
The Spiritual System

I will create my own power, then I will conquer the heavens and the earth. Fate Destiny - These are nonsense created by power hungry jealous people!

KrisantManga · Fantasy
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4 Chs


Chirag could hear the sound of the hellhound growling and snarling inside. He could also hear the cries of hunters who were trapped inside, pleading for someone to come to their rescue. Without hesitation, Chirag rushed inside, determined to save as many of the hunters as he could.

Chirag had never encountered a hellhound before, but he knew that a hellhound is a monster that can even defeat a "B" rank hunter. He had heard stories of brave hunters who had lost their lives fighting these beasts, and he knew that he needed to be cautious if he wanted to survive this encounter.

The inside of the dungeon was dark and foreboding, with flickering torches casting strange shadows on the walls. Chirag could hear the sound of his own heartbeat pounding in his ears as he made his way deeper into the dungeon. He could feel the sweat starting to bead on his forehead, and his hands were shaking with nerves.

When he finally reached the room where the hellhound was lurking, he found himself face-to-face with the monster. The hound was enormous, with fiery red eyes and sharp, pointed teeth. Its fur was sleek and black, and its muscles rippled under its skin as it snarled at Chirag.

Chirag knew that he needed to be careful if he wanted to defeat the hellhound. He had read about these monsters in the manual that the system had provided, and he knew that they were immune to most physical attacks. He also knew that their fiery breath was hot enough to melt steel and that their claws could tear through flesh like paper.

Chirag took a deep breath and steadied himself. He knew that he couldn't let fear get the better of him if he wanted to succeed. He took a step forward, drawing his sword from its sheath.

The hellhound lunged at him, its jaws snapping shut just inches from his face. Chirag leapt backwards, narrowly avoiding the attack. He swung his sword at the monster, but it bounced harmlessly off its fur.

Chirag quickly realized that he needed to come up with a new strategy if he wanted to defeat the hellhound. He scanned the room, looking for any weaknesses or vulnerabilities that he could exploit.

It was then that he noticed a small hole in the ceiling. He quickly realized that it was the perfect spot to attack the monster from above. He sheathed his sword and began to climb up the wall, using the cracks and crevices to gain purchase.

The hellhound howled in anger as Chirag emerged from the hole in the ceiling. Chirag took out the bow from the space ring, drew his bow, and took aim, firing an arrow straight at the monster's eye. The arrow hit its mark, causing the hellhound to roar in pain.

But Chirag knew that one arrow wouldn't be enough to defeat the monster. He fired again and again, aiming for the monster's weak spots. The hellhound roared and thrashed, trying to shake Chirag off, but Chirag held on tight. Hellhound breathed fire at the Chirag, but he quickly covered his body using Qi.

He realized this and coated his arrow with Qi. After what seemed like an eternity, the hellhound collapsed to the ground, dead. Chirag let out a sigh of relief and climbed down from the ceiling. He rushed to the monster and found a high grade yellow stone. His qi was almost depleted, so he quickly started gathering qi in his body through meditation.

Chirag couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. He had faced one of the toughest monsters till now and come out victorious. He was more determined than ever to complete his mission and level up to the second stage of spiritual refining.

Chirag flew from the Blood Fox Dungeon, his heart still racing from the intense battle with the Hell Hound. He knew that he had to be cautious and avoid drawing any unnecessary attention to himself, especially since he had just become stronger and more powerful. The last thing he wanted was to be pursued by a group of powerful players or guilds that might see him as a threat.

But he pushed those thoughts aside and focused on his mission. He had to complete the remaining three dungeons within the next three days if he wanted to achieve his goal. The Goblin Village Dungeon was his next target, and he knew that it wouldn't be an easy one. The dungeon was home to a large number of goblins, some of which were known to be skilled in combat.

Chirag landed on the outskirts of the village and made his way towards the center. He could see the goblins scurrying around, going about their daily business, oblivious to the danger that was lurking in their midst. He didn't hesitate as he unleashed a barrage of powerful aura from his blade, wiping out entire groups of goblins with each slash.

As he continued his assault, Chirag felt a rush of excitement coursing through his veins. He was like a god, powerful and unstoppable, as he decimated everything in his path. He could see the fear in the eyes of the goblins as they scrambled to escape his wrath, but he paid them no heed. He was on a mission, and nothing could stop him.

His body was covered in the blood of his enemies. He felt a sense of satisfaction as he looked at the piles of white stones and low-grade yellow stones that he had collected from his fallen foes. He knew that he was one step closer to completing his mission, and nothing could stand in his way.

With a deep breath, Chirag stepped into the dungeon, ready to face whatever lay ahead. He had come too far to turn back now, and he was determined to see this through to the end. The next three days would be the greatest challenge of his life, but he was ready for whatever the game could throw at him.

Chirag looked around the goblin village, still feeling nothing for the carnage he had caused. But then, he saw something that caught his attention—the Goblin King. The King was standing at the center of the village, but surprisingly, he didn't approach Chirag. Instead, one of the Goblin King's subordinates stepped forward, inviting Chirag to challenge him to a duel.

Chirag was intrigued. He had never heard of a goblin challenging a human to a one-on-one fight before. But he decided to accept the challenge anyway, eager to test his skills against this new opponent.

The goblin's weapon was a short sword with an aura, and he charged at Chirag with ferocity. Chirag quickly dodged the first few attacks, studying the goblin's movements carefully. He noticed that the goblin was quick and nimble but lacked finesse and strategy.

Chirag decided to take advantage of the goblin's weaknesses. He waited for the goblin to make a reckless move, then counterattacked with a powerful strike. The goblin managed to parry the attack, but Chirag quickly followed up with a feint and a swift strike to the goblin's exposed flank.

<Ding! You have defeated the dungeon boss in a duel. You have gained the honor of the goblin villagers.>

The goblin stumbled back, gasping for breath. Chirag could see the fear in his eyes. But instead of finishing the goblin off, Chirag lowered his weapon and stepped back.

The goblin looked at him in confusion. "Why did you stop?" he asked.

Chirag looked at him calmly. "I don't want to kill you," he said. "I just want to complete my mission and leave."

The goblin nodded, grateful for his life. Chirag turned and walked away, leaving the goblin village behind. He still had two more dungeons to raid before he could accomplish his mission, and he knew that they would be even more challenging than the last. But he was ready for whatever lay ahead.

As Chirag was leaving the Goblin Village dungeon, he had no idea that he was being followed. Unbeknownst to him, Leonard's guild master had hired some of the best assassins to capture Chirag alive.

As he was fleeing from the goblin villagers cheers for him, he suddenly sensed something was wrong. He turned around and saw a group of hunters chasing him. He recognized them as members of an assassination guild.

Chirag knew that he couldn't outrun them, so he landed on the ground and prepared for the battle. He saw that there were ten of them, all armed with deadly weapons.

Chirag had never fought such a large group of skilled assassins before. He knew that he had to use all of his skills and experience to survive this encounter.

The first wave of attacks came at him with lightning speed. Chirag dodged, weaved, and parried each attack with remarkable agility. His movements were so swift that the assassins couldn't land a single blow on him.

However, the assassins were not to be underestimated. They were skilled fighters, and Chirag soon found himself being pushed back by their relentless attacks. He was wounded and bleeding, but he refused to give up.

Chirag used his ingenuity to fight back. He used the environment to his advantage, dodging behind trees and rocks and attacking the assassins from unexpected angles. He put on his mask to change his appearance.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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