

Weisz House.

Cleo was startled by the words on the generalization of relationships. The culturing have established a set of expectations from a specific relationship.

If one goes again this set of expectations then one was considered a disgrace. It was especially true for women.

"Sisters often tease and irritate, but yet their love and care is something which no other relationship can give," Kiba smiled with memories flashing in his mind like a reel, "Yes, sometimes sisters are crazy but that's the real fun part. There is love involved in every action."

Invisible streams of energy released from his body to reinforce the room with an invisible force field.

"What the hell are you talking about?! And why are you here?!" Cleo opened his cell phone.

He didn't know why Kiba barged in his room at such late time, but he was sure it couldn't be anything good. He was aware of Kiba's reputation as a strong mutant so he wanted to prepare for a worst-case scenario.