
Launcelot's Underhanded Scheme


Under the bright sun, Launcelot rested on the ground. The protective item has helped him but the remnants of fire energy still burned inside him.

His expression was unsightly and this was especially true when he heard the discussion between Jenina and Zed.

Here, he did everything to fight for Jenina (and also to smash Zed's image), and yet, she was now engaged in a conversation with Zed.

They both were busy discussing who was to blamed...each taking responsibility. This only turned his rage stronger.

He needed help and care, and yet, the woman he has eyes on was busy telling the man responsible for his condition that he wasn't at fault!

Is there even any logic in this world?

Zed was at fault!

He wanted to shout but he couldn't. The exhaustion was getting up to him, and finally, it was others from the group who helped him.

Jenina realized her mistake of ignoring him, and she proceeded with him...