

R.E.D. has changed a ton ever since he was last seen, both appearance-wise and with his vestment

His hair was a few inches longer than last time, and his once intact and dilated eye had now a beautiful rainbow-colored iris with a black pupil, his coat had only one sleeve, that being from the left arm as the other arm had no sleeve at all, in that same arm his shoulder seemed to have three bulging spheres inside of it, each having what seemed to be a cut in them

His fingers, most specifically his fingernails, were all different from before, they now had Roman numerals aggravated in them, from I to X, from his left hand's tiny finger to the other on his right hand, they all had different colors too

His teeth were all changed, and now every single one of his teeth was changed into metal fangs with a dark gray color on the inside while its edges were a snow white

His coat had now a weird color on the inside that was always shifting from black to dark blue, and his newfound sword seemed extremely fancy, though no one has ever seen its blade leading to some people even thinking there is no blade at all

Finally, R.E.D. gained a new companion in his travels and missions, M.O.A.V. - Mechanical Organism Altering Vehicle - was a robot with advanced A.I. that could transform into whatever it wanted, it is usually seen in cube form where it just floats and follows R.E.D., but it can transform into whatever vehicle or machine he needs to, it is incredibly useful, especially for someone like R.E.D.

After the meeting that he and his boss had, R.E.D. was tasked with another mission

"I need you to go retrieve something of extreme importance to me, I would die for its safety, that's how precious it is..."

"Just give me the location... And I'll be here with it before you can breathe..."

"No... That won't be possible, I know how fast you can be but this thing... It is extremely fragile, you wouldn't be able to bring it here quickly, I expect it would take months to do so"

"What would that... So important and extremely precious... Thing be?"

"... My daughter and successor, Cinderella Bian Noora... A small girl of only 9 years of age... She was recently captured by an enemy organization and taken to the other side of the world! Those damn fiends! Makes me want to just... Just!... *sigh*... But I can't do anything... If I act against the laws of the Old World Supremacy then I risk all in The Dark Angels..."

**Right... If you attack any other organization without the approval of The King... That would make your status as a CEO... Ruined... And by his expression and sorrowful tone... I can deduce his petition was... Utterly rejected...**

"... I can't do it, but you can... So, please Red-Eyed Demon... Save and bring her to me"

R.E.D. stood quiet for a second and on the handle of the door of the limousine, he got a cigarette, then by flicking his finger with incredible force and speed, he lighted his thumb on fire and then lit his cigarette

"You do realize what will happen... If the Old World Supremacy gets a hold of... What I'm doing... Right? Your status as a CEO will be shaken... Out of balance and... I could end up getting... Fired from The Dark Angels..."

"... Heh... Yes, that would be what would happen, if we were talking about a normal person doing it... But you, Red-Eyed Demon, are not a normal person, you are greatly feared for your abilities and powers... They would think twice before doing anything against you, and this is all a part of my plan anyway!"

"Plan?... What plan are you talking about?..." R.E.D. asked as he blew smoke

"With the meeting right now I just gave everyone some really good proof that I have you under my control... But! With this mission, you're about to go on, it'd be no surprise that some may start doubting it again! They would ask themselves, is he really in control? Why is he doing this? What is happening? Where is he going? Did he order him? And so more... They would've started to doubt my control over you and chaos would ensue... With that, you may get one or two enemies in your journey... But your path to my daughter would be mostly cleared! It's the perfect plan!"

"... Are you... Sure that your plan... Will work?"

"Yes... I've been working on it for weeks now... It's bound to at least be somewhat effective!"

"Are you... Certain?"

"Yes... Yes, I am!"

R.E.D. stared into God's eyes as he stared at them back, despite the old look one could still see them burning with passion and determination

"Seems like you... Truly are certain... Alright then, I will as you say... Just give me the location and... I will be sure to get her as soon as possible..."

"... Thank you..."

Coordinates are given, she truly was on the other side of the world, in a leap R.E.D. leaves the car and mounts on M.O.A.V. who had turned into a motorcycle

"Activating light speed travel"

M.O.A.V. echoed in a feminine voice, her body started to become transparent and yellow and she got in position, then with one step on the pedal, R.E.D. traveled to the other side of the world at the speed of light

"Go... Red-Eyed Demon... Go and bring me, my omnipotent daughter, so I can have the entire world in the palm of my hand!"