A college student thrown into the body of Gilderoy Lockhart at the start of the second book. Fortunately, the new Lockhart is given an ability that will allow him to survive the chaos that is about to befall Hogwarts. ---------------------------------- I own nothing, nor do I take credit for it. There is no promise for regular updates. I'll do my best to put up chapters, but life has a way of interfering with my writing.
-5th September 1992 - Saturday Morning-
"You'll pay for that one, Malfoy!" Ron Weasley shouted as he furiously pointed his wand under Marcus Flint's arm at Draco Malfoy's face.
A bang echoed across the Quidditch stadium as a lime green light shot out of the wrong end of Ron's wand, hitting the boy square in the stomach and knocking him down into the grassy field.
Hermione squealed in fright and ran to the ginger's aid as the gathered Slytherin team roared with laughter. Their laughter only intensified causing several to lose their balance and fall to the ground when they witnessed the prone Weasley belch a large, glistening slug onto his own cheek. As the Slytherins were in various forms of crippling laughter, the gathered Gryffindor team gathered around Ron in a sign of support, but only Harry and Hermione made any attempt to approach the slug-belching boy.
With an act of loyalty worthy of a Hufflepuff, Harry and Hermione assisted the nauseous looking Weasley off the field. Their kind act of carrying the jinxed Gryffindor while avoiding the trail of slugs falling from Ron's mouth was immortalized by Colin Creevy snapping pictures of them. The excitable little firstie would have continued to follow the trio if Harry hadn't lost his temper and shooed the young lad away.
Having decided to take Ron to the closest adult, the trio began the short trip to Hagrid's place. As they approached the door to Hagrid's hut, Hermione caught the sound of voices coming from inside Hagrid's home. Before she could pull the two away, the massive door swung open. A blush rushed over Hermione's face as she took in the sight of Gilderoy Lockhart beaming at them.
"I thought I heard someone approaching," Professor Lockhart happily chirped. His smile grew a tad wider when he looked down at the three second-years.
"Who is it?" came the rumbling voice of Hagrid as he stepped into view from behind their defense professor. "Come in, come in," Hagrid beckoned as he turned around and moved out of sight.
As Harry and Hermione supported the sickly looking Ron into the single room cabin, Ron belched an exceptionally slimy slug onto the wooden threshold. A look of distaste fell over Lockhart's face at the sight before he dismissively waved his hand sending the slug flying out the open doorway.
Hagrid glanced at the mucus stain on his floor and walked over to a wall shelf to retrieve a copper basin. Once Harry and Hermione had Ron situated in one of the oversized chairs, Hagrid handed the red-haired boy the impromptu bucket before returning to the shelf for more teacups.
"I feel I would be negligent in my duties," Professor Lockhart began in a cautious tone, "if I didn't inquire as to the cause of Mr. Weasley's current predicament."
Ron immediately stuck his face over the basin resting in his lap to avoid eye contact with the finely dressed professor. Taking note of Lockhart patiently waiting for a response, Harry gave in and answered.
"His spell backfired," Harry said as Hagrid's boarhound, Fang, planted its huge head in Harry's lap.
Turning his blue eyes back to the slug spewing Gryffindor, a look of sheer disappointment fell over Lockhart's features. "So, Mr. Weasley hexed himself," Lockhart said in a drawn-out tone.
"It wasn't his fault," Hermione jumped to defend her friend.
"I beg to differ, Miss Granger," Lockhart quickly cut off her defense. "I warned Mr. Weasley about repairing his wand three days ago. I even told him how to go about getting it done," Lockhart lectured. "Therefore, this is completely the fault of his own doing."
A rather loud retching from Ron only seemed to punctuate Lockhart's point. A distressed Hermione pushed down her feelings for the handsome wizard and decided to plead for his aid.
"Professor," Hermione quietly began, "Could you help him?"
"Of course I could," the professor said with a smile towards the bushy-haired girl. "But I will not," Lockhart continued as he looked back at Ron. "Mr. Weasley needs to learn there are consequences to stupidity. At least this time, only Mr. Weasley is suffering for his actions, unlike how the Ministry issued a fine to his father for the little stunt with a flying car."
Ron suddenly lifted his head and stared wide-eyed at the blond wizard at hearing about his father being punished for something he and Harry did. Professor Lockhart cast a glance at Harry and noted the child savior was staring at his lap.
"Oh, no need to twist my arm, Miss Granger," Lockhart dramatically called out while raising a finger to halt anyone from speaking. "While I can't, in good conscience, relive Mr. Weasley of his just desserts, I believe it would be best if I taught the two of you the General Counter-Spell Charm," Lockhart said to Hermione and Harry. "Merlin knows you'll get plenty of practice with this one around," Lockhart laughed as he nodded his head at a distraught Ron.
Gracefully pulling Harry and Hermione near the door and spinning them around to face Ron, Professor Lockhart stepped in between the pair. With wand in hand and a smile on his lips, Lockhart's demeanor switched to that of one about to give a lecture.
"Now, the incantation is Finite Incantatem. You pronounce it as fi-NEE-tay in-can-TAH-tem," Lockhart said with a heavy emphasis on the pronunciation of the spell. With his wand in hand, Lockhart moved his wand through the air, leaving a trail of red hovering before the two students.
"The wand movement is as such," Lockhart said for an explanation of the floating lines. "Go on, practice the movements without vocalizing the incantation, don't want a misfire and worsen Mr. Weasley's condition, now do we," the charming wizard merrily said.
"Finally, the third part," the defense professor said with a sense of gravity. "If one wishes to master a spell, they must have an understanding of what they wish to achieve. For this, you have to know that the General Counter-Spell Charm removes all forms of low-level spells and enchantments. That is its purpose. To render a person or object free of magic. If it helps, envision a painting, and then envision you casting this spell, and all the paint vanishes from sight leaving a pristine white canvas," coached the professor.
"Now, with the intent to remove all forms of magic from Mr. Weasley," Lockhart coaxed, "I want you to combine the incantation with the wand movement and will your friend free of his predicament. Go on now, you can do, I know you can."
"Finite Incantatem," Hermione confidently said while executing the proper wand movement. A white light shot from the tip of her spell and collided with the chest of Ron. The nauseous look on Ron's face immediately began to lift and color began to return to his cheeks. Ron briefly looked over himself before looking towards Hermione with a relieved smile on his freckled face.
"Well done," Lockhart cheered! "Beautifully executed Miss Granger, and on your first try," Lockhart continued as Hermione furiously blushed at the praise.
"Good job, Hermione," Hagrid voiced as he happily clapped near the fireplace.
"Oh, Mr. Potter, you didn't get to try," Lockhart said with an attractive frown. "Can't have that, now can we." With a jab of his wand, Ron was struck with a lime-green light and belched out another plump slug.
"Go on now, Mr. Potter, your turn," Professor Lockhart announced to the disbelieving eyes of all present!