
The Star Lawyer: Rise to Justice

A man traveled to a parallel world on a young lawyer, Jack Wilson. As Jack navigates this new world, he is tasked with tackling a variety of cases and clients, from divorces to business disputes, and everything in between. Armed with his legal expertise and a sharp mind, Jack must navigate this strange new world and fight for justice, all while trying to unravel the mystery of his own reincarnation. With compelling characters, intricate plot lines, and a richly detailed world, this thrilling tale will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end. ----------------------------------------- Please leave reviews as a feedback, if there are any areas or points to improve in my work. Thank You

Ash_2045 · 都市
18 Chs

New Case

"Good morning, Jack. Thanks for coming in so early," said Detective Johnson as Jack entered the precinct.

"Of course, anything for my favorite detective," replied Jack, smiling.

Detective Johnson rolled his eyes but couldn't help but smile. "We have a new case, and I think it's right up your alley. We need your legal expertise on this one."

"Sure thing. What's the case?" asked Jack, already reaching for a notepad and pen.

"It's a high-profile embezzlement case. One of the city's most prominent businessmen is being accused of stealing millions from his own company," explained Detective Johnson.

Jack whistled. "That's a big one. Who's the victim in this case?"

"The company itself. The board of directors discovered the embezzlement and reported it to the police. We've already started an investigation, but we need your help to navigate the legal side of things," said Detective Johnson.

"I see. So what do you need me to do?" asked Jack.

"We need you to review the evidence and help us build a case against the suspect. We also need you to be present during any interviews or interrogations to ensure that everything is done legally and by the book," explained Detective Johnson.

Jack nodded. "I'm on board. Let's get started."

As Jack and Detective Johnson walked toward the interrogation room, Jack couldn't help but think about the gravity of the situation. If the suspect was found guilty, he would face serious jail time.

As they entered the interrogation room, Jack saw the suspect sitting at the table, looking nervous.

"Good morning, Mr. Smith," greeted Jack. "My name is Jack, and I'm a lawyer. I'll be present during this interview to ensure everything is done legally and fairly. Is that alright with you?"

Mr. Smith nodded, looking relieved.

"Great. Now, before we begin, I want to remind you that you have the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you. Do you understand these rights?" asked Jack.

"Yes, I do," replied Mr. Smith.

"Okay, let's begin," said Detective Johnson, starting the recording equipment.

"Mr. Smith, can you tell us about your role in the company and your involvement in the alleged embezzlement?" asked Detective Johnson.

Mr. Smith took a deep breath before answering. "I was the company's CEO, and I admit that I did take some funds from the company, but it wasn't embezzlement. It was a loan."

"A loan?" repeated Detective Johnson, raising an eyebrow. "Can you explain that further?"

Mr. Smith nodded. "Yes, I was going through some financial difficulties, and I needed some money to cover my expenses. I knew the company had some extra funds, so I took out a loan. I was planning to pay it back once my financial situation improved."

"But you didn't ask for permission from the board of directors or anyone else?" asked Jack.

"No, I didn't. I know it was wrong, but I thought I would be able to pay it back before anyone found out," admitted Mr. Smith.

Detective Johnson leaned forward. "How much money did you take, Mr. Smith?"

"About five million dollars," replied Mr. Smith, looking down at his hands.

Jack scribbled some notes on his notepad, thinking about the legal implications of Mr. Smith's confession.

"Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Smith. We may have some more questions for you later on, but for now, we'll end this interview. Please wait here for further instructions," said Detective Johnson, turning off the recording equipment.

As they left the interrogation room, Jack turned to Detective Johnson. "Based on his confession, it's clear that Mr. Smith did take the money without permission. It will be difficult to argue that it was a loan rather than embezzlement."

"I know, but let's keep digging. Maybe there's more to this than meets the eye," said Detective Johnson.

Jack nodded, thinking about what else they could do to build a strong case against Mr. Smith.

"Agreed. I'll start reviewing the company's financial records to see if there's anything that can help us," said Jack.

"And I'll continue interviewing other employees to see if anyone else was involved or knew what was going on," added Detective Johnson.

"Sounds like a plan. Let's get to work," said Jack.

As Jack reviewed the financial records, he noticed a pattern of irregular transactions that involved Mr. Smith. The transactions were made to several offshore accounts not associated with the company. Jack took note of the details and brought it up to Detective Johnson.

"This is definitely suspicious," said Jack. "These transactions were made to accounts not affiliated with the company, and it looks like they were done intentionally to hide the money."

Detective Johnson furrowed his brow. "That's definitely something we can use in court. Good work, Jack. Let's return Mr. Smith and see if he can explain these transactions."

When Mr. Smith returned to the interrogation room, Jack presented the evidence. "Mr. Smith, we found these irregular transactions in the financial records. Can you explain why you transferred company funds to these offshore accounts?"

Mr. Smith hesitated before answering. "I was trying to protect the company's assets. I knew I was in financial trouble and didn't want the creditors to come after the company's funds."

"But why transfer the money to offshore accounts instead of keeping it in the company's accounts?" asked Jack.

"I thought that it would be safer there. I was planning to bring it back once my financial situation improved," explained Mr. Smith.

"That's not a valid explanation, Mr. Smith," said Detective Johnson sternly. "It looks like you intentionally tried to hide the money and cover up your actions."

Mr. Smith looked defeated. "I know that I made a mistake. I'm willing to make amends and pay the money back to the company."

"We appreciate your cooperation, Mr. Smith. But the decision to press charges is up to the company and the court," said Jack.

As they left the interrogation room, Jack turned to Detective Johnson. "We have a strong case against Mr. Smith. The irregular transactions show that he intentionally tried to hide the money, and his confession proves that he took the money without permission."

"I agree. Let's bring this to the board of directors' attention and see how they want to proceed," said Detective Johnson.

Jack nodded in agreement. "And we should also prepare for the possibility of a trial if Mr. Smith refuses to cooperate and return the funds."

"Absolutely," replied Detective Johnson. "Let's ensure we have all our evidence and witnesses ready."

The two returned to the office to meet with the board of directors and discuss the next steps. It was clear that Mr. Smith's actions had serious consequences for himself and the company as a whole.

As they entered the boardroom, the directors looked sad and serious. They had been briefed by Detective Johnson about Mr. Smith's confession and the evidence that had been uncovered.

"Thank you for coming, Detective Johnson and Mr. Williams," said the board chairman. "We've reviewed the evidence you've presented, and we understand the severity of the situation. Mr. Smith's actions have put the company at great risk."

Jack nodded. "We're prepared to assist in any way we can to ensure that justice is served and the company's interests are protected."

"We appreciate your commitment, Mr. Williams. Now, what are our options in terms of legal action against Mr. Smith?" asked the chairman.

Detective Johnson outlined their options, which included pressing charges for embezzlement and fraud and seeking restitution for the company's losses.

"We believe that we have a strong case against Mr. Smith, based on his confession and the evidence we've uncovered," said Detective Johnson. "We recommend proceeding with legal action, but ultimately the decision is up to the board."

After much discussion, the board decided to take legal action against Mr. Smith, including pressing charges for embezzlement and fraud and seeking restitution for the company's losses. They also decided to terminate Mr. Smith's employment and appoint an interim CEO to lead the company.