

Amon Rahmak, the most evil man to ever exist... The seal that was set 100,000,000 years ago begins to rot, nobody knows but the most feared man in the three realms is free...

Gangy221 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Jin: the bodyguard

"HOW LONG DOES SHE NEED TO TAKE?!" yelled Jin in his car. Beeping the car a few times, Jin sighed in frustration.


Zhi texts Jin: Can you pick me up at my house, at 5:00, Don't be late.

Jin texts back: Sure thing princess

*Flashback ends*

Looking at his clock, Jin grips his hair, it is 5:25. Jin comes at 4:50 and waits for Zhi to freshen up or so she says. "God, I just wish to implode this country."


Jin unlocks the passenger door, and Zhi gets in. Turning his head, Jin saw the most adorable, not the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. She had on a red dress that clung to her body, her makeup only insinuated her delicate features, and her hair was styled in a ponytail with a few strands that covered her forehead.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" asked Zhi flipping her hair. "So...how do I look?"

"Hm, you look like, pretty."

"Pretty? I took so long to do my makeup and everything and all you can say is pretty?" huffed Zhi turning her head and pouting.

"Pretty ugly," said Jin holding back his laughter.

Hearing his words, Zhi turns around and begins to beat on Jin as Jin tries to defend but to no avail. Stopping her attack, Zhi says, "You're just mad you look average, hmph." Crossing her arms, Zhi continues, "Can we go now?"

Calming down his laughter, Jin said, "Sure thing princess."

Driving off, Jin didn't notice Zhi's huge smile, at the party, Jin was annoyed because as soon as they arrived, Zhi just made her way to the drinks. Sighing, Jin walked to the bathroom and splashed water on his face.

Walking out of the bathroom, Jin noticed a person was singing, it was Zhi. 'She was always talented in everything' thought Jin leaning on a wall as he watched Zhi sing.

Jin waited and waited until the party started to die down, Getting off the wall he began searching for Zhi, asking around he got some weird looks. "I heard, she is in the bathroom, A guy took her in there."

"Which bathroom?"

"The one to the right, if you go that way."

Without another word, Jin walked towards the bathroom and heard some noises, Opening the door, Jin saw a sight that made his blood boil. Zhi was on the ground as the man tried to take her clothes off, she was so drunk she couldn't fight back.

"Stop, please," whispered Zhi quietly. "Help me..."

Balling his fist, Jin quickly made his way to the man and fully sent the man to another dimension with a right hook to the chin. Pushing the unconscious man off of Zhi, Jin saw that Zhi had her eyes open and was looking at him.

"Jin, is that you?"

Picking up Zhi bridal style, Jin said, "Yeah princess, it's me."

"What happened to the guy?"

"I sent him into another dimension, don't worry."

Zhi held onto Jin tightly as they made their way out of the house party, approaching the car, Zhi said something that surprised Jin. "Thank you, you're always helping me and my brother, I really... appreciate it."

After saying that, Zhi nodded off to sleep like a baby.

The next day...

"My head," said Zhi waking up. She looked around and saw that she was in her room. "Wasn't I at a party?"

Looking around, she saw her phone and turned it on to find that her wallpaper was Jin making a goofy face. Laughing a bit, Zhi unlocked her phone and saw that her wallpaper was still Jin but he was making a different face.

She sat there laughing for 2 minutes, Suddenly she felt the urge to vomit, rushing to the bathroom, Zhi vomited and began to remember vaguely about last night.

"Jin, he...saved me."

Taking out her phone, she looks at the wallpaper and smiles. Then she got a text from her brother.

Jang: You are so grounded, I expect your phone during breakfast.

Zhi gulps and removes the lock screen to her usual wallpaper, She begins to freshen up for the day and wears a skirt with a t-shirt. Making her way downstairs, she saw Jang waiting at the bottom of the stairs holding out his hand.

Looking down, Zhi headed down and handed Jang her phone, "Good, now, come and eat breakfast with me."

Making his way to the kitchen table, Zhi saw that it was kimchi soup with ribs, her favorite. Giving Jang a quick hug, Zhi began to eat.

"God damn, how hard do you have to suck?" said Jin as he watched his teammate on Apex Legends get sniped 10 times in a row peaking the same corner every time. "Why is it every time, I get some brain-dead teammates instead of decent players?"

Jin shuts off his console, "These mortals make some fun games."

Picking up his phone, Jin made his way out of his house. Taking a stroll relieves the soul, but also brings danger. "Aye, boy, what phone is that?"

Turning to his left, Jin saw an older man, maybe in his 50s, and he seemed homeless. "What? What did you just say?"

The man took out a pocket knife as he walked closer to Jin, "I said, what phone are you holding?"

Jin looked at the man with pity in his eyes, "Such worthless trash, you deserve to die."

The words seemingly triggered the man as he charged toward Jin, taking out his belt, he whipped the man in the face with the metal part causing the man to step back a bit. Stepping in and out of the man's vision.

Jin punched the man's liver quite hard making the man kneel like Ryan Garcia, then Jin wrapped the belt around the man's neck dragging him into the alley...

"A man was found dead at the scene, police identified him as Jin Kook. Jin Kook was charged with fraud and was stripped of everything yet he didn't need to be stripped of life. Please send condolences to his family," said the reporter.

Turning off the TV, Jin yawned, "A worthless human, worthless life, What is she going on about?"

Making his way to the bathroom, Jin saw Jang as he brought in the groceries. "Why get groceries every weekend?"

"Shut up, just come and help me. There is still a lot in the car, ZHI!! Come down this instant and grab some groceries!" yelled Jang.

Jin shook his head and went to the car to grab some groceries, After a few trips the groceries were all brought into the house. That was when Zhi finally walked down the stairs, looking at the groceries in the kitchen, Zhi commented, "Are you guys done? I was just about to help."

"Thanks for the help then," said Jin sarcastically as he drank some water.

"No problem," said Zhi smiling as she put up the ok sign.

Rolling his eyes, Jin and Jang began to put the groceries in the fridge, as for Zhi, she just watched TV.