22 The Great Escape Part 1

"Run Azuka! If you get caught, you'll get executed." Ichina pushes Azuka toward the window. "Damn, isn't that harsh, if we tell them the truth then I should be able to go scotch free." Even though I really need to get out of here, Azuka thought. The door opens and Azuka and Ichina freeze looking at who enters. It was Ichina's maid who held a giant plate of food, "Princess, I have your dinner..." The maid stares at the burned half of the room, looks at Azuka, then looks at Ichina. "Your father will hear about this," the maid leaves the food on the ground and hastily leaves the room.

"Azuka, you want to get out of here right?" Azuka nods, thinking about all the ways he could escape the situation. "Azuka, listen up, I have a plan. It's gonna involve you getting arrested again. Once you get arrested I want you to agree to wanting to kill me. I'm going to pretend to execute you and use a Giant Weapon to cause a smoke screen and get you out of here. We are then going go to the docks over the mountain. I can hold off pretty much all of the knights, as long as squad knights aren't there we should be fine."

She really does remind me of Emily, Azuka thought, should I really trust her, well I'm going to have to, "Your plan sucks, but I'll go along with it. Thing is how am I gonna get my stuff?" Ichina jumps at the question, "Sorry, I completely forgot about that, once you are scheduled for execution, us princesses and princes can claim your stuff. I'll make sure to claim yours." Azuka starts walking off on his own and stands on the window sill, he looks back and smiles "Promise, that I won't die from this." Ichina smiles back, "I promise."

Azuka jumps out the window and lands on his feet creating a small crater from the impact. Now that I think about, how am I supposed to get arrested? Maybe since that maid saw me and is going to tell the King. Maybe some knights will come to just arrest me. Azuka walks away from the crater, but he feels something tugging at his leg and turns around. "Having all that metal on me, it weighed me down so much. It was a real challenge to-" BAM! Azuka kicks his Bounty Hunter right in the face with flames engulfing his own foot. I never thought about igniting my foot with flames.

However it seemed to not have any effect on the Bounty Hunter who stands up using Azuka as a support. Hunter cracks his neck and fingers and prepares himself for a fight. "Get ready Azuka Limgard, you are about to have a fight for your life." Azuka puts up his hands, "STOP RIGHT THERE," Azuka and Hunter look around to see them surrounded by knights. Jugann was in the front of them all. "Shit, we're surrounded," Azuka says. This is definitely a loss, I can't fight all of these knights, plus there is a squad knight. "Activation Code number 0-0-5-1-9-0-7 Escape!" The knights observe Hunter as his mechanical parts fly towards him, transforming into a plane. Hunter grabs onto handles at the bottom of the plane and flies above the knights and away.

"I'll be back for you Azuka Limgard!" As he says this Jugann throws her lance at the plane, but he kicks the lance away before it could do any significant damage. He's strong, Azuka thought. "Now then, I guess you guys really want me then, huh." Jugann calls back her lance and points it at Azuka, "Azuka Limgard, was your name correct? Well, you are now being punished at the highest degree. For escaping the dungeon, harming multiple knights, and attempting to kill Princess Ichina!"

All of the crimes that were committed by that Bounty Hunter were blamed on me. The next day I was sentenced to execution for all of my blamed crimes and the crime of killing a squad knight. The King held a private execution, with the squad knights that brought me to the Kingdom in the first place, and the present Prince and Princesses. I was chained and was forced to kneel down before the King and everyone around me. This was all according to plan and all, but I couldn't help but feel scared.

The execution room was similar to that of a court room. The judges chair would be where the King sat, but there wasn't a table in front of the King's chair. On either side of the room were Jury stands, these are where the knights and other royalty sat.

"Azuka Limgard, bounty of two million cels, grew up with a thief, grew to be a thief and a rotten criminal. You have not led a good life Azuka. Yet the Gods chose to be reincarnated into you. My question to you is, why? Why would a God Reincarnate come to the Giant Kingdom? Was it under the pretense that we were all nice?" the King takes a look at Azuka then Ichina. "Perhaps you wanted to do me what you did to the Mayor at the Town of Deities. To deflower my daughter and then run away. Well at least you will not be able to do that. I'll kill you with my own hands."

"Father wait," Ichina steps forward from her place of viewing the execution. "May I say some last words to him?" The King sighs once again and waves his hand, "Proceed." Ichina walks up to Azuka and whispers in his ear, "when the smoke appears start running, the smoke should disintegrate metal." She backs off and clears her throat, while Azuka sweats heavily. Since he knelt down he has been rubbing his hands together producing more and more heat starting a slight fire. "Azuka...lets blow this popsicle stand!"

She reaches into her dress and pulls out the Giant Weapon that could barely even fit in her hand. She raises her free hand to press down on the button, but someone holds her arm stopping her from pressing it. Shit that's Jenna, Azuka thought. "Princess, what do you have there? Is that a Giant Weapon? You do know that its going to barely do anything to us if you don't even infuse mana into it."

Jenna looks at Azuka, "What a shame, I was hoping you would be much stronger than this. To plan an escape with the Princess. You must be some sort of idiot." Azuka looks down in disappointment, seconds later he starts laughing. "This isn't an escape with the Princess, it's a kidnapping!" Azuka activates his fire all over his body. It is so intense that it burns away all the chains on him. He extinguishes it, leaping into the air and uppercuts Jenna in the chin, which makes her losen her grip a bit. Ichina gets away with the Giant Weapon in both of her hands.

Azuka laughs more and puts his hands up in the direction of the King. "You are only a King! I am a God! I'm going to kidnap your daughter and get out of here!"

Shit, shit, shit!

Why am I doing this?

I can't fight him and all these other knights.

Who knows how strong her brothers and sisters are.

Why did I say kidnapping, I wanted to sound cool, but now I just sound creepy.

"Enough of this, I have been too leisure with my punishments." Azuka shivers as he feels something weigh him down. Soon Azuka is forced to his one knee by the force and his head is forcibly looking down.

The King laughs, "What was it you said. I am merely a King. Well right now a God bows down to a King."

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