
The Strongest Lunarian in One Piece

Name: El Race: Lunarian, Giant Power: Mythical Zoan Fruit, the Snake-Snake Fruit, Model: Quetzalcoatl Wife: Charlotte Linlin Childrens: 88, Half Lunarian and Half Giant Ambitions: King of the World — Patreon(.)com/Bleam — 50 Advance Chapters!

Bleam · アニメ·コミックス
53 Chs

[Sponsored] Chapter 29: 600 Million Bounty!

[This chapter is proudly sponsored by "SchwiftyZ." Please join me in expressing your thanks in the comments! If you're interested in sponsoring a chapter, consider joining the Patreon.]

At Marine Headquarters, Marineford, inside the grand and imposing office of the Fleet Admiral, Lieutenant Mark stood at attention and saluted as he reported, "All of the giant vice admirals, except for John Giant—the first giant to join the Navy—have submitted their resignations and left, despite attempts to stop them."

"We tried to apprehend them, but the preparation was rushed. These giant vice admirals were formidable and managed to seize a few warships to escape!"

"Is that so? After all the effort we put into recruiting the giants, it's frustrating to see them swayed so easily by Elbaf..." Fleet Admiral Hammens William's face darkened, his fists clenched. "Justice cannot be mocked. They can't just come and go as they please."

"Immediately issue bounties for those deserters. They are now fugitives of the Navy!"

"Yes, sir!" Lieutenant Mark responded, standing at attention.

"Furthermore, after Vice Admiral Steel Bone Kong from G-11 and Vice Admiral Bael from G-13 arrived at G-12 to reinforce it, they found the base mostly destroyed with no survivors. Vice Admiral Modi's body was burned beyond recognition—he is presumed dead."

"Many marines were found bound by vines, their faces frozen in terror. Some had their blood completely drained, reduced to mere husks. It seems multiple Devil Fruit users were involved. We suspect that, aside from Kukulkan El, the Lunarian survivor, there are other Devil Fruit users among the giants."

"Giant Devil Fruit users are rare, but they're not unheard of," William responded flatly, unsurprised. "Devil Fruits, the so-called 'treasures of the sea,' are scattered across every corner of this world. Even after more than 700 years of dominance, the World Government hasn't been able to collect and control all of them."

"Devil Fruits reappear randomly when their users die, so it's not surprising that occasionally a giant or another rare race gets their hands on one."

"Have Kong and Bael deploy surveillance ships to monitor Elbaf's movements and remain on high alert. We need to prevent them from launching any further attacks on other bases," William ordered sternly. "But until Admiral Hark arrives to take command in the New World, avoid any direct confrontations with the giants."

It wasn't that William didn't want to strike back decisively. If it were only the Giant Pirates, things would be simpler. But this situation had escalated beyond that—it now involved the entire nation of Elbaf, the world's mightiest country.

A full-scale conflict with Elbaf was no small matter. They could summon tens of thousands of giant warriors at any moment. The giants, by their very nature, were formidable. Even as children, they possessed considerable combat abilities, and as adults, they became fearsome warriors with only a little training.

It took hundreds, if not thousands, of trained marines to subdue even one adult giant. With over a hundred giants attacking the G-12 base, it was no wonder they overpowered it so easily. The thought of an entire army of giants, numbering in the thousands, was enough to make anyone break into a cold sweat.

Even the Navy, the dominant power of the seas, would have to prepare for severe losses in a war against Elbaf. And given the long lifespans of giants—three times that of humans—who knew what fearsome monsters might be lurking among their ranks? A conflict with Elbaf could very well trigger a wider response from giants across the world, something that needed to be avoided at all costs.

"By the way, Admiral William, regarding Kukulkan El..." Lieutenant Mark hesitated, then continued, "CP has been trying to capture him for months, but since he's been hiding in Elbaf, under the protection of the giants, and because of the recent efforts to mend relations with them, the World Government has been hesitant to take direct action."

"Furthermore, according to CP's intelligence, Kukulkan El, although under ten years old, is already a monstrous figure. He's immune to weapons, possesses immense strength, and is a natural-born monster—an ability user of the Mythical Zoan-type Snake-Snake Fruit, Model: Quetzalcoatl."

"It's said he has terrifying combat capabilities. Even without using his fruit powers or the Lunarian racial ability to manipulate fire, no adult giant warrior can even budge him. He easily tosses them around like toys."

"Even without defense, giants have swung their full strength at him with swords, but the blades shatter, leaving him completely unharmed!"

"What? A natural-born monster?"

Upon hearing this, William's pupils shrank in shock. His expression turned serious as he abruptly stood, visibly shaken. "Is he really such a terrifying monster?"

If the intelligence was accurate, then this boy's abilities were terrifying beyond belief. William had thought he'd been giving the Lunarian child enough attention, but clearly, he had underestimated the situation. If someone like this were allowed to grow unchecked, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Yes, sir. These reports come directly from Sister Carmel, who had no reason to deceive us," Lieutenant Mark confirmed. "Additionally, CP recently reported that a World Government ship went missing near Elbaf. It carried several government officials and three CP0 agents, and it's believed Kukulkan El may be responsible."

"CP0 was involved as well?" William's eyes narrowed, and his expression turned grim as he paced the room. "If that's true, it means his strength can't be ignored."

Though William disliked CP0—the top-secret agency under the World Nobles, whose motto of "The Celestial Dragons first, everything else second" made them arrogant and disdainful of the Navy—he understood the danger they posed. CP0 agents were highly trained and fanatically loyal to the World Government. They would die before failing a mission or failing to relay crucial information. The fact that none of the agents on the missing ship had sent any word was troubling.

If Kukulkan El truly was this extraordinary natural-born monster, combined with his Mythical Zoan abilities, it was entirely possible he had wiped out the CP0 agents without giving them a chance to react.

"Admiral, should we place a bounty on him?" Mark inquired.

"Hm... Let's start it at five hundred million..." William hesitated, then revised his decision. "No, make that six hundred million Berries!"

"Six hundred million?" Mark was stunned. Although he understood Kukulkan El's unique nature, he couldn't believe the bounty could be so high. No one had ever received a first bounty of six hundred million Berries.

Even the leaders of the Giant Pirates, Blue Ogre Dorry and Red Ogre Brogy, were only initially bountied at one hundred million Berries each, though that was over thirty years ago. And across the seas, there were few pirates with bounties exceeding five hundred million.

"Admiral William, this..."

"You heard correctly. Six hundred million Berries," William stated firmly, crossing his arms. "He's a Lunarian survivor, which makes him a special case. The World Government has long offered a bounty of one hundred million Berries for any information leading to the discovery of a Lunarian."

"And anyone who captures a Lunarian alive can claim a reward of at least five hundred million. Of course, that requires capturing them alive."

"Kukulkan El's actions at the G-12 base show that he likely harbors a deep grudge against the Navy and the World Government for what happened years ago. He won't hesitate to seek revenge."

"Given the threat he poses, we can't afford to let him run free. So we'll place a six hundred million Berries bounty on his head, dead or alive!"

"Yes, sir!"