
The Strongest God Is Now Human?!

After a long war against the humans the gods began to fall one by one, to one man, Shin, The God Killer. He went around slaying every god in sight, until he came across Azir, The God of Combat. After a long battle between the two, Azir fell. "Any last words you weak god?" Shin said to Azir. "Mark my words human! Your victory will not last long! I will return! Stronger than ever!" Azir's words echoed through the entire universe before dying to the hands of The God Killer. [Blip!] [Gods death detected, All requirements are met, Welcome Azir, would you like to start anew?] With his new found system Azir, or, Asune, Now fights to regain his glory and become the strongest being there ever was. "You lack faith." Update Schedule (Subject to change): 2 chapters everyday 1000+ words each

VioletBliss · ファンタジー
21 Chs

A New Life - Starter Packs

"Where.. Am i?" Asune thinks while looking up at the mysterious man and women surrounding him. "Unhand me. human!" Asune thinks but all he can say is "daaa, thaa da.", "Aww, Jason look he likes you." The woman says. Jason chuckles. "No, Natalia, he's reaching for you" Jason says "What's going on? Why can't they let go of me? Don't they know who i am!?" Asune thought, now getting angry. "Fine, I'll show you who you're messing with." Asune says while reaching his hand out. 

He reaches his hands out, and he realizes that his hands are small, and a little chubby.

"HUH?" Asune thinks, shocked and confused. "Why are my hands like this, what's going on?" Natalia gets up and walks him to a mirror, and Asune realizes that he isn't in his old body anymore, he is a baby now, a baby with black hair. "HUUUUUUUUUH?" Asune thinks bewildered by what he is seeing, "Why am i in the body of a human child?" Asune asks, "What's going on?" Suddenly [Blip!] [For more information say or think "Info"] "What? What is this? … A floating paper? No that can't be it, it's purple and glitchy, why would it be a paper?" Asune begins thinking. "Eh. What the hell, lets see what this is." 

Natalia begins walking him to his crib and sits him down "Goodnight my love!" Natalia said while waving and smiling. "Finally she released me, now lets see what this thing is." 

"Info." [Blip!] [Welcome to The new life system, Azir! You have decided to start over, your previous body has perished and now you are reborn as a [Human].

"So i did die...That son of a bitch...If he is in this life, i will not stop until i kill that fucking bastard." Suddenly the screen appears again [blip!] [You are now eligible for starter packs, would you like to choose one now?]

"Starter pack?" 

Suddenly a list of "Starter packs" appear on the floating screen, Divine trinity, Shadow warrior, Heavenly flame, and Hunter. "Hm, it seems im at a crossroad..." "info" [Choose a starter pack to see information about it.] "Hm." "Divine trinity" 

[Divine Trinity: Killing enemies with a holy weapon will grant 10x more exp. Drinking elixirs, or using any heals will be 300% more effective and grant a buff for 30 minutes, while this buff is active, all exp earned will be multiplied 30 times. training with a holy sword will increase strength 5x faster. You are immune to poisons and curses Side Effect: Any damage delt by a dark type enemy will be increased 4x.] At the end of the screen is a little text that says, [All starter packs will last to the age of 18.]

"This is odd, i wonder if this is what that bastard Shin used. Nevertheless, This one is pretty useful the side effect sucks, but i must look at the other ones"

[Shadow Warrior: While training with a long sword, all stats are increase 10x, movement speed is increased 3x while any type of daggers are equipped and footsteps are silent. If you are being buffed, Agility, Strength and vitality will increase 6x faster and any exp earned will be doubled. Side effect: only one weapon can be equipped, permanently.]

Heavenly Flame: Inflicting burn damage on any enemy will increase exp earned by that enemy by 200%, You are immune to flame damage and any flame damage inflicted on you will instead heal you and buff your stats by 150% for 10 minutes. Choosing a flame-type class will allow you to permanently increase stats 10x faster, even past the age of 18. Side effect: Overheating will cause intense pain, and the user has a chance to burst into flames.]

"Hm? This one seems insanely good... What's with the side effect though, isn't that a bit harsh..? All of these are super good.. minus the side effects. it seems i have one more. This one might be the best."

[Hunter: Training will permanently increase stats 200-%.. faster. To see more you must choose the Hunter Class]

"That's it?" He thought, disappointed by the lack of effects. "Though i am intrigued. Why would there only be one effect? What's a class?" [Blip!] [Would you like a tutorial? This will tell you all the information you need to know about the system and how it works.] "That's convenient."


A flood of information beings pouring into Asunes head. Telling him about things like classes, Stats, levels and what the "Screen" is. "What's all this, information? More importantly, it seems i'm not the only one with a system." The system said, [Every 10 years for the past 150 years, 1 or 2 people have been selected to take in the system.] "So that means this is what Shin was using. That bastard cheated!" He thought, his baby face shifting to an angry baby face. "However the system, did tell me i have something called stat points.."


[Bloop!] Another screen appears showing his Strength, Agility, Dexterity, Vitality, and Endurance, and intellect all equal to 10. "Hm, so it seems i am level 1, with level 5 stats. I also have 50 stat points available...How should i distribute these... I'll put 40 in strength and 10 into intellect." [Blip!] [All stat points spent.]


{Achievement Unlocked: The start of a journey. Spend stat points for the first time. Reward: 500 EXP} [Blip!] [Level up!] [Unlocked: Shop, Skill Tree, Upgrade menu. Gained: 1 stat point.] "Put it in strength." He said Annoyed [Blip!] [All stat points spent] [Would you like to turn off pop-up notifications?] "FINALLY, YES!" [Blip!] [Pop-up notifications turned off.] 

"Now then, i've done enough for today. Lets sleep." Asune drifts off to sleep. [beep beep!] [beep beep!] "What the...?" [Alarm: "Early bird gets the worm!"] "Why- Never mind. Off." [bee-] Beeping stops. 

Asune looks at his hands, "I guess it wasn't a dream." He sighs "I guess today i start training.." "Whatever, lets look at this daily training regimen." [blip!] A screen with Asunes training quota appears,