
The Perfect Youth

Kiba teleported away, leaving Eva in a trance-like state. It took her a few minutes before she could collect her thoughts.

"What a cheeky rascal!" Eva thought with a smile. She didn't think much of his words even though they made her daze.

She knew his style of getting women in bed and was very well aware of how he liked to make sure women never forgot him.

It was not like she didn't have any feelings for him. She had felt that there was more than lust in her relationship with Kiba. But she didn't dare ask for more.

She had her own dreams, far different from Kiba's. In the world, there was no freedom unless one had enough power and influence. She wanted to gain enough power and influence so that she could become a master of her own fate.

Her father had ignored her existence in the company just because she was a woman even though she had shown great talent. Very early in life, she realized one couldn't gain what one wanted just because of talent. Sometimes, working hard was not enough, and in those times, one had to play dirty and unfair.

In her journey so far, she had masked her personality and dreams with a fake image. The image of a kind and shy woman radiating kindness. The world believed her to be an ideal conservative woman who only desired the well-being of her family. She fooled her family and her fiancé while she took steps for gaining power in secret.

She never felt guilty for using underhanded tactics because as far as she was concerned, the entire society was built of scums, including her.

There were times when she was tired of the society she so desired to rule. In such times, she would wish to leave society and spend the rest of her life with Kiba in a place far away from the corruption of the world. But then she would remember that Kiba didn't want to settle down, and the same applied to her. They knew what each of them wanted from their life and thus didn't want to be hindered by the shackles of love.

"That rascal might make me fall for him if he continues with his cheeky attitude," Eva thought as sleep took her. Deep in her heart, she wanted Kiba to stay true to the words he promised.

Unknown to her, Kiba actually meant what he said though he himself was unaware of it for now...


Nature's Harmony Neighborhood was located in the eastern zone of Delta City. The neighborhood was more like a small town. Living up to its name, the area was full of greenery and free from pollution. The houses in this community mostly belonged to the rich and powerful of Delta City.

There was one exception though: Dream Rise House.

Dream Rise House occupied an area of some 50,000 sq. feet; sufficient enough to look like a mansion but it was more of a high-tech villa. It was partly built over a waterfall, giving it a unique attraction.

The house was known as an exception because, as per the rumors, it was owned by a youngster with no powerful background.

If the gossips were to be trusted, the youngster used to live in a slum before he moved in here.

Some rumors say the youngster earned a lottery while some say he made big in a casino. Then some bizarre rumors claim that he was gifted this house by a wealthy businessman for rescuing his daughter's life. While a few claim that the youngster was actually a love child of a powerful government official.

While not everyone agrees on the origin of the youth, there were two things everyone in this area agreed on. Firstly, the youngster was well-mannered, and secondly, the youngster was an enemy to all men.

The first was confirmed when the people of the community learned that the youngster was a student of Royal Heart Academy. It was common knowledge that most of the academy students were anything but well-cultured. Yet in such an environment, the youngster didn't give in to the temptation of drugs, prostitutes, and power.

The youngster wasn't naive as well, seeing how he would show no mercy to his enemies. This trait only increased his reputation among the community because being kind-hearted and naive was something that would result in early death and exploitation.

The ex-girlfriends of the youngster claimed the youngster was good in bed as well. All his breakups had been amicable, with his ex-girlfriends saying the fault was theirs for not being good enough for him.

Such a perfect guy and yet, neither lecherous nor arrogant!

The ladies in the area believed the youngster was the perfect ideal husband material. The married women envied young females for they now had the opportunity to marry such a perfect guy.

The young males, on the other hand, hated the youngster to the core. Their parents would bombard them with lectures by saying how they should learn from the youngster. If that wasn't enough, the youngster was popular among female students.

How could young males not hate such a person? He was their natural enemy!

The name of this perfect youngster was Zed!