Teach, you Bastard! You actually planned to do it! How dare you!"

It was Whitebeard! The sound contains his anger and disbelief on Blackbeard. Gripping his Fist, Spatial energy covered his fist and without hesitation punched out at full force.

"Ahhhhhhhhh! Pops, what are you doing? I'm your son!"

Blackbeard's complexion changed in shock, and finally he let out a cry. His body curled up into a ball, and covered his body with Armament Haki.


Blackbeard's body was crushed into a flat shape under the air shock. Then was directly blown away.

"Hu? Wa?"

The drunk Thatch suddenly woke up! He has not yet fallen unconscious and with such a big noise, even if Thatch is not a Division Captain, anyone in the crew would have woken up and be alert.

Thatch is by no means weak, to become the captain of the Whitebeard Divisions. In itself, it proves his strength. Even if he is still far from the level of an Emperor. But his strength is already enough to match against a Warlord.

Originally thought to be an enemy attack of the Thatch, in the face alert look at their own standing tall figure in front of the time, his expression a moment stiffened, he can't believe it.


I'm gonna have to do 6 chapters to catch back on schedule... Goddamn RL problems and ADHDs...

FeatherLitePencreators' thoughts