
What Would You Tell Your Daughter?

Love Heart Beach.

Agatha rested her head on Kiba's shoulder and closed her eyes. Kiba smiled and took her into his embrace. 

They both remained silent, enjoying the presence of each other.

After an hour, Agatha opened her eyes and stared at the night sky. The stars were beautiful just like the beach water in front of her.

"There is something I want to ask," Agatha said.

"Sure, go ahead," Kiba replied.

"Zed was the name either your parents gave you... or the caretaker, " Agatha paused.

The name was something he had for all his life.

"But what about Kiba?"

Agatha asked curiously.

The second name was something he only used after he fused with Cosmic Spark... a little over four years ago.

Kiba lifted his head towards the sky.

Maybe it was his imagination... but the stars were patterned together to form the face of a woman.