
The Star Lawyer: Rise to Justice

A man traveled to a parallel world on a young lawyer, Jack Wilson. As Jack navigates this new world, he is tasked with tackling a variety of cases and clients, from divorces to business disputes, and everything in between. Armed with his legal expertise and a sharp mind, Jack must navigate this strange new world and fight for justice, all while trying to unravel the mystery of his own reincarnation. With compelling characters, intricate plot lines, and a richly detailed world, this thrilling tale will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end. ----------------------------------------- Please leave reviews as a feedback, if there are any areas or points to improve in my work. Thank You

Ash_2045 · 都市
18 Chs

Militant Bombing Case

After the last case, Jack returned to his place. As he opened the door, he went straight to the refrigerator to find something to eat but found the fridge empty. Jack remembered the past few days he spent all day in the firm because of the case he didn't have time to refill the groceries. He gave a long sigh in frustration; after walking into his room and changing clothes into a Blue T-Shirt and black trousers, he immediately went out for dinner. After walking for a few minutes, he enters a restaurant and, finding a seat by the window, calls the waiter to order dishes. After finishing dinner, he walks to the supermarket for groceries; after shopping, he returns home. After arranging groceries and having a hot bath, he lays on the bed. As his body touches the bed, he immediately goes to sleep.

The next day, Jack saw utter chaos as he walked into his office the next day. People were running around, answering phone calls, and shouting at each other. Jack approached one of his colleagues and asked what was going on.

"Jack! You won't believe it! You're becoming a celebrity!" she exclaimed, her face red with excitement.

"What are you talking about?" Jack asked, confused.

"Because of your repeated success in solving cases, your name is being thrown around all over the state. People are lining up outside to have you represent them in their cases. Jack, you've become a hot commodity!" she said, still excitedly giddy.

Jack was relatively calm, hearing that may be because of transmigration as he took various cases with the success of each. He is improving at a rate faster than he thinks.

He saw his assistant Ray waiting for him as he walked to his office. He asked, "Good Morning, Ray".

"Good morning, Boss", Ray replied, and continued, "Boss, congratulations on the last case. Now, you've become a celebrity all over the state."

"Thanks, Ray. It's you and others who bring me to this position.", Jack replied with a smile and nostalgia.

"Boss, you're polite. It's mainly because of you who you are today; we have just done what we had to." Ray solemnly replied.

"Okay, leave this matter." Jack waves his hand. Walking over to his seat, he motions him to take a seat and asks, "Tell me, are there any issues for you to wait for me in my office this early."

While sitting, Ray replied, "In the morning, I received a call from Judge James of the City's first public court, who wanted you to take a case on behalf of a retired militant."

Jack started to get serious because he knew his reputation would be at stake once he poorly handled this case. The last few successful cases have put him in the spotlight; from here on, every case will be seen with magnified glasses, especially by the media and his colleagues. Once they get the slightest flaw, they will bite like hungry sharks.

While adjusting his emotions, he asked with a serious face, "So, what he had told you? Did he tell you about the case?"

"No, Boss. He didn't tell me about the case. He wanted to meet you to discuss the case personally, " Ray replied, shaking his head.

He took a deep breath and turned to Ray. "When and where did Judge James say to meet him?" he asked.

Ray pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to Jack. "He said to meet him at his chambers at 2 PM today," he said.

Jack looked at the paper and nodded. "Thanks, Ray. I'll head over there now."

Jack couldn't help but think about the case as he left his office. He had no idea what it was about, but he knew it would be significant. He had previously handled cases for retired militants, which were never easy. But this one was different. Judge James had requested Jack's services, meaning the issue was probably critical.

He drove to the courthouse and arrived on time at Judge James' chambers. The judge was waiting for him, and he looked pleased to see Jack.

"Good afternoon, Jack," he said, shaking his hand. "I'm glad you could make it."

"Of course, Your Honor," Jack replied, trying to hide his nervousness.

"Please, have a seat," Judge James said, motioning towards a chair. "I have a case that I believe you would be perfect for."

Jack sat down, eager to hear the details. Judge James cleared his throat and began to speak.

"The case involves a retired militant named Frank Johnson," he said. "He's been accused of bombing a government building in the 80s. The evidence against him is strong, but he maintains his innocence. He's asked for a new trial, and I believe you would be the best person to represent him."

Jack's eyes widened as he listened to the judge's words. Bombing a government building in the 80s? This case was much more significant than he thought.

"I see," Jack said, trying to remain calm. "What kind of evidence is there against him?"

Judge James leaned forward, his voice lowering slightly. "There are eyewitness testimonies, security footage, and D.N.A. evidence linking him to the bombing."

Jack furrowed his brow, processing the information. "And what is Frank Johnson's defense?"

"He claims he was framed by the government, who wanted to silence him because of his militant activities," Judge James replied. "He's been fighting this case for years, but so far, he's been unsuccessful. But I believe that with your skills and experience, you might be able to uncover new evidence that can help exonerate him."

Jack nodded thoughtfully. "I see. This is definitely a challenging case, Your Honor. But I'm up for the challenge."

"I knew I could count on you, Jack," Judge James said, smiling. "I'll have the necessary paperwork sent to your office tomorrow, and you can start working on the case immediately."

"Thank you, Your Honor. I won't let you down," Jack replied, standing up to leave.

As he walked out of the courthouse, Jack knew he had much work to do. He had to review all of the evidence against Frank Johnson and develop a defense that would convince the jury of his client's innocence.

But he was ready for the challenge. He had become a celebrity lawyer and was prepared to prove he deserved that title. He drove back to his office, eager to start the work.