
The Spiritual System

I will create my own power, then I will conquer the heavens and the earth. Fate Destiny - These are nonsense created by power hungry jealous people!

KrisantManga · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Surviving Assassins' Attack

The assassins knew that Chirag had some kind of equipment that allowed him to change his appearance. They saw him coming out of the Hellhound Dungeon, taking off his mask because he was completely depleted of spiritual energy. The assassins were taken aback by Chirag's sudden change in tactics. They had not expected him to be so resourceful and determined, but they were not about to let their target slip away.

The battle raged on for what felt like hours. Chirag was running out of energy, but he refused to give up. He knew that he had to keep fighting if he wanted to survive. Finally, after a particularly brutal exchange of blows, Chirag managed to disarm one of the assassins and knock him to the ground.

The other assassins were unsure what to do and commented on his monstrous strength. In that moment of hesitation, Chirag took the opportunity to escape through the dungeon gate. He ran as fast as he could, his heart pounding in his chest. He didn't look back until he was sure that he was out of danger.

Chirag knew that he had narrowly escaped death that day. He also knew that he had made enemies who would stop at nothing to see him dead. But he was determined to keep fighting. He would not let fear control him.

He returned home and tried to meditate as fast as possible, healing his wounds slowly. His sister was worried for him, seeing his wounds and daily practice.

After 12 hours of sleep, Chirag was in bed, trying to forget recent events. But in his mind, assassins and the people he had killed were constantly revolving around him.

Chirag's mind was filled with a jumble of thoughts and emotions. He couldn't believe that he had managed to survive the attack by the assassins. He had always known that being a warrior came with risks, but this experience had been more harrowing than he could have ever imagined.

As he lay in bed, he replayed the events of the day over and over in his mind. He thought about the assassins and the brutal fight that had ensued. He thought about the way his body had felt as he had fought for his life, the adrenaline pumping through his veins.

But most of all, Chirag thought about what he would do next. He knew that he couldn't let the assassins get away with their attempt on his life. He needed to find out how to solve the problem with the Leonard's Guild master.

Chirag knew that until he became strong, he had to stay far away from dangerous people and politics. In a moment of clarity, he had an idea.

"Let's catch a golden thigh to protect my life from the Leonard's Guild." He thinks he should begin to investigate a powerful guild—one stronger than Leonard's Guild.

On the other hand, Leonard Guild Master was anxious to capture Chirag after seeing the assassins fail to capture him alive. " You filthy animals, you cannot even capture a rat."

Assassins said that his powers were on par with those of "A" rank monsters, and he had a mask that could change his appearance. "Normal people's auras are usually red because we are mutants, but his was cold and a mixture of blue and black flames. " It was like we saw a powerful spiritual energy burst when we had a fight with him."

Leonard, the guild master, was still in doubt, but after seeing his subordinate assassins tremble in fear, he thought there must be someone stronger behind him so that he could afford to provoke us. He sent his assassin to investigate him.

A day has passed since the incident, and he has completed the remaining dungeon hunts to finish his quest as soon as possible. He consumed several mid-level yellow stones after obtaining them.

Chirag's research led him to a guild called the "Phoenix," which had a reputation for being the strongest guild in the whole of Tamayo City.


[System level: 3]

[Name: Chirag Uzumaki]

[Qi exp: 3433/6400]

[Realm: First Stage Spirit Refining]

[Techniques: Star Absorption, Sword Slash, Mystic Finger, Brahma Meditation]

" My progress is too slow."

[1:36 AM]

Chirag changed his appearance to look like the assassins he met the other day. He went to the bedroom of the Phoenix Guild master from the window without making a single sound.

The Phoenix Guild Master was sitting on the sofa reading a novel when she noticed someone and asked, using qi in her voice, "Who are you?"

Chirag quickly realized that the Phoenix Guild Master was a powerful spiritual cultivator. Chirag had never seen a pure spiritual cultivator like him before. He took a deep breath and replied, mimicking the voice of one of the assassins, "I am here because I heard the Phoenix guild master has broken her meridians due to poison."

" I am here to help and to ask Phoenix Guild to owe me because Leonard Guild is on my tail." Chirag reveals himself by taking off his own mask.

"A brat like you can help me, and why would I believe you?"

Chirag goes closer to her in an instant and says, "Don't move for a second; let me prove you."

He used his mystic finger technique, and tried to heal her.

Phoenix guild masters sense cold and relaxation (" What is this? A cold and relaxing power is coursing through my body. He is not using his qi, but this technique's healing effects are amazing. It has repaired my broken meridians with ease.")

Chirag, while healing her, introduced himself to her and found out that Phoenix guild master Yuki's real name is Haruno.

Haruno began to cough up black blood more and more, saying, "Don't stop healing me; it's just some poison."

"Sorry, I could only do this much." "My energy has run out," Chirag replied.

("As long as his technique is with me, I could heal my broken meridians; I must recruit him.")

"Who taught you this technique?" she asked.

Chirag replied, "I learned it from my master. He was a great healer and a spiritual cultivator. He taught me everything I know."

"Now that you have helped me and made me owe you , you should join our guild!"

No, I don't think so, Guild Master , but I can help with mercenary work.

"Just call me Haru Noona from now on. Let me give you a special gift from me. Take your seat. I will be back in a minute."

Chirag saw books everywhere and tried to see what sort of technique book she was reading. "Huh. I can't believe the Phoenix Guild Master is obsessed with fantasy time travel and Isekai novels. Weren't you supposed to be merciless cultivators who read fighting techniques all day?"

Chirag saw books everywhere and tried to see what sort of technique book she was reading. "Huh. I can't believe the Phoenix Guild Master is obsessed with fantasy time travel and Isekai novels. Weren't you supposed to be merciless cultivators who read fighting techniques all day?"

Haruno, give him a dagger. "This is a very special dagger; its powers grow with the wielder; make a blood pact with it."

"Thanks, Noona, for the gift." Chirag replied and explained everything about Leonard Guild.

"Don't worry about small fry; leave it to your Noona, and don't forget to come back to heal me later. Don't you need sleep? Leave now the way you came in; otherwise, people would think Guild Master Yuki has a man."

Chirag left the room feeling shy. He was thinking that now that he has made friends with the Phoenix Guild Master, no one can touch him in the entire Tamayo City, and he will be able to raid more dungeons easily.

With his new ally by his side, Chirag felt more confident than ever. He knew that the road ahead would be long and treacherous, but he was ready for whatever challenges lay ahead. In this world, the strong prey on the weak; he was well aware of this fact.

As he left the Phoenix Guild Master, Chirag thought about the unexpected turn his life had taken. He had started his journey as a lone warrior, but now he had an ally.

Chirag smiled to himself as he headed towards the Leonard Guild, ready to take the first step towards his ultimate goal. He didn't know what the future held, but he was excited to find out.

Leonard's guild assassin saw him coming out of the Phoenix guild master's room, and he tried to hurry back to report to the guild master. Fortunately, the Phoenix guild master knew about this and killed him in an instant using her hairpin.

Chirag was well aware of the fact that there was an assassin. He turned around to see the lifeless body of the assassin lying on the ground. It was a Phoenix Guild Master Yuki's hairpin, and he was shocked that she was able to kill an assassin from over one kilometer of distance. "Oh, is this the power of SSS rank power ability users? I am afraid if she wanted to kill me, I would be lying dead like him in no time."

He knew that the Leonard Guild was notorious for their skilled assassins, and he had to be on his guard at all times. Chirag also knew that he couldn't trust anyone, not even his new ally. In this world, betrayal was common, and he had to be prepared for anything.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

KrisantMangacreators' thoughts