
The Strongest God Is Now Human?!

After a long war against the humans the gods began to fall one by one, to one man, Shin, The God Killer. He went around slaying every god in sight, until he came across Azir, The God of Combat. After a long battle between the two, Azir fell. "Any last words you weak god?" Shin said to Azir. "Mark my words human! Your victory will not last long! I will return! Stronger than ever!" Azir's words echoed through the entire universe before dying to the hands of The God Killer. [Blip!] [Gods death detected, All requirements are met, Welcome Azir, would you like to start anew?] With his new found system Azir, or, Asune, Now fights to regain his glory and become the strongest being there ever was. "You lack faith." Update Schedule (Subject to change): 2 chapters everyday 1000+ words each

VioletBliss · Fantasy
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21 Chs

The Final Battle - The end of Azir

"Of all the humans in this war, you're the strongest huh?" Azir, The God Of Combat says to The God Slayer, Shin, who has reached the throne room of the {Divine Stronghold} "Get off of that throne and fight. I'm done waiting." Shin says pointing his sword [Sky Splitter] at Azir.

"Impatient one are we? Fine. If its a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get."

Azir said getting up from his throne, grabbing his sword [Destiny Destroyer]. Azir begins walking down the stairs leading to his throne to meet face to face with Shin, only to stop mid-way down the stairs and lunge at Shin, "HAAAP!" Azir Yells while flying at Shin.

Azir slashes at Shin, but Shin creates an after image and disappears, only to re-appear behind Azir.

Shin tries to slice at Azirs head, however, Azir counters and shin flies in front of Azir ready to strike. They clash sword, [CLINK!] [CLANG!] [SHING!] swing after swing, cut after cut, their heavy swords slice at each others throat. Shin gets a cut on his left cheek and dashes backwards. "Hm, is this all you can amount to, God Killer, Shin?" Azir says tauntingly. Shin wipes his cheek now laser focus on Azir.

"Lets end this now." Shin says calmly, while slowly raising his sword above his head. 

"I was thinking the same thing!' Azir says putting his sword on his right hip, ready to draw. "You know what, since i feel bad for practically taking candy from a infant, ill let you charge your move up to it's fullest potential." Azir says as he stabs his sword into the tile in front of him, resting his hands on the pommel of the sword. "If you insist." Shin says now putting his purple and black, flame-like energy into the sword.

Shins energy grows larger and larger above his head, his flame-like energy now spiking as he prepares to strike.

"I hope you're prepared. You idiot god." Shin says. "Please" Azir says mockingly, "I can counter anything you throw at m-" Azirs sentence is cut off as Shin unleashed his strike in the middle of his speech. As if time slowed down for Azir, he watched as the God Killers strongest move, {Sky Conquest}, approached his head. In that short amount of time, all Azir could mutter was,

"Oh shi-"

Before being sliced across his chest and being thrown back into a wall. Now bleeding out a gash going from his right shoulder to his bellybutton, Azir powers up, his crimson aura now pouring out from his body, blood coming from off of his head seeping onto his face, "I underestimated you. Lets get serious now." Azir says while getting off of the wall, looking at Shin with the death stare. 

A halo forms above Azirs head, and Azirs sword disappears in a golden glow and transfers into bandages the slither onto his hand, now being called [Bandages of The Fallen Warrior]. "It seems that you finished being a fool, Azir The Battle God!" Shin says while smiling.

Azir flies off the wall at blistering speeds, giving Shin little time to counter, somehow, he manages to block Azirs attack, Azir jumps back and attacks from behind Shin, once again, Shin manages to deflect the attack, Azir starts to pummel Shin from every angle, Shin just barely is able to keep up with Azir, every blow that Azir gives Shin weakens shins sword. 

"This is bad. If he continues to attack like this. Sky Splitter will.."

Azir attacks Shin faster and faster, Shin begins to get pushed back until suddenly, Blood drips, the pours as Azir punched through Shin, creating a hole in his lower abdomen. Azir removes his hand from the hole "Some god killer. Couldn't even handle a simple punch." Azir says while walking away. 

"No, This is bad, I'm losing consciousness.. If i die now.. Everybody at home will.. Mom... Dad... Anka.." Shin thinks while his vision slowly fades to black while falling. "....Got this!" A young female voice says coming from the darkness. "..Huh?" Shin says confused "You got this! Don't give up, big brother!" The female voice gets louder. "Oh.. Yea.. Anka.. I'm sorry.. i failed you.. Your big brother won't be coming home.. " Shin says while tearing up.

"Do your best son! Make me proud" A male voice says. "...Dad.." "Go get them, honey!" "Mom..." Suddenly a whole crowd of voices start flooding in Shins mind, and everything turns white. "Help me.. Help me beat the gods!" A females voice overpowers the rest. "That's right.. Everybody's counting on me.." Shin thinks, putting his foot behind him, stopping himself from falling. "Hm?" Azir says as he stops walking.

"I CAN'T LOSE!" Shin says, gritting his teeth, and using every muscle in his body to pull himself upwards, clamping both fist shut, he puts fourth all of his mana. As he lifts upright he puts both fist forward and expels all of his mana in his body as a final move named {TOTAL ASCENSION} a purple and black beam comes from the middle of Shins hands meting the ground it's hovering over and tearing a massive hole in Azirs torso.

[Thud] Azir falls to his knees looking down at the ground while bleeding out of his mouth and torso.

"Impossible. I was sure i killed him, I... I put a hole in his chest! HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN?" Azir thinks. Azir looks up to see Shin standing over him, holding his sword as a crutch, "The strongest god huh? Couldn't even handle a little blast.." Shin says tauntingly. "Any last words, You weak god?"

"Mark my words human! Your victory will not last long! I will be back! Stronger than ever!" Azir says seething with rage. Shin flicks him off,

"Where ever you go, I will be there to kick your ass!"

Azir tries to conjure up one last move but loses his strength and falls to the ground, as his eyes close, he sees his palace, The Divine Stronghold} crumble, and Shin the god killer teleports out of the stronghold. 

"If only i was stronger.. i could have.." Azir said as he lost consciousness. [Blip!]

[A gods death has been detected..]

[Fetching data..] 

[Welcome Azir, Would you like to start anew?]

"Huh?" Asune says as he opens his eyes.