

Amon Rahmak, the most evil man to ever exist... The seal that was set 100,000,000 years ago begins to rot, nobody knows but the most feared man in the three realms is free...

Gangy221 · ファンタジー
2 Chs

The Crack

In a vast, infinite expanse of emptiness, where no celestial bodies could be seen, there existed a lone figure by the name of Amon Rahmak. Once a ruler who had dominion over the three realms, Amon finally met his downfall after a long and arduous battle that lasted over two hundred thousand years. Following his defeat, the King of Gods summoned all his strength to create a dimension that could imprison Amon and his immense spiritual energy, sealing him away for eternity.

With Amon now contained, the realms could once again enjoy a much-needed respite, say for the gods who resided in the heavenly realm. Their king had made the ultimate sacrifice, giving his own life to ensure that Amon, the most malevolent being in the three realms, would never be able to escape his prison.

Although there was some conflict over the heavenly throne, Yong Sako and his family emerged victorious, securing their place as the new leaders of the Heavenly realm. Their influence and power were unparalleled, and they quickly became the ultimate victors of the civil war that had plagued the realm.

To erase any trace of Amon's existence from history, Yong Sako and the other leaders of the realms decided to remove all mentions of him from records, ensuring that he would be forgotten by all except the highest authorities.

In a mysterious location...

Amon Rahmak, the former emperor of the three realms lay restrained and immobile by chains and seals, firmly holding him in this empty void. The darkness was his ally, but now a small light shone through, piercing his eyes.

With a slow blink, Amon observed what appeared to be a rift in the fabric of space and time. He attempted to break free and move towards it without hesitation, but the chains were unyielding. The rift had materialized out of thin air and was gradually closing.

It was as if the rift was tempting Amon, filling him with the hope of escape. Amon laughed heartily, closed his eyes, and sent his soul through the rift as it finally closed shut. Amon's body slumped forward, appearing lifeless...

"F*cking loser."

A battered and beaten high school kid lay on the ground holding his stomach, taking a glance up towards the entry of the alley. The high school kid saw a man manhandling the bullies who stole his last 40 dollars.

Groaning in pain, the high school kid saw the man approaching him and instantly covered himself in a ball. The man knelt and touched the high school kid's body, checking his condition. "I'm not here to hurt you," said the man taking something out of his pocket.

Placing the said item on the ground, the man left right after. Uncurling out of his position, the high school kid looked at the item and was shocked. It was a healing ointment, a low-grade healing ointment but still an ointment.

"Did this man, just give me a healing ointment?"

Without a second thought, the high school kid took the healing ointment and placed it in his pocket...

4 years later...

"So, that is how you became best friends? You saved him in an alley..."

"I mean, how else would you explain it?"

In a cafe where coffee is a delicacy, we see a table with 3 people. A girl, and two boys. "Shu, I wouldn't put it like that. I did pretty well against them," said the boy with his mouth full.

Smacking him on the arm, the girl reprimands the boy, "Don't talk with food in your mouth Jin. How many times have I told you that?"

Jin swallowed the food and made a funny face at her when she wasn't looking. "Zhi, just because you are a bit older now doesn't mean you can reprimand your elders," said Jin sipping his coffee.

"You...you are only 2 months older than me," Zhi said angrily.

"It still means, I am older," Jin said confidently puffing out his chest.

Zhi looked toward Jin and was about to argue back until, "Enough, didn't we say we would study, so why are we bickering instead of studying?" said Zhi's brother making Zhi and Jin silent.

"Jang, you already know, I am the best student in the school, Why do I need to study?" said Jin twirling his pen.

Jang rubbed his forehead, "Just shut up and help me with this question."

After a hard day of studying the three went their separate ways, Jin went to his run-down house that he owns.


"This is the only thing that was left by your parents, I hope you like it," said an old lady handing Jin the key.

The house was quite small, almost like a studio but less, the bathroom was an outhouse while the inside of the house was quite spacious if you were a midget. Making his way into the house, Jin opened the front door and it creaked as loud as an alarm bell from an iPhone.

*Flashback ends*

Opening the creaky door, Jin walked to his bed that was right next to the sofa. Putting his stuff away, Jin went to the refrigerator and cracked open a cold can of soda. Sitting down on the sofa, Jin relaxes as the night wastes away.

"It has been 4 years since I have taken over this body, and yet why is there no Spiritual Energy anywhere? In this accursed Forbidden Realm, everybody here has such little Spiritual Energy that if I absorbed every living person I would not even break through, tch pathetic."

Putting down the soda, Jin walked to the mirror and stared at himself. "This body, is so pathetic, How am I gonna be able to get back my original body if I can't even use the most basic body modifying skill?"

Splashing water in his face, Jin sighed, he was 16 years old yet he couldn't even float a pencil using his Spiritual Energy. The most basic technique in the Mortal Realm, but he is not in the Mortal Realm.

He is in the Forbidden Realm, a realm where nobody knows about cultivating, they only know how to live and survive. "Life is boring."

Jin washed his face and went to sleep, his dreams consisted of nothing but darkness.

The next day...

Packing up his stuff, Jin wore his run-down shoes and walked to the bus stop. Getting on the bus, Jin saw that not that many people were on it which meant, free seats. Sitting down on the far left of the bus, Jin put his earphones in.

10 minutes later, Jin walks off the bus and sees Zhi and Jang. Zhi is the most adorable thing in the school but little do people know, she is the most demonic entity to ever exist.

Jang is the most promising student in the school, and there is Jin. A loser who happens to be smart, Jin takes out his earphones and begins to walk with them to school.

Kao High, "My friends invited me to their party, do you want to come?" asked Zhi to Jin and Jang.

"I'm busy."

Zhi looked at Jin and gave her the strongest move in a woman's arsenal. The puppy dog eyes, "You just want me to go because you don't know anyone there right?"

"I-I do know people, but, I just need you to drive me home in case I drink too much," said Zhi.

Jin looked at her incredulously, "You need to stop drinking, it is not good for you."

Zhi saw her friends and ran off but not before saying, "You better come, or I will prank you for a full month."

Knowing he couldn't argue with a devil, Jin nodded which made Zhi smile, Waving goodbye, Zhi walked with her friends leaving Jin and Jang.

"So, you're gonna go to this party?" asked Jang taking out a lollipop and placing it in his mouth.

"Hey, someone has to look after her."

"Well then, Mr. bodyguard, I will leave you to it," said Jang walking towards his class.

Jin sighed and straightened his facial structures, "These emotions are annoying me, tch."

Walking toward his first class, Jin put on his earphones and began to tune out everyone. "Now, this is better, silence."