
“Hmm that is strange”

I then opened the door and go downstairs, for breakfast when I got there I saw my younger brother, ah no I mean my older brother, I also saw my father, my mother and a few of the maids.

I then sit down at an empty seat, and as they had not bothered me so far I thought I should at least talk to them. I then say:"father, I have a request."

My father:"what is it?" My father seemed delighted that I warmed up and that i am now making a request. I guess not many people get to request things of him as my mother's reaction suggested so. Him saying that made my mother happy. I then say:" could you allow my butler akane to sit with us, after all he agreed to train me." My father seemed shocked and then replied:" sure, where would you like him to sit?"

I think for a while then respond:"next to me, if possible."

My father says:" yes I can do that, boy move." He gestured to the young boy on my right hand side.


The young boy felt annoyed, as he thought he was closest to his younger brother. In any case he had no choice, he got up and sat across from his younger brother. My father then looked at him happily as he sat down. This made my older brother even more annoyed, to the point that his teeth were chattering. The maid caught this, but the others did not because by the time he had sat down his younger brother had gone and the others were starting to get up and leave and his father was hurrying to get to his younger brother. This made him even more annoyed and because of that it made him have not only chattering teeth but also have a face filled with irony. The maids also caught this.


When I was about to go back up the stairs I heard a voice. The voice:" son before you carry on with what you doing, I have some good news." I turned around to see that it was my father. He then carried on:" to get straight to the point: you have got an invitation to go to the academy and to take a test there, and if you pass the test you can join."

I then ask:" when is it?"

My father says:"it is today in the afternoon." I think to myself well that some good news

. I then say:" okay what time do we need to get there for?"

My father:" 1:00pm"

I then say:" okay, can I just go with akane?"

My father:" I suppose so but if you do that you will need a form of an identity token." He then digs out of his pocket his identity token and hands it to me and says:" you will have to take this with you." I take it from his hand and says:" okay, thank you" I then head up stairs.

When I get to my room I see the door next to mine open and there stood akane, I then show a shocked expression on my face. Which seems to make akane almost laugh, I then figured out why and proceed to bonk him on the head, this makes him laugh. I then realised once again why and start to laugh to. Whilst that had been going on akane must of shut his door, I mean it was closed and locked, so I thought that meant that we would go to the training grounds. I then stopped laughing, but with tears still attached to my eyes. I did not understand why but akane stopped laughing and was looking at me.

In any case I then told him:" at 1:00pm I will be going to the academy and father said that I could take you with me." He then asked back:" just us?"

I then replied:" yes but at the moment it is only 9:00am on my doctors watch."

Akane then says:" a doctors watch?"

I then realise that I slipped up and then I sighed out loud and then said:" let's go to my room, I want to discuss stuff."

I then open the door it would of been laugh able to someone if they saw us as I was dragging him. Little did I know that someone had seen us and that akane had seen who. We go in and I explain :" I might as well just tell you, as you are my best friend.

Ok so I am originally from a world called earth, unfortunately I did not have much of a good life there so God let me go to heaven and meet him.

He then let me choose where I wanted to go and with that I ended up here as a baby then my village seemed to of been flamed by people and thats when the slave traders came and then after a year or so I was brought by principal Hu and lady Hu and you know the rest."

After my explanation he did not seem that surprised. I then thought figures. He probably already guessed I was not normal anyway.

He then says:" while it may be true that I thought you wouldn't be from a normal background I did not expect that." We then both hear people talking close by, so we exit my room, and hear the maids, whispering.

One of them said:" did you see the expression that the young boy had today?."

When I heard this I said to akane:" hmm that is strange."


Little did I know that akane already knew about everything.