
The Story of Azuka

The story follows 15 year old God Reincarnate, Azuka Limgard. After awakening the God within him, he begins his journey in becoming the greatest thief ever. By stealing the treasure at the grave of the God within him. (This is my first story.)

Shinja_kun · ファンタジー
43 Chs

The Great Escape Part 2

I can't move, I'm stuck like this. What type of magic? Azuka tries and tries to get up. However he feels more weight as he feels like he is finally getting up. "Wow! Azuka that actually hurt, if I was a normal human, I would have actually been knocked out there." Jenna rubs her chin and smiles, "Your highness, what should I do with your daughter." The King stays silent, only focusing on Azuka, who continues to try to get up.

"Sire, can you just kill him," Ju'anna asks. "He deserves it, he could escape again if you give him a second chance." The King stays silent once more. Ju'anna frowns and grips her sword with murderous intent. "I'll kill him myself. We have given him too much time to live." Jubarai attempts to stop her, but she rushes at Azuka before anyone could lay a finger on her. She draws her sword and begins a swing, "This is for Junbar!" Azuka manages to turn his head toward her and stare with more fear than if he were fighting with Kennith McDove.

"Stop," the King says. Ju'anna sinks to the floor, Azuka is unharmed but frightened for his life. I don't think this is going according to plan. I will actually die. Princess, please do something. "Father!" The King loses his serious demeanor and looks at Ichina. Azuka and Ju'anna feel the weight on them relieve a bit. "Azuka is going to be my future husband! I love him!" Everyone is shocked, but Azuka is creeped out. The king was shocked enough for Azuka to actually start moving again. Ichina takes the chance to activate the Giant Weapon causing everyone to cover their eyes.

Damn it all, why is she so rebellious, the King thinks as he wipes the smoke from away his eyes. Azuka takes the chance to run out of the execution room, but Ju'anna grabs him by the back of his shirt and lifts him up. "Don't think you can just escape-" Ju'anna gets dropped kick by Ichina, the kick displaces some of the smoke around them. Ju'anna is knocked away, dropping Azuka, Ichina grabs Azuka's hand and begins running away with him.

By the time the smoke clears Ichina and Azuka have disappeared from the execution room. "Damn it," Ju'anna slams the floor with her fist in a fit of rage. "What do we do your highness?" the Leader of the Knight Squad finally says after a long period of silence. The King sweats and contemplates on his next move. "OOU! OOU! Your highness, can we chase after them," Jenna says surprisingly elated at the thought. Is that why you just let them go, Jugann thinks. "Sire, by the way, was it just me or are the other Princes and Princesses not even alive," Jenna says pointing to Ichina's siblings.

"If I found out that my siblings weren't real, I would want to leave here too." The King clenches his fist, "Don't question what I do. She lost her mother, it is only natural to have someone else to be with her while I care for the Kingdom. Jenna, I suggest you go after them, before you anger me further." Jenna kneels down toward the King, "Of course, your highness." The leader steps out toward the door that leads out of the execution room. "Jun, will you be going after them as well." The leader, Jun, turns around and unsheathes his sword.

"We will get them both, all of us." Jugann, Jenna, Jubarai, Ju'anna, and Jun prepare themselves. The King finally stands up from his seat. "Squad number 38 your mission is to retrieve my daughter alive, bring the God back if he is willingly to come back peacefully. If he retaliates, do not hesitate to kill." All five of them nod their heads and runs out of execution room.

The King sighs and sits down, he closes his eyes and leans back on his chair. "Mereith, you can cut the dolls now." Ichina's siblings starts shaking, they transform from a natural Giant skin to a wooden skin within seconds. One of the taller siblings splits in half revealing the maid that has been taking care of Ichina. The dolls contract to human sized, Mereith picks them up, "Are you sure about this sire, if she comes back she will find out that-"

"It is already too late for that, I already knew that she had found out about her siblings. Maybe it is just her time to finally leave the nest, but..." the King pauses and covers his eyes, "I just can't lose another one." Mereith drops the dolls and embraces the King, "It's ok, if the squad fails, just put a bounty on him. Claim that he is kidnapping her, if you do that, then you will definitely get her back." Mereith grins, "Thank you, Mereith, you always know what to say to a stupid King like me." Mereith goes in for a kiss, but is stopped by the King. "That is inappropriate, you aren't even queen." She backs away from the King and picks up her dolls. She walks out of the room without saying another word or even looking at him again.

Meanwhile, Azuka and Ichina run throughout the whole castle looking for an escape route where there are no knights present. Ichina wears a worried face, are there seriously no exits, she thinks. "Princess, where are we going." Azuka is out of breath by how much running around they had to do. Ichina stops, allowing Azuka to catch his breath. "Everything is going according to plan, I already sent your belongings to the docks." Azuka manages to catch his breath and looks around, "No one is following us, did you get Emilia, my Wanboo?" Ichina freezes and nervously laughs, "Wanboo? Sorry, but uh, Wanboo is one of the main ingredients in Giant food. Your Wanboo has probably been turned into magically enhanced meatloaf."

Azuka sheds a tear, instantly becoming unable to move due to regret. I-I-I ate magic meatloaf everyday when I was in the dungeon. Did I eat Emilia? Azuka falls to his knees covering his mouth from throwing up, but as he does from down the hall a giant sword the length of the whole hall almost slices open Azuka. Ichina and Azuka look at the sword in surprise, as they both look at it, Ju'anna wall jumps from one side of the hall to the other. Once she gets close to Azuka she unsheaths her sword, "Junbar will get his justice!" Azuka turns to face her and throws up right in her face, before she could perform a swing.

Ichina quickly grabs Azuka and starts running at top speed, dragging Azuka along. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to throw up on you." The Giant sword retracts to a regular Giant sword size, the one holding the sword is Jun. Him and the rest of the squad walk up to Ju'anna, who is trying to wipe off the burning vomit from her face. "Ha! Vomit face," Jenna says laughing. "Jenna take this seriously," Jun says wiping off some dust from his sword. "Last I checked, I was stronger than all of you," Jenna loses her happy-going attitude and gets in Jun's face. "Why should you even be our leader, you're so weak. You barely do anything." Jun pushes Jenna out of the way and starts following Azuka and Ichina. "Follow me everyone, Jubarai stay with Ju'anna and make sure she is treated."

Jenna clenches her fist, she starts speed walking toward Jun, but Jugann grabs her shoulder. "Don't you dare Jenna." Jenna slaps Jugann's shoulder and rushes at Jun with a punch. Jun turns around, punches her, and turns back with such speed that no one could see that he turned in the first place. Jenna who has not been wearing any knight gear is knocked out and falls to the ground. "Jubarai, take care of her as well. Jugann, I guess it will be only us pursuing them, until Ju'anna is ready for battle again."

Jugann looks down on Jenna, shaking her head she follows Jun who has started following Azuka and Ichina.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Part 3 coming soon, after Part 3, the story will head on to volume 3. Leave your thoughts and suggestions below. Thank you for reading the story of Azuka. :D

Shinja_kuncreators' thoughts